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If f the Hufpo, MSNBC, Daily Kos bathrobe pundit sheeple

Posted By: are so stupid, how then on 2009-01-14
In Reply to: Intellect.... - haha

did they manage to pull off the 7.2% margin/192 electoral vote mandate in Nov and what does that that say about all you Bush babblers who couldn't figure out how to outsmart them?

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Daily Kos, HufPo, Democratic Underground, NY Times, MSNBC.....
Bill Maher, the list goes on and on......
sorry, kool-aid...or daily kos-drinkers...or daily kooks....nm
And what color is your bathrobe?

Olbermann is an idiot pundit.
He has not now, nor has he ever been a newsperson. He needs to go back to interviewing sweaty football players.  He's a dunce.
The bathrobe pundits should start
their own forum where intellectual talk will abound, along with recipes for tater tot casserole, you can discuss the latest Oprah book and who you think is going to win American Idol!
Aww, you bathrobe pundits know so much and are always correct! I bow to the
slaving MTs of the world...you can now solve the worlds problems without getting dressed for the day!
Williams confronts neocon pundit Kristol.sm
John Feehery, Repug pundit, admits
on Hardball with Chris Mathews that Obama DID NOT call Palin a pig!  Of course, I knew that, but there's the proof.
re sheeple

When I saw the "sheeple," I naturally thought about Savage's soundbyte when referring to all of us basically waiting for the shoe to drop.  He's used sheeple for years, and now he puts the sheep noise with it.  While it's horrible in reality, it's funny to hear on the radio.

This is a huge mess.  Bush actually tried to get this thing under control 14 (I believe that's the # I've heard repeatedly now) since 2001.  That I believe.  But this latest move about the bailout is just nuts, regardless of whose mouth it comes from.  The perception that Wall St. is a bunch of Republicans is actually false.  I do care, but also don't.  Both parties have spent a ton too much.  That's why the Rs lost elections in 2006, and rightly so.  But now the Dems deserve the same thing. 

I'll never understand when people, regardless of side, allow their party to go unchecked or WORSE YET, unpunished.  Y'all, we don't have that kind of $ to bail out any politician(s) for this crap!  Have you noticed that neither party will ever allow term limits to be voted for?  Gee, I wonder why...  Also, 8 years with any prez is beginning to be too much.  It's inevitable that the news becomes stale, the homeymoon is long over, etc.  I think 6 would be more realistic for all involved.  For some reason "they" never ask me!  All joking aside, when voting in Nov., I so hope Americans will punish everyone who's spent like drunken sailors.  That should just about clean out, what, 75% of the Hill?

Giving an R or D a free pass is no different than building a home with only 3 sides or no roof.

Thanks for the vent.

From this sheeple s/m
I'll start worrying about one old woman about the time they start deporting ALL the millions of other illegals in this country.  Is it barely possible that maybe Obama isn't that close to his Kenya relatives?  I guess not, that wouldn't fit in so well with Obama being a terrorist.   I may be a "sheeple" but I sure as heck am not a witch hunter!
While I was out driving in my car....er...pickup truck awhile ago I was thinking:  Okay, I got this image of a sheeple being 1/2 sheep, 1/2 people.  Then I got to wondering which end represents the "people" half.  Maybe that half is the a$$ end of a sheep.
This Sheeple is awake. s/m
Socialism..........what do you think is going on right now?  Oh yeah, I know.......dubya says it's only "temporary."
This sheeple will party on down!
Hey guess what....the term *tribe* was used as a reference to survivor...not a racial slur unless you're looking for it...
I think I'm a gourdpainter sheeple

Now I have to be a serpent sheeple..LOL

Aww, boy wonder's sheeple get their panties in a wad when he is criticized...


Sheeple, wake up or put your socialist hats on!
This should be mandatory Obama sheeple reading...nm
And I guess I'm the sheeple people serpent leader. LOL
did you even SEE the Daily Show?
gt accuses us of drinking daily
just wanted to see how she handled somebody accusing her of it....evidently she can dish it, but she can't take it.
O'Reilly was on the Daily Show
the other night.  Did you see it?  It was pretty funny. 
Do you really rely on information from the Daily Kos?
wow did anybody catch the daily show

depended on it.


Deliverance, anyone?

the daily koo-aid drinkers have arrived!...nm
No the bully is a democrat who changes her name daily (sm)
but her style is so unmistakeable.
Our daily acts matter....even more now (sm)

Congratulations to all of you who have hoped Obama would win.  I am very happy to have a black man in office, because of all that represents to so many people.  I think that part is a huge historical step in the right direction.  I am also disappointed because of the areas where I disagree with Obama.  But we can't have it all, and truly neither candidate offered everything I would hope for.

With that said, McCain basically asked us all to unify in his speech last night.  And I believe he did so because he knows that if we are to survive as a country, that is what we must do.  Whether you believe he wrote the speech or not, he spoke the words in front of everyone....basically the world was watching...and I don't believe he would have said things he did not mean. 

On a sad note, a dear friend of mine, who is black, stopped at a gas station early this morning and overhead a white man talking saying, "that n***** is going to run this country into the ground."  I was heartbroken to hear that.  I know racism goes both ways but we have to encourage everyone we know to not have that sort of attitude!!!! 

Later this morning, I myself went into a convenient store.  There was an Indian man working the register and a black man buying a lottery ticket, and me, a white woman.  I smiled and said good morning.  The black man looked at me and said, "I can't let Obama outdo me! I need to win the lottery now!" He was obviously happy that Obama won so I said, "oh, you're looking for a double win!" He said, "yes!" and I wished him good luck but told him my dad would be trying to win too and if he wins I get some money :-)  He smiled and the guy at the register smiled...I told them all to have a nice day. 

Can't we all just be kind to one another?

look who's talking....our very own daily "sm".....

An editorial on Investor's Daily

Found it interesting. Backs up what I posted the other day.



Take your pick--World Net Daily or
Sad, just sad.
Huh? It's the Daily Show for crying out
It was funny. Or are they not allowed to make fun of Fox, CNN, and MSNBC?
Investors Business Daily (see link)

Decide for yourselves.

Link Below:


I also prove posts wrong here daily...
which I am sure you immediately close, pull the comforter over your head,have abig glass of Kool-aid and play your Obama tapes. Just my opinion.
I still support him and read his site daily....
I get emails daily from the Obama campaign. nm
New daily TV show, right in the corner of my TV screen....sm.
Obama Live.

Saw another headline the other day, regarding Co-Presidency. And I always thought we could only have one at a time. Boy, was I wrong.
And exhibiting daily that they would gnaw off their hind foot sm
before protecting Americans here and the troops who fight to keep us safe.  Blinded, absolutely blinded by hatred. 
Daily Show is gonna be killer tonight :)
Anybody here watch The DailyShow with Jon Stewart?
anchorage daily news states Palin

is stonewalling on trooper investigation



Jon Stewart from The Daily Show, his take on McCain's speech
The point is....Sarah Palin does not do it on a daily basis....
in fact I haven't seen it documented that she did it all, much less all the time; and it is controlled and not done "for fun" as the posteror suggested. As you will note, decisions are made when and where to do it by a board that also has "the public" on it. So it is not all lawmakers or the state that make the decisions. The page I took it from is the wildlife conservation page.

Are you sure that they do that? If they wing them they just leave them?
I am not aware of any daily idiotic Biden statements.
I'd be happy to play that game while you furiously scour the blogs for a snappy comeback in defense of the indefensible. SP is obviously note even vaguely familiar with the US constitution or with the very limited authority the VP office will offer to her. Still, if you insist, feed me some gaffes and give me something to do. It beats the heck out of responding to Obama Moslem terrorist socialist communist unAmerican hate speech.
You explain Biden's idiotic daily statements first, and why they are acceptable.
oh wait, that's right...he gets a free pass with all that 35 year history, confident, trustworthiness stuff.....

But lately, you;ve contributed daily to the toxic liberal posts on this board.

I watch Daily Show & O'Reilly and split the difference! NM

I see it very differently.  Chris Mathews is a big ole softy who loves, loves, loves this country.  Keith O has a twinkle in his eye and assumes the viewers are well informed.  They both seem to love their jobs and relish discussing politics.  They are my absolute favorites.


I really like their commentators.  I do think they are pro Obama,  but not rabidly so.  Rachel has criticized the Obama campaign at times.  Pat Buchanan certainly is not pro democrat.  Joe Scar is not pro Obama.  I get good information from the pro-O commentators and a balanced viewpoint from the Repub commentators. The commentators have been in politics for years, so they point out things I might not have thought about.  I like Keith O's humor.  When he presents information he gives sources and verification for it.  When he is wrong, he corrects himself.  While I was listening to John McC last night, my mind started to wander.  I remembered then why I used to find politics so boring.  Remember Dole? I think Obama brings energy to politics and makes it worth paying attention to.


I don't believe anything MSNBC says.
MSNBC is not as far as it gets because
they are still a part of the major outlet news conglomerates. You want real left reporting, check out Pacifica.
From what CNN and MSNBC
create enough jobs. Our kids and grandkids will be in debt and so much more negativity.
endless war - msnbc
Good article under world news MSNBC online site.  Frightening.  Michael Scheuer, ex CIA analyst states "rather than move forward towards solutions, the US took a big step backward by invading Iraq".  He states the US has a willingful blindness to what needs to be done:  Withdraw our troops from the Middle East, end unqualified support for Israel, sever close ties to Arab oil state tyrannies.  Bruce Hoffman, veteran RAND Corp specialist fears an endless war and dismisses talk of Al Qaida's back having been broken by the capture of some leaders.  He and a half dozen other terrorist experts say the worlds richer powers must address the underlying causes - lessen the appeal of radicalism by improving economies, political rights and education.  Bush, et al, you have entered into a predicament that has no good outcome.  If this isnt a reason to impeach him, I dont know what is.  He ought to be tarred and feathered in town square.