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Anyone who thinks infanticide A-OK....

Posted By: sam on 2008-10-09
In Reply to: yeah, don't bother - ExMQMT

don't even know how to BEGIN to categorize. Blinded and cult-like are certainly close. Don't you think that basic human morality precludes infanticide??

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well, either is a guy who supports infanticide...
and McCain has always supported rehab not incarceration for first-time offender users and harsher penalties for dealers and international cartel kingpins. His wife is not a dealer and is not an international cartel kingpin. Get your facts straight.

Biden, not too long ago, said he would be proud to be on a ticket with John McCain. Yes, WITH. And now he is going to have to do a major flip flop and cut him to ribbons. Any respect I EVER had for him is gone.
He is not fit to be vice president either.
Is infanticide on that list?
All righty then....let's talk about abortion...and infanticide....
planned murder, not natural disaster. Leaving babies to die in soiled linen rooms. McCain has never been for it, never will be for it. Obama voted against the Infants Born Alive bill twice. And abortion has killed more Americans than all natural disasters and all wars combined. So if we are going to talk about body counts, it is a lot higher on your side.

When is someone on your side going to stand up and admit some culpability in that???
Bottom line...are you in favor of infanticide? nm
My belief? "late-term abortion" or partial-birth abortion" = infanticide, it is sickening
So in these cases I do think, as in most things, there is no ABSOLUTE, but a judicious guideline for this should be investigated and established by the medical community, as far as survival/outcome, but then we must be willing to prosecute mothers and doctors who go outside the guidelines...with established jail terms....and more money to house these "criminals" for years. Why not let God by the ultimate judge, He has the wisdom and the power, and eternity without God is worse than anything we as humans can mandate, don't you think?
let me tell you what my son thinks -
My son voted for McCain - his reasoning? "Well, it don't matter, we are gonna be in a war whoever gets it". Exact words...

When I asked him why he voted McCain, he said he did not know, that's just who he chose when he had to mark something.

When I asked him about issues, again, he did not know.

When we talked about the economy and everything that has been going on in the last months, he did not know anything about it. Said they were not allowed any newspapers or TV and so they did not know what was going on in the world.

Of course, he is in basic training, but those boys should be allowed to have information also so that they can make an informed decision. How many of those 18 year olds really know what they just voted for? Obviously not many if my son's respones to me are the norm.

And you know what, my son wants to come out and he thinks the military is going to pay for his college. Did you happen to see the link I posted below about McCain voting against the extra funding for the GI bill? My son did not have a chance to find that out before he voted...

I don't know who thinks they are the
highly educated on this board, you or gourdpainter. You 2 have a lot in common! You really do need a breath of fresh air, honey. They sure didn't teach you about respect in that (now get ready) college...
Thank you! And anyone who still thinks he's
a Muslim is an uninformed idi*t. I wish people would at least educate themselves before voting....
Me thinks you are right......... sm
Might want to hit the farm and ranch store and stock up on seeds for planting come spring. And hang on to those newspapers.......just in case! LOL
I think we all know how well he thinks
showed us this at his big fiasco on the Rick Warren special, which was the only time during the entire campaign he was caught without his teleprompter. He stuttered and stammered half of his time away instead of answering the questions. And now, his so-called press conferences are prearranged. He knows who he is going to call on when he steps on stage and I feel sure he has given the reporters the questions they are allowed to ask. He is one sly, smooth-talking devil alright, and you betcha, he thinks about what he is going to say carefully before he says it!
So now you know what God thinks...wow...

To use your God to promote prejudice...Christian?  Christian means to follow Christ..and Christ NEVER presumed to know what the Father God was thinking.  Get away from me!!!

No - he just THINKS he is on TV
He's only that great in his own mind.

Actually most of the posts in support of TS are just TS using different monikers. Read some of them, you will see the pattern...
Oh and I really DON'T care what he thinks. sm
I mean none of us really should, liberal or conservative.  I don't know about you, but as I hit the middle ages of my life, I have way more to worry about than what some overpaid actor thinks about anything.  It just isn't real h igh on my list of things I care about.  Now that I am back in school, and really struggling to find a career that will last me the rest of my life, I have even less time for things like this. 
I cannot argue with someone who thinks as you do.
You decry killing of innocent civilians when they are Muslim only.  Israeli have lived with killings for decades. Where was your pain then? 
Not everyone follows what the pope thinks
Well, wonder what the general thinks about...
the 500 metric tons of yellowcake uranium that was just moved out of Iraq to Canada...Ms. Valerie Plame said during that big scandal that Hussein did not even have access to it...and now we have...uh...500 metric tons of it removed from Iraq. The Bush Administration and new Iraqi government kept it secret so the terrorists operating there would not target it until they could get it out of there. Got any idea how much 500 metric tons is? There's your reality check. Hussein was everything Clinton and his admin and Bush and his admin said he was. And he DID have WMD...he used it on his own people. Reality check indeed.

As to abortion...and Roe vs. Wade. Roe vs. Wade is illegal on its face. Activist judges struck down a law and made a new one, and they cannot do that by the Constitution. Only the COngress on state and federal level can enact law. FOr that reason alone it should be struck down.
It's all about choice? Then why can a mother drown a 2-day-old baby and that's murder? That's a choice as well. Why can't a person just shoot someone they find annoying and inconvenient? That's a choice.

Maybe it is not a priority to you, my friend. It is to me. So you vote for the man who will give you the right to choose, and I will vote for the man who at some point will stand up for the Constitution and not install activist judges who pick and choose which parts of the Constitution to uphold.
Better than a mortal who thinks....
he is God.
Me thinks he has been scrutinized
very well, and everything they come up with has been shown to be lies or fantasy.  Ask yourself why congressmen would endorse Obama if there was something to hide, i.e. Muslim, extremist, Ayers, whatever else you would like to throw at him. Now they're saying he grew up in Pakistan.  Silly season.
You just might have a big surprise me thinks. lol.

This is hilarious! Anyone who thinks
this post and answers are for real, stand on your head!
Well the O thinks he's above the law - see article


I don't the SC takes too kindly to people who think they are above the law.
Wonder what Hillary thinks of this...
WASHINGTON (AP) - The wife of Vice President-elect Joe Biden let it slip that her husband had a pick of two jobs in the Obama administration.

Jill Biden said President-elect Barack Obama gave Biden the choice of being secretary of state or vice president.

Her comment came when the Bidens made a surprise appearance on Oprah Winfrey's show, recorded at the Kennedy Center.

The vice president-elect tried to hush his wife as soon as the words came out of her mouth, with a loud "shhh!"

Jill Biden said the job of vice president was better for the family, because as secretary of state he would travel too often.

That is how his mind thinks.
Do not trust him.
Oh, no doubt of that for sure! He thinks
he's gonna "save us from ourselves" because us dumb little Americans don't know what's best for us....HE DO!!

Of course, he also knows there are plenty out there who are more than happy to have the govt do all their thinking for them and are dumb enough to actually believe that is the government's job in the first place, so he has no trouble passing his crap off to them as something good!!

Obama thinks we have
nothing to lose by giving ''playing nice'' a shot.  How could anyone continue to hate us if we apologize nicely, stop fighting, ask them to cease their jihad, and then maybe give them a bunch of money in reparations?  Isn't that an offer Radical Islam can't refuse?
Anyone who thinks that the Founding Fathers >>>
intended the country to be run like a Christian theocracy is an ignoramus, a moron, or both.
I don't have to be tolerant of anyone trying to shove his religion down my political throat.
A Canadian thinks someone else is strange.
I wonder what Cindy McCain really thinks about
same here....I wonder what Michelle Obama thinks
she knows Biden does not care for her husband and has actually said he is not the man for the job of President. Boy, that must be a tense/false/forced smile when they get together.
Who cares what Europe thinks? They are no
Why do you care what Europe thinks?
CP says that he thinks Obama has the potential...sm
to be an exceptional president. That being said, I think that we are all in for very hard times whoever is elected president. I have the utmost confidence in the poor and middle class's ability to ride out the hard times. We have done so many times it is like second nature. Obama gives me hope that he cares and understands our plight and has the intelligence to surround himself with brilliant people and bring openness and light into our government instead of continuing secrecy and partisen politic as usual. One can only hope and pray.
Would you hire someone who can't can't to four? Thinks J-O-B-S has three letters
And his list goes on and on ad nauseum.

He's the real joke in the #2 slot this year, on the dem. side
So what do you thinks explains SP's incomprehension
and what does it say about the campaign management and her running mate that they have yet to equip her with even a rudimentary understanding of what they may expect from her?
If Mrs. M thinks Fox is illegal and Rush too, obviously she's not for...
free speech, and that is Marxism, socialism, and communism.

The fairness doctrine is fair only to the far left media.

All your civil liberties will go down the tubes, and obama supporters could care less.

Ignorance at its finest.
He THINKS he's gonna take guns away..
the NRA is one of, if not the most, powerful lobbying organizations in the nation. Don't think many would stand for that.
What McCain really thinks of Obama.
Obama thinks there are 57 states...he can't even...
get it right in his OWN country. He tried 3 times and still did not get the right number. Gimme a break. You wouldn't have known how many NAFTA or CAFTA countries if it hadn't been in the article you're quoting. Gimme a breakkkk. lol.
uh oh I thinks someone hurt her feelers.
did she leave us? 
This is what Russia thinks will happen


Because of our economy, United States will be split:  The Pacific area, The South, Atlantic area, etc.  As for Alaska?  Could be Russia's for the taking. 

What is amazing to me about Alaska is Palin.  Palin was not to be our next VP, but it sure shows Russia who she is and how she tries to fight for Alaska.  Of all states, Alaska came out of no where during the election and shows what Alaska has to offer including Palin who will fight for her state against Russia.   

Normally, intelligent people thinks for themselves
She probably thinks she WROTE the Bible.
JTTB thinks everything is funny

She just laughs like a loon over everything.  I think she was in my eighth-grade English class. 

''Miss JTTB, please sit up straight, stop doing your nails and pay attention.  Do you think life is always going to be a joke?" 

"Huh?  Um...like...yeah?" 

Naw, C. Mudgeon thinks he did ALL this as a teenager!!
He also says he thinks 'labeling' is important....well, I
Quick b4 they melt. She thinks global
Who the heck is Parker, and who cares what she thinks.
Anytime anyone says anything against Gov. Palin the dems will jump all over it, "guess who so-n-so said that Gov. Palin should get out". What's going to be next "Harry the garbage man said Gov. Palin should get out", then that will be posted all over the place. I have never heard of this Parker lady and I doubt very much she has any knowledge about Gov. Palin. Maybe we should stop listening to all insignificant people. For as many people who say Gov. Palin should get out there are an equal number saying she is doing just fine, and many more saying Biden should have never been selected as VP.
Yeah, the country thinks things are bad now?
I don't think Cindy McCain thinks period.
Not at all impressed with her. 
No wonder Europe thinks this country is full of
More like she thinks she should be the one up front giving the speech.
That would have been great to see Obama turn around and smack that simpy smirk off her face. She wanted to make sure she got her camera time because she thinks she's more important. I can't stand that woman!