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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

found an old MTStars discussion (see inside)....you can google for more

Posted By: googler on 2006-07-14
In Reply to: Are there any traveling transcriptionists out there and do you like it.nm - MI-MT




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OMG, just found it myself! Your bad, MTStars.
MTSTars FlashType - link is inside
see link
Try out the MTStars FlashType demo. See link inside
see link
forgot link for MTStars Flashcount. See inside.
Found both on a Google Search
The reason I asked this is because the dictator spelled Tisseel, and I have always used Tisseal, and in doing a Google search, both of them are listed and both are used as tissue glue.  Just wondered if there was a difference.
Try the free demo of MTStars FlashType. Link inside.

See link below:

check google, link inside--sm
Found google icon by search bar onGab board
Found links inside....sm

(several here, some that cost, others for free)

You could probably find others by doing a Google search for "shareware fax programs" or something of the sort. Good luck!!
This is what I found comparing the 2.....inside
I jumped in 100% enthused to do VR with a good VR program, I really liked the resting of the wrists, etc. I learned the short cuts, implemented every help they gave but what I found was if I have to separate the headings on every op, take out sentences because the doctor changed his mind, add sentences or phrases, change phrases, add a, the, put in whole sentences that VR left out for no rhyme or reason, it didn't matter if I was just reading along and believe me this was a good VR program Ex-Text, I just couldn't double my lines and it drove me crazy all the changes I had to make. If I got 3 good dictations in a row, I found I would 3 bad dictations, and remember, new residents messed it all up all over again, all this for half pay.

I compared them side by side on another computer I finally got a job with another company for straight typing and found I could make $30 to $40 more a day straight typing, that is just average some days it was more. So, even though I liked the concept of doubling my lines to make the same money in less time, I don't think it can happen consistently, for me anyway.

I know these companies going to it push it relentlessly and almost desperately. I don't know why, they can't be taking a 30 to 40 dollar hit per Transcriptionist a day, there has to be some advantage that they push it so hard.

One last thing, I went into VR determined to give it my all and I did, but I was alway 500 lines of doubling my lines. Some days it was just constant changing of things other days 2 out of 3 of changing but no days of not changing dumb things.

Googled and found web site inside. sm

Has all the commands on there. Hope this helps you!
Ebay - found this on my first search - link inside
There are a lot on ebay from reputable sellers.


I've found this resource pretty useful for rehab work. Link inside.

Have this as one of my bookmarks - found this handy whilst handling rehab work. Hope this helps!


Now Released! MTStars FlashCount & Invoice Generator. Completely FREE to MTStars Visitors.

Freeware - No Registration or Purchase required.

Lines and Word counter software. Scans your documents for lines, words, spaces and generates real time invoices the way you want. Full customization to generate invoices to save or email to your clients.

Click on link below.


I received MTStars Flashtype and MTStars Internet Speller!
You might try MTStars FlashCount. It's absolutely free to MTStars visitors.


Yep, google has it goin on... I really like the google earth...
Have you tried Google earth? You can type in any address, street, city, state, country, etc. and it will zoom in and show the area and then you can hit the + button and zoom right in and see the exact house, building, etc. that you are looking for.
Mainly Google; I google the known words in the phrase (sm)
That's my most frequent tactic if I don't find the word in my word books. I'll play with leaving certain words out and adding them in, in various combinations, to try to get a hit that has a word which sounds like my blank. If I get a hit, I'll Google WITH that word, and see what hits I get, and what their source is (i.e.,checking the sources out for reliability). When I say 5 sites or searches, I mean I don't often try more than 5 different combinations without a serious hit. If I get a hit, then I will spend a little more time checking that out before I give up.

If it's a drug name, I use RxList, or more frequently the Drugs.com website. Since they redid RxList, I haven't found one that has quite as good a wildcard search, but Drugs.com works okay most of the time.

If it's a place name (like when they give names of outlying outreach clinics and etc.) I'll use Mapquest and look up the city my hospital is in, then "pan out" and look at the outlying towns.

Hope that's what you're looking for. I do have bookmarks, but I find that even the ones I think I'll visit again, I waste more time doing that than with an intelligent google search. An example is the time I was looking for "banana bag." The only place I managed to find it with a degree of reliability was on a nurses' message board. I've found quite a bit sometimes on the various specialty message boards out there, but I think the quickest way to locate that is through a search engine rather than bookmarking each individual site and trying to figure out which ones to search for a particular term.
Oh, I found it really creepy when you said you found the flowers not so skillfully arranged on your
steps, and from your own flower bed.  That's what I was worried about, having gone thru some psycho kids myself with my pups.  Someone's been in your yard and in your garden and at your door without your knowledge.  Its just creepy to me, and I'd still be very, very careful.  Especially valid sounded the other MTs warning you about potential fake molestation charges.  You just NEVER know nowadays, and these people have already turned on you big time once. Luckily (though I don't believe in luck), you had it on film to save yourself and your puppy.  You might not be that lucky next time, and the whole thing just sounds very unstable to me right now.  I know you feel sorry for the little girl, but probably the only time I have ever made BAD decisions regarding my life is when I felt sorry for someone, particularly kids.  My son even has an evil kid in his life, but one who has a million reasons for sympathy, and I was saying how we should "be bigger" than the situation and invite this kid over to play.  Thankfully, I regained my sanity long enough to remember - ever time I have done something like that on a personal basis for someone just because I feel sorry for them AFTER horrible behavior, it has always been a disaster... Be kind, but you don't have to risk your family again. Be kind from a distance.  Its sorry she went thru this horrible experience, but YOU didn't cause it, and its not really your problem.  But it could be your problem if this kid acts out in your life.  Know what I mean?
Trying to keep this discussion near the top... SM

not because I am egocentric and feel I need to be at the top, but because I just don't want to have to scroll down and look for it every time I have something to add.  So, it's not arrogance, it's convenience.  Also I would just like to add that I posted my "credentials" so to speak because I was asked to defend my position with what made me qualified to talk about poor MTs.

Anyway, I don't know if I could be classified as an old-timer as I've not had to transcribe on manual typewriters from belts, but I did start out in transcription in the late 80s, right before the internet boom.  So I did start out in an office with other MTs who could lend me an ear and give me advice, but most of them were old-timers who felt lost when the internet did hit and changed our profession forever.  So all of my computer skills, internet skills, and researching skills are self-taught out of necessity.  Because I took the time and made the effort to hone my internet and research skills, I moved up the transcription food chain and moved passed a lot of the old-timers who trained me.  I guess I just have no patience for "old-timers" who wear their years of experience like a badge of honor, but then use those same years as an excuse for not using the internet efficiently.

I am more than willing to educate or mentor an MT, whatever it takes, but the MT has to want and accept constructive criticism gracefully instead huffing and puffing about how mean and evil QA is.  Most of the time MTs ignore their feedback and make the same mistake again and again.  I can quote chapter and verse out of the BOS to an MT trying to illustrate why they are wrong and it will not matter.  They see "QA" on an email in their inbox and automatically hit delete without a passing glance.

I am not the enemy in this war called transcription.  MTs and QA should be allies against offshoring and we should be trying to elevate our status in health information chain, but we can't be allies and we can't accomplish anything if MTs are constantly paranoid that QA is "out to get them."  The sad truth is that eventually we QA people are going to have no other options except unemployment or educating the Indian MTs and ironically the Indian MTs will welcome any feedback that will help them get more work from American MTs.

To all those who posted that I have a big head and have launched personal attacks, I would say you the ones who are arrogant and big headed if you can't just accept that you are wrong sometimes and you can always learn something new and maybe you can learn that something new from me, the QA person who has proven her skills, passed a harder employment test, to get the QA job I have today.

You can call me names and insult me, but the truth hurts and obviously those who are defensive have reason to be.

Well, we were having this discussion about VR in -
the past, maybe 10 years ago, and it never amounted to much of a threat. Considering the amount of trouble I have (and the mistakes I make) just using the touch-screen in the supermarket self-checkout line, I wonder how it will work with your average, technology-challenged doctor.

I also have to wonder - how would such reports be QA'ed? I assume they'd go straight to a medical record, & with no voice file to check against, or worse yet, the doc doing his OWN proofing, I feel I could look into a crystal ball and say, 'I see lawsuits!'
Thank you, Google God. My google icon is
LOL same discussion on another board but it was regarding a SM

wildlife cam and people didn't want others posting about it - is the same thing as saying "I demand you entertain me by posting what *I* want to hear about."



this isn't a religious discussion...sm
I didn't ask for *religious* advice, I simply asked for opinions...that's not religious...I know what God thinks about this subject...
"House" discussion!!!

What are everybody's thoughts on the show tonight regarding House and Stacy.  Do you think he told her no because:

A:  He feels he is not good enough for her.

B:  He does not want to hurt Mark after Mark came to see him.

C:  He feeds off his misery and can't give that up. 

What a great show, great lines tonight.

See the recent discussion
on page 2 or 3 of the company board.
I do believe as stated in this discussion
that we should care for them. I just want to respond to some things said. Yes, our parents have decades to prepare. But my parents worked very hard and were extremely smart with their money and had a good savings when my Dad became ill. However, to put him in a nursing home is thousands of dollars a month. His insurance paid 0 for it and Medicare only paid 20 days. For him to stay it would have drained every pain fast (and it did) and then he would get state aid of course. If you can at all help it, a nursing home is NOT where you want to put a loved one. Some are great if you can afford them, but even the ones you think are good can be very remiss in care. Trust me, I've seen it. They're grossly understaffed and some employees should not be in that field, enough said. I don't and didn't at ANY time feel caring for my Dad was a burden. I did feel it was my responsibility. He's a member of my family. If my brother or sister became ill and had no family to care for them, I would certainly feel it's my responsible to at the very least help them get care but for certain to make sure they're cared for. I can't say how a person should feel towards an abusive parent since thankfully I have no experience in that. No, I wouldn't want to 'burden' my children with caring for me when I'm old. But if I raise them right and I happen to need care, I would hope they would feel privileged and blessed like I did, to help make sure I get what I need.
My involvement in this discussion ...
... was not meant to be inflammatory. I arrived on this site out of interest and was naturally drawn to this thread, however, I was not prepared to stand by while some of the posters spoke about Third World countries and denigrated our physicians and specialists - would you? I responded to an intelligent post by Dinosaur, I had no idea it would get as out of hand as this. The fact of the matter is our specialists do not outsource, they definitely do not send offshore. The work I do is for specialists for whom I physically worked for many years ago, the work I do offshore is not for any US companies, it is directly for physicians and specialists that have come to me via my website. I have had all of my clients for the past six years. Yes, I work for a lower rate of pay than you do, but I can assure you the cost of living is not cheap here; I need to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week and I am grateful for the work that I have and I really do value my clients. I turn the work around within 1 – 12 hours, they never have to wait for work. I am at the end of a line, all day, every day, should they need any urgent reports done. All I am saying is, do not underestimate people who live elsewhere in the world and their needs and willingness to work as hard as you do.


Interesting discussion about it
Over at MT Chat. One of the posters somehow found all the old info about the site ownership.
we had this discussion a while back -
The problem is, you are not increasing your pay, you are increasing your production. Of course they don't care how much you type because they are making money off all your lines - they want you to be productive - they don't care who produces. What you type is just something somebody else does not have to type.

Anyway, good luck - and I hope you make what you need to make. I for one have not had enough any work for 2 months and am sitting here from morning until night downloading jobs and typing them as they come in.

So far, I am a month behind on my rent and I don't know where the money is going to come from for it next month, because I am not making enough to pay it even if I don't pay anything else.
So, is the company in the discussion below

that is going to VR and dropping the rate from 10cpl to 3cpl MDI-MD?  I am dying to know what they are going to be paying for VR.  If they are dropping the rate that much, with their stellar reputation for caring about their transcriptionists, perhaps all hope is lost. 

Can somebody please spill the beans!

Check discussion below (sm)
about the microsoft ergo keyboard with the "zoom" key. Hope that helps!
I wasn't even talking about that discussion down there
because someone besides BusyMT was doing the same thing to other people, telling them what to do and how to feel.  Then this person was being overly dramatic and defensive whenever anyone responded to her, no matter how rational or emotion-free our posts were.  If it's not PMS, a full moon, or a hangover, what is it then?  Jealousy?  Bitterness?  Just because some of us CHOOSE this profession and can make decent money at it, why does this person have to attack us personally?  And WHY do the moderators let her get away with it?  If you hate this profession so much, find your heart's desire and go for it.  I promise you that there is something out there that will make you happy.  You just need to find it.  Flaming people anonymously on a message board is NOT your happy spot.
Isn't this considered a policitical discussion?
Along with daycare, mothers working, breastfeeding in public, cosleeping, religion, politics, and all those other hot topics that are just going to flame anyways?
To discussion of Katrina victims

Everyone is playing the blame game.  It doesn't matter who did what or did not do now.  What matters now is to go on with life and reach in our hearts (Although some of you do not seem to have one) and give to the less fortunate.  This disaster will not only effect those in the coastal areas.  This will effect the whole United States and the world in some form or another.  Louisiana had a population estimated at 4 million.  More than a 1/4 of that population is without homes.  Can you imagine the indignity they indure living in shelters?  As a Louisiana resident, I would like to point out that the victims in the media are not the only victims.  They are the poorest of poor.  They do have many families and individuals that are displaced, living with relative, hotel rooms, no jobs.  Other states have taken in many of the victims but there are small rural communities and cities all over Louisiana itself that have taken in these people.  In the small high school in my community, enrollment went up by 200 students almost doubling the student body.  The small Catholic school my son attends took in over 40 students. Grocery stores running out of food because the extra people and trucks being delayed.  The list of changes and difficulties go on. 

Like 9/11, this disaster will forever change America.  Not all of the changes will be bad although it seems that way now.  This is the time people should stick together and focus on the good things that are happening, not the few people that take advantage of the situation or the people who have no souls and think of themselves.  Take an active roll in helping these people, you are not only helping them, you are also helping yourself and the whole country.  I have visited the shelters and I have close friends who have actually gone to help with the rescue.  Again, this did not just happen to the gulf coast. 

I will continue to say an extra prayer for all victims, and especially those of you who seem not to have a heart or soul where others are concerned.

I had a similar discussion yesterday.

"Oh, you should get a job at the school district.  They need cafeteria workers and it would work great with your kids' schedules."

I don't think so!  They pay $7 an hour to feed and clean up after other peoples' munchkins!  If I *ever* decided to work outside the home again, it'd be something that uses my education and pays way more.  Hubby butted in and said that I make at least three times what they do in a year by working at home.  That started the, "Oh, really?  I've always thought about doing that.  Where do you work?"

It all started with a discussion about bankruptcy or something like that.
With this new board format, the name and email automatically get carried over to your next posts.  Honestly, it doesn't matter to me what name someone uses.  Sometimes you have to let people on these boards know your areas of expertise or else they'll keep on arguing even when they know nothing about the topic of discussion.  I happen to like fbm (former bank manager) because she's real and knows what she's talking about.
Bringing up hurricane discussion

Just for some other information.  When Hurricane Rita hit in Texas, i.e. Jasper, Beaumont area, these people were not prepared.  They were not prepared because hurricanes do not come in that far inland.  The Jasper area is one of the areas where most hurricane victims evacuate too.  There are people in that area that are still without power including elderly people and children.  Most of the surrounding areas (Pineland, Rosevine, Hemphill) are retirement areas.  These are also low income areas as well.  These people definitely would not have expected the hurricane to effect them in the way that it did, but it did.


Also, people in Lufkin and Nacogdoches, Texas were effected from it as well.  Again, a hurricane never has come close to these areas and these areas are also where evacuees come.  During the time we had evacuees from Galveston, Beaumont, Houston, and still the ones we had from Louisiana drained the resources that we did have here (not saying anything negative by this – just a statement).  None of the businesses could get trucks in to deliver gas, food, ice, water, etc.  When we did get gas delivered, the lines were so long that people were waiting 9-10 hours to get gas and of course by the time most got up there, it was gone again.  This went on for several days.  Even the Wal-Mart here and in Nacogdoches was only able to be open a few hours a day and for the first few days after the hurricane because of the amount of extra people in these areas, they finally had to limit the number of people they were allowing in the store at a time.


Some of you say, people should be prepared.  I do agree and especially more so if you live in a coastal area.  However, these people affected in the areas I mentioned above do not live on the coast; however, were heavily impacted by this natural disaster.  You are saying these people don't deserver help?!  Well let me tell you this.  When we had a lot of LA evacuees here, FEMA stepped in and for a lot (not all of course) they received $2000.00 for help with housing, another $600.00 for food, and there $400.00 for something else (honestly do not remember what it was).


However, my mother and father-in-law who are elderly went 14 days without power, lost everything in the freezer and refrigerator, and they are also raising 2 of their grandchildren (both young teenagers).  They were unable to get FEMA to help with anything. 


I guess the point is this.  Before spouting off about who needs to do what or who the government does or does not need to help (or where you tax monies go), you might want to think about the fact that this was a natural disaster and therefore, no one can ever really be prepared for one.  I hope none of you ever have to deal with anything like this.  It is not a pretty site in this area right now.  Clean up is still going on.  There are still trees down on houses and cars.  How would you feel if this were you? 


By the way, yes I do feel that my family was very lucky to come through it unscathed; however, some were not so lucky.


Just my 2 cents.

It is but there is nothing wrong with Christmas discussion here.


Discussion boards!! (can't resist, lol)

 and other distracting Internet surfing, neglected art projects on the desk behind me, sunny outside, new powder on ski hill, new German Shepherd pup....

There was a discussion not long ago that they outsource
I was checking into them, but when I read all the controversy over their outsourcing (one person said the owner was from India, I believe), I changed my mind. I can't remember what all was said, but maybe you can go back about a month or so ago and find the conversation. Good luck with your search!
Whenever I bid an account, I have a frank discussion about TAT...
really only ER and X-ray need dictation back within 24 hours. For the rest of 'em, it's just a convenience. I explain as a small MTSO I don't want to be the one telling the MT who is sick with the flu that she HAS to get it done. None of my clients have ever complained about their TAT, which range anywhere from 24-48 to 1 week.
Yes. Leave discussion of other websites off this one, please. (NM)
I didn't really mean to start that discussion
In my rather limited experience all nationals pay pretty poorly.  Honestly, 9 cpl is pretty good for a clinic account at a national.  I just didn't know how much of a difference the spaces make in the long run, nor do I have any idea how much paying for headers and footers will add (and those aren't typed).
This whole discussion has turned to blanks, but -
it's about so much more than that. That was only a fer-instance. What my rant is REALLY about is that we are an educated and skilled specialty in the world of white-collar business. I can't understand why our country has allowed a decent-paying job to be trashed by outsourcing.
We lose money, so we end up paying less taxes. The big corporations are given a tax-break by offshoring, so they pay less taxes. The offshore workers pay no taxes. So where is the benefit if I finally give up and go on the dole in order to survive. One more taxpayer bites the dust. If we ALL go, the poor little wealthy darlings of the upper class will start having to pay their fair share and more, if there is no longer a middle class whatsoever.

Speech recognition discussion

In reading the news release posted below about Nuance buying escription, I was wondering how different SR platforms are working for us MTs.  I do ASR on DQS and have found that on my main account the ASR is pretty good, so I don't have to make tons of changes. 

I tend to like doing the speech recognition and here is why I think that is so in my case: 

If I get my primary account it recognizes pretty well and I don't get much junk to have to change. 

Also, I can usually turn the speed to the fastest whereas straight transcription is usually about the halfway point for me, so I think I am getting it done faster. 

Another thing is that I never did get into the habit of really tweaking my Expander the way a lot of other MTs have.  I have seen some say they put anything that takes more than 3 characters into an expander.  I am getting better about this but not to that degree, so I think SR is faster for me. 

I think I have some carpal tunnel issues starting up so I can't transcribe for as long a stretch as I can edit. 

All that being said, about 25% of my work still comes through as straight transcription and it is a good thing because that significantly affects my hourly rate for the better, so I am not losing lots of $, although I have lost some.

So my question is two-fold:  If you do SR, what system are you using?  What has things specifically have made it better/worse for you?


Per discussion below...don't question, just type.
If they want to pray...type it.

If they want to swear...type it.

Who are we to question what goes in the medical record.
Did anyone hear the discussion on radio last night about (sm)

If this evolves as planned, there will be no typing at all by 2010. 

Oh, not this discussion again. I haven't had a credit card
account in over 10 years now, and I do just fine.  That includes reserving hotel rooms and rental cars, buying plane tickets.  I live on a cash basis within my means.  Nobody needs a credit card.
If I were you, I'd take the hospital job, but ONLY after a very clear and frank discussion w/
the woman who has been refusing to hire you for the last few years. Why would she hire you NOW and not then? Is there a problem you or she need to address? But frankly, you could take a LOT less at the hospital, when you figure in, ON PAPER YOU SHOULD DO THIS, but figure in the 2-3 months down time every year, and the $600 a month in insurance. If you are over 45, you should count, too, on having niggling health problems coming up, and you could need paid time off AND non-cancellable health insurance for that.

If you and the hiring lady can iron out the wrinkles, I'd much prefer the hospital.
Is this for a conference, round-table discussion, or what? nm