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Who are you and do you have anything relevant to add to the posts?

Posted By: Sonic on 2008-10-22
In Reply to: You make me laugh!!! - HaHaHa

If not, I suggest you HaHaHa yourself somewhere else.

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So there has to be a discussion of posts for it to be relevant?
what a stupid, anonymous comment
How is this relevant? sm
So everyone knows he is an alcoholic.  Yes, he is. And what is your point?  I swear I don't know.  Ted Kennedy is an alcoholic.  So what? 
How is this relevant?...nm
I believe it is relevant....I don't want someone with zero...
integrity in the white house either. John McCain's temper or the lack thereof has never resulted in bad decisions. It is ridiculous to assume because he got angry and said the F word disqualifies him. YOu might as well disqualify the entire Armed Forces.

He is not as dangerous as Barack Obama who knows absolutely nothing about foreign policy...who wants to sit down and chat with terrorist nations...and would be crippled without Joe Biden.

No thanks.
That's not even relevant...(nm)
I hardly think it's relevant to ...(sm)

go back 60 years in history.  Times were different then, the mind set was different, so it is not possible to have any kind of logical comparrison.  However, if he were still around now doing that, then yes, he would be a war criminal.

The amazing thing is that you guys sound just like the extreme jihadists to me.  All you want to do is destroy others and spread your religion.  And for what reasons?  Fear and revenge.  You like to talk about being religious, just like the jihadists, but when it comes to something like revenge or torture, you put that religion aside --that same religion you would have everyone else believe is your life -- and you take your revenge and put it in a box with a bright pink bow to sell it.  That is what I call a blight on humanity.

Why I am relevant...very simple!
This is the liberal board and I am a liberal.  You are not.  You and your playmates enjoy degrading the liberal posters on this board.  It gets really tiresome.  You and your bully friends need to find a different group to pick on, as it obviously brings you very much perverted pleasure as you CANNOT seem to stop and you REFUSE to quit bashing the posters on this board even when asked to by the moderator multiple times.
the reason that I think it is relevant--
and I am sure that you will attack me for this--is that I seem to hear a lot of people saying that Obama is going to do this and that for them (money issues, etc.). So, I am afraid that if everyone puts their faith in him, our freedoms are going to slip away. More gun control, more government power over our money and our health care, etc. Eventually, we will become vulnerable. If you disagree, that is fine. It was just food for thought.
what is for you a relevant source?...nm
The most relevant portion of the article was cut out. This is the
Attendees of Bilderberg include central bankers, defense experts, mass media press barons, government ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders from Europe and North America.

Some of the Western world's leading financiers and foreign policy strategists attend Bilderberg. Donald Rumsfeld is an active Bilderberger, as is Peter Sutherland from Ireland, a former European Union commissioner and chairman of Goldman Sachs and of British Petroleum. Rumsfeld and Sutherland served together in 2000 on the board of the Swedish/Swiss engineering company ABB. Former U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary and former World Bank head Paul Wolfowitz is also a member. The group's current chairman is Etienne Davignon, the Belgian businessman and politician.

[edit] Mainstream Criticism
Critics claim the Bilderberg Group promotes the careers of politicians whose views are representative of the interests of multinational corporations, at the expense of democracy.[8] Journalists who have been invited to attend the Bilderberg Conference as observers have discounted these claims, calling the conference "not much different from a seminar or a conference organized by an upscale NGO"[9] with "nothing different except for the influence of the participants."[10]

[edit] Conspiracy Theories
The group's secrecy and its connections to power elites encourages speculation and mistrust by such groups or individuals who believe that the group is part of a conspiracy to create a New World Order. This is further encouraged by the frequent use of the term 'New World Order' by its members when referring to their ultimate goal of world integration. The group is frequently accused of secretive and nefarious world plots by groups such as the John Birch Society.[11] This thinking has progressively found acceptance within both elements of the populist movement and fringe politics. [12] According to investigative journalist Chip Berlet, the prominent origins of Bilderberger conspiracy theories can be traced to activist Phyllis Schlafly. [13]

Radio host Alex Jones claims the group intends to dissolve the sovereignty of the United States and other countries into a supra-national structure similar to the European Union. This accusation is also linked with theories asking for a merger of Canada with United States, hoping Canadian influence will be calming to American society and foreign policy.

From "The Hunt for Red Menace:" "The views on intractable godless communism expressed by [Fred] Schwarz were central themes in three other bestselling books which were used to mobilize support for the 1964 Goldwater campaign. The best known was Phyllis Schlafly's A Choice, Not an Echo which suggested a conspiracy theory in which the Republican Party was secretly controlled by elitist intellectuals dominated by members of the Bilderberger group, whose policies would pave the way for global communist conquest. Schlafly's husband Fred had been a lecturer at Schwartz's local Christian anti-communism Crusade conferences." [14]

Jonathan Duffy, writing in BBC News Online Magazine states "In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg."[15]

Denis Healey, a Bilderberg founder and former British Chancellor of the Exchequer, decries such theories. He was quoted by BBC News as saying "There's absolutely nothing in it. We never sought to reach a consensus on the big issues at Bilderberg. It's simply a place for discussion."[15]

Some popular media references to the group are in Fredrick Forsyth's novel "The Icon" where the group decides to undermine a nationalist Russian leader loosely modeled on Vladimir Putin (among others).In the movie Nixon by director Oliver Stone, Nixon, played by Anthony Hopkins blames "the cabal" for his defeat, Vietnam war and other things, as the edited portion of the Nixon tapes.

Bilderberg has been accused of having kingmaker power as prominent politicians are seen to attend the group before being elected while their political rivals do not attend. [16]

[edit] Meetings
1954 (May 29-31) at the Hotel DE Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands
1955 (March 18-20) at the Hotellerie Du Bas-Breau in Barbizon, France
1955 (September 23-25) at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany
1956 (May 11-13) at the Hotel Store Kro in Fredensborg, Denmark
1957 (February 15-17) at the King and Prince Hotel in St. Simons Island, Georgia, USA
1957 (October 4-6) at the Grand Hotel Palazzo della Fonte in Fiuggi, Italy
1958 (September 13-15) at the The Palace Hotel in Buxton, United Kingdom
1959 (September 18-20) at the Çinar Hotel in Yeþilköy, Istanbul, Turkey
1960 (May 28-29) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland
1961 (April 21-23) at the Manoir St. Castin in Lac-Beauport, Quebec, Quebec, Canada
1962 (May 18-20) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
1963 (May 29-31) in Cannes, France
1964 (March 20-22) in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
1965 (April 2-4) at the Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy
1966 (March 25-27) at the Nassauer Hof Hotel Wiesbaden in Wiesbaden, West Germany
1967 (March 31-April 2) in Cambridge, United Kingdom
1968 (April 26-28) in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada
1969 (May 9-11) at the Hotel Marienlyst in Helsingør, Denmark
1970 (April 17-19) at the Grand Hotel Quellenhof in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
1971 (April 23-25) at the Woodstock Inn in Woodstock, Vermont, USA
1972 (April 21-23) at the LA Reserve di Knokke-Heist in Knokke, Belgium
1973 (May 11-13) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
1974 (April 19-21) at the Hotel Mont d'Arbois in Megeve, France
1975 (April 22-24) at the Golden Dolphin Hotel in Çeþme, Ýzmir, Turkey
1976 no conference. The 1976 Bilderberg conference was planned for April at The Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia, USA. Due to the ongoing Lockheed scandal involving Prince Bernhard at the time, it had to be cancelled.
1977 (April 22-24) at the Paramount Imperial Hotel in Torquay, United Kingdom
1978 (April 21-23) at the Chauncey Conference Center in Princeton, New Jersey, United States
1979 (April 27-29) at the Grand Hotel Sauerhof in Baden bei Wien, Austria
1980 (April 18-20) at the Dorint Sofitel Quellenhof Aachen in Aachen, West Germany
1981 (May 15-17) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland
1982 (May 14-16) at the Rica Park Hotel Sandefjord in Sandefjord, Norway
1983 (May 13-15) at the Château Montebello in Montebello, Quebec, Canada[17]
1984 (May 11-13) at the Grand Hotel Saltsjöbaden in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
1985 (May 10-12) at the Doral Arrowwood Hotel in Rye Brook, New York, United States
1986 (April 25-27) at the Gleneagles Hotel in Gleneagles, Auchterarder, United Kingdom
1987 (April 24-26) at the Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy
1988 (June 3-5) at the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol in Telfs-Buchen, Austria
1989 (May 12-14) at the Gran Hotel de La Toja in Isla de La Toja, Spain
1990 (May 11-13) at the Harrison Conference Center in Glen Cove, New York, United States
1991 (June 6-9) at the Steigenberger Badischer Hof Hotel, Schlosshotel Bühlerhöhe in Bühl (Baden) in Baden-Baden, Germany
1992 (May 21-24) at the Royal Club Evian Hotel, Ermitage Hotel in Évian-les-Bains, France
1993 (April 22-25) at the Nafsika Astir Palace Hotel in Vouliagmeni, Greece
1994 (June 2-5) at the Kalastajatorppa Hotel in Helsinki, Finland
1995 (June 8-11) at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland
1996 (May 30-June 2) at the CIBC Leadership Centre aka The Kingbridge Centre in King City, Canada
1997 (June 12-15) at the Pine Isle resort in Lake Lanier, Georgia, United States
1998 (May 14-17) at the Turnberry Hotel in Turnberry, United Kingdom
1999 (June 3-6) at the Caesar Park Hotel Penha Longa in Sintra, Portugal
2000 (June 1-4) at the Chateau Du Lac Hotel in Genval, Brussels, Belgium
2001 (May 24-27) at the Hotel Stenungsbaden in Stenungsund, Sweden
2002 (May 30-June 2) at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, United States
2003 (May 15-18) at the Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles, France
2004 (June 3-6) at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees in Stresa, Italy
2005 (May 5-8) at the Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Germany[18]
2006 (June 8-11) at the Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada[19] See picture of meeting location at time of meeting.
2007 (May 31 - June 3) at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel,[2] in Þiþli, Istanbul, Turkey.[20]
2008 (June 5-8) at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia, United States[3]

[edit] See also
Trilateral Commission

Would these amendments be relevant for states that - for example - sm
have passed laws allowing medical marijuana use, but the Federal laws are still being used to prosecute patients?
What you say is true, but if relevant evidence is denied sm
or falsified, an objective approach is impossible. This is what the family members faced. They had to force Bush to form that commission to investigate. Coulter is now attacking them for that. They had a list of 400 questions, and got no answers. I agree with you on the wacky theories. I became interested in doing some research on the issue after hearing things around the area I live - Colorado Springs. This is the neocon capital of the United States, and home to Norad and Space Command, Ft. Carson, USAFA, Peterson AFB, Falcon AFB. They live and breathe Bush & military. At first, I thought they were only rumors. Norman Mineta's testimony to the 911 Commission confirmed them to be true. The second question I had was about WTC building 7. This building only had small fires and was not hit by an airplane. It came straight down like the other 2 into a nice neat pile. The owner of the building Silverstein said they made a decision to pull it. This is a demolition term for demolishing the building. Well, this is something that takes careful planning weeks in advance, not several hours. I am also hearing bizarre stories from troops returning from Irag and their family members. Mineta's testimony was shown on C-Span and here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDfdOwt2v3Y&search=mineta

I never saw the movie The Siege. Not a Bruce Willis fan. Anything with Matt McConaughey in it, I have seen.

Posts were removed due to the nastiness. Play nice and posts won't get deleted.

I saw the posts for myself, no one "ran" to me. Note that all boards were reviewed for inappropriate posts.

She also posts regularly here. Who are you to say where she posts? nm
our posts never last! LOL...
We understand what is happening, the truth of the matter, and they don't want to face it, although I saw someone's (you-know-who) title stating something to the point that "we must get our head's out" or something to that affect.... when will they ever get their "head's out?"  Such fantasy world they live in.... We must pray for them because when it hits them, they're not going to know what happened!
Look 2 posts up.
AW does not dispute the veracity of the quote, she defends it. That is my issue.
If we ignored their posts they would most likely go away..

I really do believe that, at least as far as the crazy/psycho/nasty ones.  But they are so darn hard to ignore!!!  I'm going to try, though, starting now.

We play right into their hands by getting irritated and retaliating - just as I have on many occasions.

Where in any of my posts...

...did I state I was the board monitor?  How curious that you would think I was.

I had assumed, as most reading this board would also, that the Merry Christmas was somewhat passive-aggressive.  It is quite peculiar to bash someone repeatedly and rudely and then top it off with MERRY CHRISTMAS and then wonder why they didn't acknowledge the greeting. 

You are here as much as me....if you look at all the posts to my posts...
I am just one person, there are many more of you. ANd you must be here to see me here and all pile on my posts...so....and I manage to get everything done. I read fast and type past, and I have many who help me research. We do have other places we post and other things we do for the candidate. So now you can stop wondering. :)
I already said, in other posts, that I don't...
think he intended to suggest that she was a pig. It was just an unfortunate use of words and in politics perception is everything. THe people at the rally he was talking to certainly perceived it as their candidate finally fighting back...you could tell by the reaction. THEY thought he meant it that way. Perceptions...lots of people DO think he meant it that way. I am not one of them. However, his camp has been really quick to haul out the videos for political hay (and not all of them true, just innuendo), and the McCain camp did the same thing here. He opened that door with a bad choice of words...and there it is. It's not like Obama doesn't capitalize on every slip of his tongue...we talked about the how many houses thing for a week. This is no different. He just used an unfortunate phrase and here we are.
just like some other posts
I always like your posts, too
From one educated American to another...and I don't mean educated by the drivebys!
What is it that you see? Your posts do nothing...
to give argument, just attack the poster's character.
She is also one who posts
misinformation and outright lies without checking the validity of what she posts. Should no one challenge this misinformation or is it only lies about Republicans and Christians that can be set straight? (Just checking since GWB is still in office.)

Last I knew, everyone is entitled to speak their mind no matter what their views are, but if you are going to do so on a public board you should have facts to back up your statements because they will very rarely go unchallenged. Everyone who stirs the pot risks getting burned.
I think many posts

reveal about the poster than they do the subject.  I feel extremely lucky to be living and politically aware during this time.  I think Obama has much potential for greatness and look forward to watching him grow and govern. There will always be folks who disagree with the president and complain - that's the magnificance of living in a democracy.He appears to me to be the first in a long, long time who sought the office to improve our lives rather than just gain political power.


see posts above

Transparent projection.  Suck it up and enjoy the next 4 years, y'all.  Absolutely nothing you can do or say to change the fact that the country has changed and is moving in a new direction. The republican philosophy has been soundly and firmly rejected.



The next 5 posts
are brought to you courtesy of the Confederation of Sore Losers' Junior League. To qualify for membership, your mentality cannot exceed the middle school ranks.
I also like FOX, but from posts down below
you basically get crucified on this board if you mention FOX news. I got the impression CNN is the only one to watch. Lately, I have been watching CNN and quite a few news reporters are stating negative comments about Obama. In fact, I had to make sure I was still watching CNN because I was shocked by reporters comments.
You mean like the posts about...(sm)

Obama to tax aspirin, or the post that says Obama said that old people are going to die anyway....those kinds of posts??  Oh wait....that wasn't us dems....now who could that have been?.....hmmmm

If you're going to dish it out, you need to learn how to take it.

Once again...if you don't like his posts
don't read them.  Sheesh....that isn't a hard concept to understand.  Sarcasm....everyone uses sarcasm.  If you can't handle it, once again, don't read his posts. 
He said he was, but his posts were definitely
About the time 'Sam' disappeared, Tech Support appeared.
From all the posts below from this
American Indian - with the feathers on his head - I think they have an issue with the 'feather' versus 'dot' thing!
Your statement a few posts above that (SM)
liberalism is the problem with this country is BASHING.

If you want to bash Liberals - go do it on your Conservatives board.

I see you haven't changed. BTW, Nan, who in the world supposedly "invited you back" as you state below? Perhaps you were invited back to the Conservative board? LOL
These are your posts. Why do you deny saying this?

You never meant a socialist Jew! sm

[Post a Reply] [View Follow Ups]      [Politics] --> [Liberals]

Posted By: MT on 2005-07-20,
In Reply to: I know history - gt

What do you think they come up to you and say hi, I am a socialist Jew.  Do you know Noam Chomsky?  How about David Horowitz's parents?  How about the Rosenbergs?  Shall I go on.  Do you wonder why almost all the actors blacklisted in Hollywood way back when were almost all JEWS?!? 


Google has 637,000 entries on Jews and communism. sm

[Post a Reply] [View Follow Ups]      [Politics] --> [Liberals]

Posted By: MT on 2005-07-20,
In Reply to: LOL - gt

But I guess you read the one history book that didn't have that in it.  Unbelievable.

I don't think I was responding to those posts

I was responding to gt's, and no, I was not around when those other posts were made, and that's why I didn't comment on them.

I was responding to the "drunk" comment that gt made which was totally off par and shows what that gt is here for only one reason and that is to incite fighting, because calling someone a drunk without knowing them at all is definitely fighting words.

I don't know how you can render me a phoney, because I have told you nothing of my self.  That is again, a baseless judgement.  GT was typing nonsenical stuff right after telling someone their posting habits sounded like those of a drunk.  If posting habits are evidence of drunkeness then gt needs to look at his or her posting style.

Your previous posts
Arent you the one who posted you were in the military and when asked about it, the truth came out that family members had been in the military, not you?  So, are you spinning the untruths again?  Or are you someone else using the same initials?
It's in several of the posts, don't you see it? OH MY GOSH!!! SM
You can't see the WORD Christian now!  It was in Yepper's post, which is what I was really talking about but you really cares?
She's only saying what is very obvious from your posts!

skip my posts

This is the liberal board, you dont like my opinions, dont read them, its as easy as that.  Free country, freedom of speech..

always read the posts
I assure you, I read every post and the ones that I respond to, I have read at least two or three times.  I will restate, I would love for my tax dollars to go for stem cell research but not for unnecessary immoral illegal wars.
Yes! Reading your posts is EXACTLY like that!
How insightful of you (as opposed to your customary *incitefulness*).
That's anyone who posts on this board...sm
but, I'm sure I have called a spade a spade a time or two in my lifetime though, but I haven't called anyone on this board a racist.

But I still think the remarks that Bennett made were WRONG and if they weren't racist remarks I don't know what is. Sorry you can't see this. If he's not a racist why is he spewing the racist idealoges from the Freakonomics book anyhow, which by the way if these are the type remarks I can expect in the book I would rather burn my money.
Deletion of posts. sm
In the past, this forum was not closely monitored. We often relied on e-mails to let us know when things were out of hand.  It is an unfortunate function of the way things work, if a post is deleted, everything in the thread under it goes as well.  There isn't anything I can do about that. I don't know the post you are referring to, but I am sure that is what happened. In that case, as I said below, if it was something you wished to be read, just repost it. As far as the inference that I have not always been fair in deleting on BOTH boards, I won't address that.  I have explained how the boards work.  Ideally, there should be no need to monitor EITHER board.  Thank you.
The posts were not from posters outside of the US. They

were from posters from within the U.S.

Sometimes posts show..
up in between posts; how many times have we said, **that was supposed to go under blah blah blah.** I know you didn't post the chickenhawk piece but I am still interested in what any of your definitions of winning **the war** are. When we will know we have won? How will we know we have won?
Check my posts
I am a pro-choicer and I believe I am allowed to post where ever I please, as long as I am respectful.
Would you PLEASE read my posts BEFORE...

you start sermonizing?

You said:

I think that you have made a crucial error in believing that WWII and Vietnam are at all similar.  WWII and the US Civil War were also very different wars.  There are even major differences between Iraq and Vietnam and the Korean War although some historians would also find greater similarities in these three wars.  You may rewrite the history of wars as well as US history to fit your agenda of political hatred, but you will never be able to present a convincing argument if you have completely questionable sources and facts to back it up.

If you will please read my post, I was alluding to the differences in the mindset of 18-year-olds at the time of the draft in the 60's and at the time of the draft in the 40's.  It was an opinion, one I believe is justified in looking at the correlation between mindset of young people then and of young people now.  When morals decay, and the character weakens.  That is my opinion and frankly I don't care whether you share it or not.  I was NOT comparing the two wars.  try reading it AGAIN before lecturing me.

You negate most historical records, which I admit often have some aspects of questionable validity, and you seem to re-create a fictionalized account to accommodate your rather far-out-there belief system based in hatred of the left. 

Please explain what in my post led you to say that...that I fictionalized something for my rather far-out-there belief.  And again, how many times do I have to say it...I have no hatred for the left.  A lot of sympathy, but no hatred.

You rearrange and fictionalize facts and history to make your point.  You provide spurious sources for your facts (I could probably find sources that prove that the earth is populated by aliens from Mars if I looked hard enough).

What the heck are you talking about?  Spurious sources?  Did I post any sources?  I was answering a question and then giving an opinion.  I rearrange facts and fictionalize?  What did I fictionalize?

I also notice on the conservative board constant condemnation of liberals, leftists as a whole.

No, not leftists as a whole.  I based my opinion of leftists who speak out and speak *for the left*, the poster children of the left, on these boards, blogs, in print, on TV, etc.  I form my opinion of the left on what I hear coming out of their mouths, mostly, and here from their fingers as it were.  That is plenty.  The rest is icing.

 We are characterized as stupid, immoral, crazy, unpatriotic, love the terrorists, cowards, angry, on and on. 

Well, to me abortion IS immoral.  To me cloning embryos just to kill them IS immoral.  To me oppressing people with social programs instead of helping them grow into productive citizens is immoral.  If that is you, then I think you are immoral. 

I never called anyone crazy.  So far you are the only one I have ever seen call anyone mentally ill....when you compared me to your mother.

I believe patriotism is supporting the military when they are engaged in a war.  If you do not do that, then I believe you are unpatriotic.  You will notice I said I believe.  I did not say all Republicans believe, all conservatives believe....I, myself, believe.

I never said you or anyone else loves the terrorists.  I said when you get out and protest against the war and carry nasty signs about the commander in chief when we are engaged in a war you are aiding the enemy.  I, me, myself, speaking only for ME, believe that you are.  I did not say you love them, and if you cannot figure out how they would use that video as propaganda....not my fault.  I still have my opinion.  You, if you are carrying those signs or support those who do carry those signs, are aiding the enemy.  It should not be done in war time when we have soldiers fighting.  Again, MY opinion.

Cowards....well, to me it is cowardly to call yourself a *peace* movement and be unwilling to take that movement to the real enemies of peace....you know, the ones who have been attacking us for years now, with the big hit on 9-11.  The people who are really interested in snuffing you, and I mean literally.  The people who are really interested in making this a Muslim nation.  Those people.  Talk to THEM about peace.  Because if you change THEIR minds, your problem is over, sis.

Angry...yes, I believe you as an individual are angry.  The left as a whole...sure, I believe they are angry.  They act angry.  They talk angry.  They can't even get along among themselves (kind of like radical Muslims seem to be) ---and before you go there, I am not comparing the left to radical Muslims...just the fact that they cannot get along in their own ranks.  The Republicans seem to be having the same problem, though not to as large a degree....yet. 

You are condemning at least 50 percent of the citizens of this country with those adjectives.

I am not *condemning* anyone.  You escalate each post with needless inflammatory rhetoric.  I am merely stating an opinion.  And yes, when I see that some 41% of Democrats are not sure they want the surge of troops to succeed, 51% say right up front they DONT want the surge of troops to succeed, and the rest are undecided, my opinion of those folks is not very high, and yes I think they are unpatriotic.  If you can say bold faced that you do not want your troops to succeed in battle .... yep, that is about as UNpatriotic as you can get...my opinion, my own, me, myself. 

Doesn't seem at all patriotic to me. 

Of course not.  I would not expect that it would.

 Your group also points out nuts (like those who would spit on veterans) as representing the liberal mindset.

*Your group.*  There you go, doing the same thing you accuse me of...demonizing an entire group.

 I realize I am not going to be able to convince you of the great disservice you do to yourself with a narrow and naive mindset like that. 

Oh here comes the compassionate I know so much more than you do let me lead you along speech.  I swear it must be in some leftist handout because I have heard those same words from others.  And I mean the EXACT same words.  Your mindset is not only narrow, it consists of the opinions of others.  Leftists seem to be incapable of forming an individual opinion and instead repeat what I have read in a million articles, full of buzz words, yada yada.  Do you know what you yourself honestly believe as an individual?  In your own words?

 I know many Republicans and with the exception of possibly one, none are as condemning and narrow-minded as the posts I see on your board. 

You are paranoid.  I do not see any condemning.  All I see is rebuttal with opinions that differ from yours.  Thank Heavens for that! 

While I have participated in bashing and see bashing on the liberal board, it rarely occurs in a generalized fashion toward all right-wingers. 

That is true.  You have participated in bashing.  You are, in my opinion, the worst offender.  But again...MY opinion.  Oh come onnnnn.....*your group,* *you guys*...gimme a break.  You are into the group bashing as much as anyone.  The reason I refer to *the left* as a group is because you all say the same things.  Nearly the exact same things.  If I could find any individuals, it would be different.  I can't.

As I said, that would be a very naive assumption and the root of bigotry and prejudice and ultimately hatred is in the grouping of all peoples as being of one mindset.....

I would not group you all together if you were not all saying exactly the same things?  And I am so glad that you are so all-knowing that you have laid down the edict that  the root of all bigotry and prejudice and ultimately hatred is the grouping of all peoples as being of one mindset....geez, which article did THAT come from?  But, you know, you might try flying that one at Bin Laden.  See if it will bring HIM around, because he has kinda put the West into one big group he HATES. 

Lurker is the only one that I can honestly say does not fall into direct lockstep.

think of Muslims, blacks in the south pre-Civil Rights, Native Americans in the 1800s (and even now). 

So easy to ridicule and oppress when we don't see folks as individuals.  Actually the comments I see made about the liberal mindset are so far removed from the reality of most liberals in the United States it verges on the ridiculous, well no, it doesn't verge on the ridiculous, it IS ridiculous.

Okay....let me see.  You said so easy to ridicule and oppress when we don't see folks as individuals.  Well, if you were all saying something different perhaps that would be easier to find those individuals.    Then you say *the comments I see about the liberal mindset*....hmmm...that does not sound individual to me at all.   How, dear Teddy, do you expect us to know the *reality of most liberals* when all we hear, see, read, are saying almost exactly the same thing? 

Well, I feel so privileged that you took my simple little post as a stepping stone to rant.  Please do not get me started on which board is the worst on bashing.  I have seen comments on both sides, but the liberal board has been far more virulent and tasteless (I feel like I have been defecated upon, sit your butt in your chair).  I have seen far worse than that.  The reason we do not see that now is that they probably have been banned.   And so should they be. On EITHER board. There is no need for belitting and name calling, and you are a master at it.  Your lecturing, condescending, holier-than-thou attitude wears real thin.   We all read it, we all recognize it, including other liberal posters who do not want to join in on your name-calling, condescending manner.    If you are so smart, and you have it all right, why don't you take it somewhere it will do some good?  Take the antiwar rhetoric, all the noble ideas about we are all the same, and it is wrong to group everybody together because that is where hate comes from, yada yada.  Why not take that message to the real enemy?  Quit preaching and sermonizing to conservatives and talk to your real enemies, the terrorists.  Except...oh...how silly of me.  You don't view them as a threat.  Or, more truthfully I am sure...you like your head where it is on your shoulders.   

As far as your further condemnation of Democrats as far as blacks and their allegiances, I believe most informed political science folks would be the first to admit that the party doctrines have evolved over time.  What probably counts most is the current party belief system.  Just some common sense.

*Party doctrine evolve over time.*  Now that is funny.  The only reason it evolved is because Republicans forced it to evolve.  Check the votes on civil rights legislation as close as the 60's, Teddy.  Democrats voted AGAINST, in great numbers.  Had it not been for the Republicans outvoting them, no civil rights legislation would have passed.  The filibustered it for days.  All that has evolved is now Democrats choose to enslave in a different way....through social programs that do not encourage people to do any better and stay tethered to the government for their existence.  Whenever you have 3 generations of a family on welfare, something is VERY wrong with that system.  Again, Teddy....pay attention now...that is my OPINION.


Rebuttal to sermon ended.


Yes, great posts! It's very concerning sm
A good many years ago it was argued that the US economy should (would) go from a manufacturing economy to a service economy, the end result being better paying jobs in the US.  Well, we no longer have a manufacuring economy and have gone to the service economy. Now, not so slowly, the "service economy" jobs are going to parts elsewhere, and we are again being told tht this is good because in the end it will produce higher paying jobs in the US.  How is losing first the manufacturing jobs, and now the service sector jobs going to result in more and better paying jobs in the US?  Jobs doing what???? Given that the overall standard of living for the middle class has been declining for years, I think we are all being, for lack of a better word, "had."
Are posts like this really what liberals are about? nm
Posts to get you worked up
are obviously not what 'liberals' are about, any more than posts comparing Hillary to Hitler are what 'conservatives' are all about.  The terms 'liberal' and 'conservative' are pretty much useless anyway because everyone has their own definitions.  It's lumping together people that are not necessarily the same.
Yup, nuff said. See posts below....nm