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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I don't think it is a TT board, per se (sm)

Posted By: nm on 2008-01-12
In Reply to:

I think a TT employee started it.  The company knows about it but I don't think they are involved in it.  I tried getting on it, but I couldn't figure out how, something about a Yahoo group password and then enabling pop ups, or some such foolery, anyway I'm not that computer savvy, so I gave up. 

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MedQuisters, topics from the Company board are being moved to the MedQuist board. MQ posts on

the first page of the Company board will be removed to open up space for other companies to post.  Enjoy the new Medquist board set up for you.

Thank you,


Are you the same condescending person the word board? I thought this was called "Company Board.&#
Didn't you post this on 03/04/06 on both the Company Board and the Hospital/Clinic MT Board?


This was moved from main board to company board. Replies don't transfer. nm
This is the Company Board. You should have posted on tech board. nm
there is a board for local talk. this is company board. thx
Posted on wrong board. Plz see Seekers board.
Sorry! Wrong board. Reposted on Main board. NM
There is a comedy board...put your remarks on that board. nm
Then this is the "Unprofessional" MT board. Pulic board,
I can't give you the name of the message board, but it is not a free message board (HINT). There
Monitor, I hope this post is okay.
You already have your own board. Now you want a board for the ones who leave??
Never Not on this board.
I'm on this board again because I keep
I've been donig this for 10 years and can't remember running out this time of the year.  Is anyone else slow. 
Sorry, this should have been on the MQ board. nm
probably more for another board, but...
In response to the posts about Christmas, I remember the good old days when the Jewish radiologist I worked for took the whole staff out for a big Christmas dinner and gave us all generous bonuses. We in turn gave him and his wife Hanukkah gifts. It's called mutual respect and being big enough to accept and respect each others' differences without taking away anyone's right to celebrate according to their own beliefs.
Where is the MQ board? (SM)
See the links to specialty boards to the left. Medquist is the 4th link from the top.

TT's ads all over job board!!!
Look on the job board
someone on this board once said that they (sm)
give you a line raise after you are taken off 100% QA.  I was never told that and did not get it. 
Board changes (SM)
We have condensed the number of board forums to reduce the confusion on where to post what topics.

You can view archives of any of the removed forums by clicking on the Home button at the bottom left and then scrolling to the end of the web page.

If your topic does not have a specific board currently, the Main board will accommodate it.

Thank you.


there was a job on the other board sm
that was paying 7 cpl for MT and part time supervisor. I don't think so.
I was just on the La. board looking for La. MTs.

I never see any postings from MTs of Louisiana and when I asked a question concerning LA MTs I would never get an answer.  What part of Louisiana are you located.  Do you work as an IC or employee or for a hospital?  I have been trying to get an estimate on what Louisiana MTs are paid as I think the amount that I was told by the hospital was too low.

If it is the one from the Job board

Then that is Terry and they are out of St. Louis MO.  I currently work for them.  Good company to work for.  Terry is very enthusiastic about MT.  I enjoy the accounts, very low ESL if that is a selling point for you.  We also have always had plenty of work and if ever I've run out I just let Terry know and she hooks me up with another account to fill my time. 


MQ has their own board because they are the
BIGGEST MTSO. Spheris will not allow employees to post anywhere anytime anything about them. Spheris joined up with Indian forces long, long ago in a HUGE volume. I have even read articles from Indian papers and Spheris, with Spheris wanting to reduce its US workload by half at least in order to use Indian labor. I have heard Spheris pay per line is very low. Not putting MQ up on a pedestal.  I have worked for both, and Spheris is evil #1, though they keep a very low secretive profile.
I just saw on the job board
@ mtjobs.com QDPRN allows the choice of Word or Wordperfect also. So there seems to be companies out there still using Word.
Could you please tell me how to look at this board?
there were some on this board

when FN changed your pay from per report to per line (I think that is what they did).  Those posts would be further down, around the date you were switched.  If you do a search, you should be able to bring them up and then you can email the posters if you want. 

Is this the info you are looking for? 

Isn't that what this board is for?
I do agree with the above post - the Pro-KS people just haven't had a bad experience yet - but that doesn't mean it won't happen, they just won't be prepared when it does. Those of us who had bad or miserable experiences with KS should not be ridiculed for speaking our opinion or telling our stories. KS has had a clear-free ride on this board for a long time and it was about time for someone to start the rant on them that has happened today. They could not hide behind a gleeming reputation forever and get away with it. I am so happy that I beat them to the punch, as I described in a previous post - and now I enjoy working for another company that has been bashed on this board off and on for a long time, but I have no complaints. I have plenty of work and good lead people. Not everything is perfect, but what job is perfect. And, as with KS, I always try to stay a step ahead - and watch for signs that things are going awry. It pays off in the long run.
But is job board
Not for job ads? Seems they are advertising for business, not MTs.
because this is a board where MTs
voice their fears and concerns.  DAAAAAAA
TT board
I meant, what is it you know?
It's the second ad down on the job board
I see it's from October, so I don't know if they are hiring right now or not.  Haven't heard.
Job Board
Anyone know anything about Silent Type??
job board
How does one get to be job board to post a resume? Am looking for companies that work for very small facilities, 50 beds or less.
MQ has their own board. You'd probably have
more success there.   Sounds like there are lots of people ready to jump ship judging by the posts here the last couple of days. 
With this board, they don't need
TT board
I don't know if I am allowed to say it here, but yes, they do. E-mail me for info.
IMT job on job board....sm

This is a company based in India.  This Chloe person.


Get off our board!
We do not need such nasty comments on our board!  I love being and MT and find it quite interesting so go find something/someone else to bash and get out of here!
Here's the ad, it's still there on the board...sm
The ad is still posted on the jobs board just a little bit down the list by now. Here it is:

Entry Level Medical Transcriptionists needed [Post a Reply] [View Follow Ups] [Job Seeker Board]

Posted By: Maria on 2009-02-04

Another Medical Must is looking for excellent new grads to transcribe acute care medical records. Must be a TOP NOTCH entry level, and able to be off QA within 7-10 days, to submit client ready work. Testing is required. Pay rate is 6 cpl to start. This is not voice recognition. Line count requirements of 500 lines per day after 30 days. Please cut and paste current resume into e-mail and send to recruiter@anothermedicalmust.com. Hours are: Su-Thu or Tu-Sat ALL SHIFTS NEEDED, flexible hours. IC status only. Pay is bimonthly.

VISTA is not compatible. Must have MS Windows XP, and MS Word 2000 or above.
On another board...
There is an ad for SureSribe.  Take a look at that ad.  It seems fishy to me.  Located in Kansas City MO in the United States?  Really?  And just where is this ad coming from?  Can anyone say India?  Look at the phone number.  Who writes the phone number that way.  And just what does SureSribe mean?  Is that even a word?  These people...
Yes, unfortunately they are, ad was on a job board..nm
Which job board?
I look on this one every day and MT Jobs once a week at least.
Did you all see the add on the job board?

Transcend is already hiring 20 MTs...

Do you think they are anticipating needing more MTs as the MDI girls wise up to the junk?

This is what the board is for - sm
these MTs are going through something very traumatic and it helps to reach out and find one another, discuss their current situation, share info; it is scary to say the LEAST.

Forgive me for saying, but to tell these people to basically - stiffle - for the sake of your not having to scroll a little more or click page 2 (right there at the botttom), is pretty insensative. Their lives are in turmoil; the bottom just fell out - security, comfort, trust, pride - all sucked into a big black hole. you can't just shut that off.

(been through 3 mergers in my time, and it's the not knowing that eats you up.)

Give them some space.

This is what the board is for - sm
these MTs are going through something very traumatic and it helps to reach out and find one another, discuss their current situation, share info; it is scary to say the LEAST.

Forgive me for saying, but to tell these people to basically - stiffle - for the sake of your not having to scroll a little more or click page 2 (right there at the botttom), is pretty insensative. Their lives are in turmoil; the bottom just fell out - security, comfort, trust, pride - all sucked into a big black hole. you can't just shut that off.

(been through 3 mergers in my time, and it's the not knowing that eats you up.)

Give them some space.

This is what the board is for - sm
these MTs are going through something very traumatic and it helps to reach out and find one another, discuss their current situation, share info; it is scary to say the LEAST.

Forgive me for saying, but to tell these people to basically - stiffle - for the sake of your not having to scroll a little more or click page 2 (right there at the botttom), is pretty insensative. Their lives are in turmoil; the bottom just fell out - security, comfort, trust, pride - all sucked into a big black hole. you can't just shut that off.

(been through 3 mergers in my time, and it's the not knowing that eats you up.)

Give them some space.

Have you seen the ads on the job board?

Some of those ads barely have basic words spelled correctly, let alone medical terms.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.  But as the poster below said, make you correct those errors on your original document and save them. 

From what I have seen on this board.....
There are some platforms and VR software that are more conducive to high production than others. Right now, the software I am using is not, and I am not certain that the software we are changing to is either. It also depends upon the dictator, whether they are clear speaking or not and whether their ESL accent is too heavy.

I'm happy for you to be able to make good on VR, but not everyone is in your boat.
OP does say For All and Across The Board.