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Better yet, to all those in coal country or who have

Posted By: onlyinamerica on 2008-11-02
In Reply to: Thought you all would find this interesting - Backwards typist

anyone who works in the field, look for the link for the radio interview saying he would bankrupt the coal industry. Hmm, PA, VA, WV, etc, hope you are prepared for long unemployment lines. Just type in obama bankrupt coal, there are many links to the interview.

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the coal country in PA?
Baloney, I live in coal country and I should know
Maybe you should look up some statistics from real sources.
Got it. Thanks. BTW, coal is the
only industry left in my county. NAFTA destroyed the garment and shoe industry here. Unless we work at home, we must travel 30-50 miles for a decent job.
"Clean coal (sic)" is a lie
I can tell from your hysteria that you know nothing about peak oil.

so i'm not doubting there is coal in PA
Coal Technology

Found this very interesting site on coal technology. It explains a lot about clean oil technology and what's being done. On the right side of the screen is a map of the U.S. If you click on that, then choose a dot on the map, it tells you what research is being done now.

Read some of the articles. Surf the site.


The coal fields are already bankrupt
There aren't many going today thanks to the Miner's Safety Board. Small mines are being shut down every day because the MSB thinks anthracite coal is the same as bituminous coal, but they are 2 different mining techniques.Yet, anthracite miners have to follow the regulations of bituminous mining.
Am I getting senile? Did I mention coal? LOL
Bankrupting the coal industry

I opened my post, and the text was there.  I saw an empty box with the "dead x," so that may have been what didn't go through.

Were you unable to read the text, too?  Try going to OneNewsNow.com (Fred Jackson) - 11/3/2008 7:35:00 AM, and you should be able to open it.  That should be the easiest.

When my grandparents came over from Italy via Ellis Island (& legally, too!), they settled in Monongahela, PA.  My grandfather worked in the coal mine, & they managed to raise 9 kids, all who went on to get doctorates, DDS, etc.  So it can be done (sorry for the memory lane)! 

LMK if you can open it, etc.  Setting family aside, I respect the hard, dangerous work these coal miners do.  The Global Warming (now named Climate Change) goofs are behind this, too.  It's a joke--on us.


More food for thought on coal

I just watched the video where he stated he was going to put such high caps and make the coal industries pay mucho dollars and hopefully bankrupt the coal industry. BUT, he also stated he would use dollars they must pay if they want to use coal, for clean energy policies like wind power, etc.

 So, that said, how does he intend to pay for all his other energy technology if he bankrupts the coal industry and businesses that use coal? After all, if he bankrupts the businesses that use coal which, by the way, is most electric power plants, whose pocket will he be dipping into for the money for his clean energy policies???

Talking out of both sides of his mouth again.

I see part of the problem-COAL way down
Since O made the statement about the coal industry, coal, steel, and iron have all dropped.
One coal mine survivor...see article

TALLMANSVILLE, W.Va. - In a stunning and heartbreaking announcement, mining officials told family members early Wednesday that 11 of the 12 trapped coal miners initially thought to have survived a mine explosion had died.

The devastating news came more than three hours after relatives gathered at a nearby church had heard that 12 of the miners survived the disaster. Rescue crews found the first victim earlier Tuesday evening.

“It’s sorrow beyond belief,” Ben Hatfield, chief executive officer of mine owner International Coal Group, said during a news conference.

Gov. Joe Manchin said that, “about the confusion, I can’t tell you of anything more heart-wrenching than I’ve ever gone through in my life. Nothing.”

“I can feel the outrage,” he later told NBC’s “Today” show, referring to the anger from the victims’ families.

Manchin said the state would investigate the cause of the explosion, the miscommunication and the mine’s numerous safety and health violations last year. “We’re going to look into this,” Manchin vowed.

John Bennett, whose father Jim Bennett was one of the victims and had been due to retire in April, complained that his father would “tell me how unsafe the mine is.”

Problems at the mine had been “going on for months ... and they still send men in,” Bennett told “Today,” adding that he felt that if the mine owner had allowed workers to unionize the violations wouldn’t have happened.

Information on the coal/power issue...sm
I got this information from someone who is a broker for electricity in our area. She knows how much power is received from various resources and what those resources are and how dependent we are on them as a nation.

Here is my question to her.....

"How much of our electric power is dependent on coal, and how would a cap and trade policy imposing high penalties on coal plants impact the cost of the electric power for the consumer?"

Her answer was.....

"Our portfolio is about 55% coal. The last legislation that was proposed would raise the cost of power by about 20-30%. Which calculates into about a 10-15% increase in the price of our power. Last month Deep East charged .098057 per kilowatt hour. It could go to 11 or 12 cents power kilowatt. If that happens my bill would go from $120 to $138. Of course, that fluctuates depending on the amount of hydro power we get out of three dams and how high natural gas prices are."

I then asked her the following:

"No, this is great, actually. Thanks for the info. I'm trying to understand how Obama's plan, if he goes into office and gets his legislation passed, to place a cap and trade on the coal industry. He had promised that it would bankrupt the coal industry and skyrocket the consumer's electric bill as the power companies would have no choice but pass the cost on to the customers. My next question is, though, if he does this and does manage to bankrupt the coal industry, driving it out of existence, will there be enough alternative resources to support the nation's power requirements or will we all be sitting in the dark?"

Her answer..........

"Should he be able to do this the country would go dark. Our nation relies on about 50-60% coal fired generation for its electricity. Everyone is scrambling NOW to build new generation to cover expected load growth. It takes about 3-4 years to plan, get government approvals and build a power plant. With our nation already being short on power supply this could really put a major kink in things."

Better stock up on batteries NOW!!!!

Obama Plan Jeopardizes Thousands of Coal Jobs/his words

Obama Plan Jeopardizes Thousands of Coal Jobs

Fred Jackson - OneNewsNow.com - 11/3/2008 7:35:00 AM

The nation's coal industry is in shock today with word that Barack Obama plans to put such severe penalties on coal-fired power plants that it will bankrupt them. A coalition of business leaders says such a move would jeopardize the jobs of hundreds of thousands of people who work in the coal industry.

Senator Obama's plan for putting severe financial penalties on coal-fired power plants has been made public on a YouTube video which contains audio of comments he made in San Francisco in January 2008.

"What I've said is that we would put a cap-and-trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else's out there," the Democratic presidential candidate said. "I was the first to call for a hundred-percent auction on the cap-and-trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases that was emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted-down caps that are imposed every year.

"So if somebody wants to build a coal power plant, they can," Obama concluded. "It's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greeenhouse gas that's being emitted."

A press release from the Western Business Roundtable is calling on politicians of all stripes to denounce such a plan, and encouraging voters to hold those politicans accountable for whether they support the coal industry.

Below is the actual audio - click to listen.


No. I love the country side in Alabama...I'm a country girl...nm

Yes killing this country - have you been out of the country the last 3 months or so
Don't you have a clue as to what is happening in America? Where have you been? Don't you listen to what is happening or are you still drinking the kool-aid. That time is over. Put the aid down and wake up. The country is being destroyed. These have been the worst 4 months in the history of bad presidents. Foreclosures are on the rise, unemployment is on the rise, 3+ trillion more in deficit and on the rise, companies shutting down, Clinton for SoS. Napolitano - one of the biggest tragedies to happen to America. The list goes on and on and on and on.

Dubya is not in office anymore. You think dubya "pulled the trigger", well the O keeps reloading it and continues to pull the trigger.
this country

Please remember this country and its founding Christian principles were legislated by slave-owners, a practice that was condoned for another 100 years in this country, along with the near-annihilation of this country's indigenous peoples.

The past may not be as rosy as you might paint it to be.

Well, I don't think this country had anything to do with it....
and I don't think Musharraf himself had anything to do with it. That is not to say that radicals within the intelligence services of Pakistan did not have a hand in it. The way it was done, they probably did. With the goal in mind of stopping the elections and causing destabilization...and perhaps a chance to get their hands on nukes, that we all know Pakistan has. Nukes ready to use.

This is a very scary event, folks. Not just for Pakistan...for the world.
Just as an aside....if you really look at what is going on in this country....
Ron Paul is more of a threat than you think. Evangelical Christians want someone pro-life and they are not going to get it with Guiliani...and whether you believe it or not, there are a LOT of them out there. And a lot of young people are looking at Paul, and that is young people on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. And in most all issues, Ron Paul is a strict conservative. And a lot of people out there are VERY sick of tax and spend...even a lot of Democrats...hence the Congress approval rating LESS than Bush's. There is a ground swell going on out there that could very well take over and tsunami the Dem candidate...and if the candidate is Hillary I would be willing to BET it will happen. Your worst nightmare realized. A true conservative in the White House and a Congress to help him turn things around. The purse strings are sure to really tighten (which is what I meant by gravy train about to end...by that I meant the endless tax and spend tax and spend).

Almost makes one giddy thinking about it.

I myself have a couple of real problems with Ron Paul...however...I could get behind him easier than I could Guiliani and so could a LOT of conservatives out there. So....I wouldn't be trashing Ron Paul and hawking that split the vote thing too loud...it could come back to bite you.

Have a good day!
country first

Theme of RNC.  Sarah Palin was member of a group who advocated Alaska seceding from United States.  Who first?  Wno on second?


How are you get along with a country...
run by a man who calls for the annihilation of another country? As Ahmadinejad has said ad nauseam. Sure Mahmoud, let's sit down and talk about obliterating Israel. And that pesky little Death To America slogan...we need to talk about that. Have some tea.
Probably do everything they can to keep this country
from going to h*ll in a hand basket!!!!!
but it's okay with me if the country
If we had done to their country
We would have been in jail. Can you imagine going to a foreign country, standing on a corner until you got a job, sending your kids to school even though they did not speak the language and expecting to be accommodated, buying a house, car, getting a foreign credit card, not paying taxes, sending the money out of the country, and then trying to say you had rights to citizenship? It really boggles my mind when I think about it. And in my neighborhood we just loved and accepted everyone who came and were gracious and generous. I even took Spanish classes so I could speak to my neighbors. Then they left. They lost their jobs and they lost their homes and they left. The whole neighborhood is devastated, the school closed down and the houses are all empty. The really funny thing is to even get a job for awhile in my area, you had to be able to speak Spanish! What can you say, but that is absolutely insane!
What are you saying here? It's their country
Heads down? What does that mean? This transition is inevitable and I do not see anything wrong with the Iraqis expecting troops to live by the rule of law...their law. Iraqi is a sovereign nation, not an occupied territory (illegal by international standards).
I think everyone in THIS country should take off their
Just saw the video. Cracked me up.
You mean OUR country, don't you?
You may not be ashamed of America, but your love-it-or-leave-it attitude brings shame down on you. Country of diversity. Deal with it.
Please name one country---
Please give me the name of one nation in the history of humankind that grew great on the basis of 'gee, you like me, you reall, really like me.'

I don't think it's a good thing at all to have a pu$$isifed president apologizing for America. He's a weakling, and our country is not safe.

Do you remember the hostages in Iran? Do you remamber how long they were locked up by those monsters?

And the instant we elected a strong leader (Reagan) we got them home. Now we're getting the reverse effect. We've just become the world's byotch.

What's Obama going to do when he's faced with the next attack? Besides blaming Bush once again, I mean.
Country First??
So in the midst of an economic crisis that McCain never understood ("the economy is not my strong point"), he figures now is a good time to exploit the recession and collect email addresses and raise campaign money. That's what his Country First PAC is about.

He also laments "...partisanship driving our attempts to turn the economy around..." How can he say this with a straight face? Which party is engaging in partisanship with regards to the stimulus bill? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

And what's McCain's alternative? Payroll tax cuts? That's gonna turn our economy around? Please. The guy offers nothing else except the attitude that if the Democrats want it, it has to be bad. This is from a guy who lost the election in a landslide and was totally out of touch with the vast majority of the American people.

At least if you're gonna sign his petition, do try to find out what's actually in the bill.
our country
our country
our country
our country
Anti-patriotism is the ideology that opposes patriotism; it usually refers to those with cosmopolitan views and is usually of an anti-nationalist nature as well. Normally, anti-patriotism stems from the belief that patriotism is wrong since it forces people born in a country, whether they like it or not, regardless of their individuality, to love the country or sacrifice themselves for it
our country
Keep it up. This is why our country is going
Yes we can...fuc& the country over and have everyone behind us!
Which is exactly why our country is the way it is
The whole -if it feels good, do it- mentality has put our society right down the crapper and opened the door for gay marriages and who knows what else can be far behind.
Yes, I am. I have never seen our country

in such turmoil. If they keep it up, we won't be a super power country much longer, only a weak nation like the poorer middle east countries and indonesia with no power or say on what happens to us.


Thank God someone in this country still
Everything is not fine in our country

... but I will put my flag up on the 4th of July. 

I find it so sad that our country is so very divided and the ugliness and meaness has come out of everyone's mouths.

It seems that some of it is the religious versus the nonreligious, the gay and the hetero, our way or no way..

no matter who is president, we are all equal and should all be treated wiht respect.




We have had several posters here from out of this country.
They were dispatched post haste by the people on this board because they did not espouse their views. 
Country's problems...
We will have to agree to disagree on some things. But is nice to know that we also agree on some things. One more step toward the unity that this country SO desperately needs. We need that feeling we all had the morning of 9-11...not the horror, but the unity standing shoulder to shoulder that no matter what, we were Americans and we would stand together. We need that back, and we should not need a national disaster to get it back. But I digress. I don't think we can blame this country's problems on Bush. Most of them are long-standing, where there when he took office and will be there when he leaves. That is because Congress never goes to Washington and does the work of the people. They are the body with the power to change things. They just don't have the guts to do it. And, frankly, the base of the Democratic party has gone so far left I don't even recognize it anymore. But again I digress.

As to people formerly in the petroleum industry....Bush is from Texas. You can't throw a rock in Texas without hitting someone in the petroleum industry. Same for my home state, Oklahoma. I don't think being in the petroleum industry qualifies you as causing the nation's problems.

I don't know how you can profess, with all due respect, to know someone's heart. One of the things I believe about Bush is that he DOES care about the American people, and he demonstrates that by trying to stop things he thinks will be detrimental to them. Kinda like a parent and a child...you can't give them EVERYthing they want, because it would not be good for them. I do not think it is "I do what I want" at all. He just does not cave to every political wind that blows....he doesn't pander...and that makes him stand out from all the panderers in Washington. Taking a firm stand against the political wind is NEVER a popular stand to take. I for one am glad he has the courage to do so. That being said, I don't agree with every decision he has ever made, and I doubt I will ever agree with every decision any President makes. However, he was one of the few I saw break down and cry over 9-11. And he is also the man who held this country together after that horrible disaster. We looked to him to be strong and decisive, and he was. I will always admire him for that. Always. Again, doesn't mean I agree with everything he has said or done. But I am still able to see the good things he did and is still trying to do. I remember the picture of he and the daughter of that woman killed on 9-11, and the tears in his eyes...and I have seen how much he has aged since 9-11. You will never convince me that that man does not care about the American people. I never saw Clinton cry. I never saw not one congressman or woman cry. I have never seen a President engage the common American the way Bush has...I had the distinct pleasure to be at a speech he gave and much to the extreme displeasure of his Secret Service people, he goes right up very close to crowds where it could be very dangerous for him...and engages the people. He did it in Louisianna and Mississippi after Katrina. If you talk to the people he sat on the porches with, they will tell you that he has a heart. He also put a sizeable chunk of his own money into Katrina relief. He didn't have to do that. But he did. Nope, you will never convince me that George Bush does not care about his fellow Americans. Sometimes caring carries the responsibility of making the hard decisions, even if they are unpopular ones. And I have to admire him for that too. None before him have semeed willing to do that...if it meant danger to their political future, they will sway with every wind that blows. It is THAT kind of person whose care for fellow Americans concerns me.

God bless!
You seriously, seriously need to move out of the country sm
with that way of thinking because I EARN my money, GREW UP ON WELFARE and absolutely refuse to be poor! I work my DAM* A** off every single day and those so called people you keep saying "need our help" with the use of my tax money can get a job just like I can.

I was also diagnosed with dyslexia while in grade school and that didn't stop me from living the American Dream.

Yes, I am a conservative because I don't want my hard-earned money to pay for those who can help themselves. And guess what??I don't even listen to Rush or Glen Beck, OR watch Oprah! I don't like any of those people! I like my freedom to earn my own money, buy my OWN health insurance and don't want Hillary, Obama, or even another Republican telling me that MY money should go to pay for YOUR NATIONAL HEALTHCARE PLAN!

I want my govt to protect me and my family, not pay for the woman down the street with no job on welfare or even pay for her kids health insurance. I have 3 kids myself. How come I can do it with my diagnosis and she can't??

I have an even grander idea. Why don't you, and all of your liberal friends who want to pay for national healthcare of GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS cut Uncle Sam a check every 2 weeks to pay for these programs and let me use my money to do with what I please......
I think the entire country knows how old he is...
I think they use the picture of him in his uniform to underscore his military service...which I don't think hurts his cause but helps it, in this world we live in now.

As to his mind...that is kind of a cheap shot, don't you think? I haven't seen any evidence of an unsound mind. Obama is not "old" but take him away from a teleprompter or a planned statement and he stumbles and stutters with the best of them...just trying to be fair here.
You must live in another country! Sorry, but the
I was better off, made more money, paid lower taxes, and had more job security during the Clinton Administration than now. Same with all my MT friends & co-workers.
Apparently, so does more than 1/2 the country.
Not when the rest of the country = 61%
Our country is definitely divided.

He11....just look at this board.  LOL! 

I think it took a lot of guts for her to come out and say she was supporting McCain.  I saw part of her interview this morning and she gave a great interview. She was very well spoken and said a lot of good things. 

At least he knows how many states are in the country..
he is running to be President of. Hee hee.
This country is in such trouble.

I will not vote for someone who wants to create more government assisted programs.  We are in deep crap now because of government spending.  That will only make our economy worse.  All of our money will be put into government programs, the spending will go up instead of down, and all the money we dish out in taxes to pay for all of this crap will most definitely not go towards our deficit.  It will only get bigger than it is now and it is HUGE right now.  There is no way that Obama can only go after rich people and tax them more.  It still wouldn't be enough to pay for all these "plans" he has.  God help us!


Actually, the founders of this country
were very radical.  Just the very fact they went against Great Britain was radical.  Don't you think dressing up as Indians and then throwing tea into the Boston Harbor was not radical? Yep, this country was founded by radicalism.  Sorry to burst your bubble about radicalism.  Radical, radical, radical.