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I have at first a week ago, and the last few days a lot

Posted By: I thought I had to wait for system to update. on 2009-06-03
In Reply to: Line counting system TransTech - Fairly happy TTer

Yesterday was really bad. I typed a very long consult and the system had not even counted it yet. It was over 13 minutes long and I still had a little over 100 or something lines from the few reports I had just typed. I decided to look to make sure that the report was sent. It was there. There were 4 reports and only a little over 100 lines still. I decided to wait the hour the system says to wait to recheck to make sure the new line count was there. I never got to it because to be honest, I was afraid it was short. The total later for the day was shorter than what I usually get. So I am assuming the upgrades for VR and traditional have changed the way they count lines. But I am not sure and you should contact your mgr. I don't want to spread rumors or make mistakes. I can say I do feel a difference. Certainly right away, and then even later on after system updates. On the whole, I think it could be 10 percent, but I have to wait a full payperiod to be sure. It might just be me being paranoid, though, so I will wait and see... Good luck to you and us all!

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Maybe she/he works 14 hour days/7 days a week? nm
10,000 a week...them days are gone SM
Those were also the days where you were paid for headers/footers, spaces and for bolding/underlining.  The counting that is done at almost every major service now is bare bones (and uncounted entering/searching for demographics and CCs) and if you are getting 12,000 a pay period you're doing good.
not so much the days of the week, but rather

the time of the day -- 5 o'clock rush hour seems to be the busiest where I work Mon-Fri.  The weekends are a little busy mid morning/early afternoon.  I try to adjust my schedule so I'm working more during those hours and getting things done around the house in the morning hours when it's not as busy.  Of course, with kids, that's not always optimal, but I try!  In this day, I'm just thankful to have work.

I work three days a week ...

8 hours a day, but I often times have to be physically at the computer longer than 8 hours because sometimes the work is slow.  I have two accounts.  I work no weekends. 



At least we don't have to work 7 days a week (unless we want to)
Forgot to say that's 5 days a week

Laurie - you should have said, I don't need 3 days, I need a week!

You may have kept your job, maybe not.  Not sure you wanted to.  Even if 3 days is the standard issue here - didn't your company have someone to back you up on your account?  Is there that much work there?  No sense in second guessing yourself now.  What is done is done.  While different people in your place would handle it different ways, I bet this manager will think twice in the future before being so COLD.  You never know, they may call you and want you to come back, so think about that a bit too.

I am sorry you are without income/job now but like the above post to mine said, you need to complete a grieving process before you worry about this.  Job searching is hard work and you are probably not up to it yet.  Be ready to move on before you tackle this business again.  I don't mean to sound cold because I lost my dad in 1986 and cried for 3 years, but you have to be able to focus to take on a job search, much less be able to learn new platforms and accounts.  It certainly takes more than 3 days and even more than a week. My heart goes out to you.  Good luck.

3 days of PTO 1st year NOT 1 week!
With the paid holidays. Absolutely not 1 week until you are there OVER a year, then 3.077 hours per pay period.
I keep my grandkids (3 and 1) several days a week
while working.  While it is very trying on those days, I just adjust to work later that evening or get up very, very early on the days that I have them and the company that I work for is aware of the situation.  I love having them here although again, it can be trying some days, lolololol. 
They also only work 4 days a week.
I work very hard, usually 7 days a week.
I work any hours needed. What is my reward? I get stuck on the garbage accounts, the ones who bellyache get the easy accounts and get put on steady accounts. I think I have learned 8 new accounts in the last 2 months, and none of them were decent accounts. My line count is good, but would be wonderful if I ever had an account I could get used to. These companies beat you up and then throw you to the dogs.

The scum that plays kiss-$$$ get paid more, take off when they want, and get choice of days off, holidays, so they can be with their ill-behaved brats whenever they want to be.

Don't tell me about ethics, tell the MTSOs they need to improve their ethics and then then they could have decent employees.
We are on 7 days/week right now for rad. You need to call your lead. sm
There is PLENTY of work in radiology. I have typed more rad in the past month than ever before with any other company.
I work 12 hr/day, 6 days/week, and my take-home pay - sm
comes out to around $6.50/hour. Is that about in the same ballpark as what you're making, and if so, how can your employees afford to work for you for less than that?
Busiest Days of the Week for Your Company?
I always thoughts Sunday nights were busy, getting preops ready, etc., Monday's are pretty busy and Friday is always busy, but the days in between seem to be really slow this year.  Is anyone finding certain days of the week to be busier than others?
So, now it's a sin to stop wanting to work 7 days a week
and be with children once in a while. Okay. I will take that under advisement.
They seem to show up on only 2, maybe 3 days of the week anymore. The "other" site has a few
I sent it in the first day, heard back in a few days, took the test and started last week. sm
I know that they are very busy and it sounds like they are getting even busier. It took about a week after I took the test to hear, but I was told there were over 100 people taking tests and they were picking the best scores.
2 small MTSOs, IC, work 8-10 q.d. ~6 days a week, ave 2000-2300 biweekly, 10 yrs exp. 0.06gross and
Told minimum PT was 3500 lines a week; requires 2 weekend days a month nm
That is what I just said. !0 days PTO, period. That includes vacation, sick days and personal days
They should have paid holidays so that you are paid if you take off. Also should inculde extra hours for sick days and personal days.

That annual raise of .002 is kind of a joke especially when at the same time they upped the minimum line requirement from 10,000 lines to 12,000 lines.

OSi just does not have the qualified people in management positions that I wish to work for.

I am glad that you are happy at OSi and all is working out for you. Their dishonesty and the way they treat people just does not work for me.

Of course they can get by cheaply by hiring unqualified people so that is very good for the owners.
Sorry, I work 15 hours a day 5 days a week and 5 hours the other 2, when I come here I dont proof.
$35/hour x five 10-hour days = $1,750 gross/week.
You bill 30 days behind, and they snail mail it so it's late - about 40 days from invoice
No way jose - they even messed up their direct deposit payments
Full time with Transtech is both. 40 hours per week and 5500 lines per week.
Nope .. email on 1/18 promised "within the next week." Here we are, 1 week later and no info.
The minimum is 5500 per week, NOT 6600 per week. I think you made a typo. :)
Would that be 5 business days or 5 regular days?
So when are we going to be paid this time around since you're so knowledgable?

Sorry, but for some of us a day or 2 actually makes a difference.
Most want 20 hours over 5 days, but it could be more, or it could be spread over 4 days. nm
Correction - TH has 5 PTO days 1st year/10 days 2nd yr
Axolotl within 30 days. Transolutions in 60 days. NM
It is true. Any job has its good days and bad days.
Perhaps you'd like to just keep your old job and try this one out. Just because a poster here is crabbing about it, or even if as in the past there have been negative posts, odds are that there are very happy people who don't even post or know that this board exists. As Alice says. Everything is relative. The fact that this company is hiring and pays may be a place which is a blessing. As opposed to digging ditches on day labor for example. Or somebody might prefer digging ditches. This is just an example. Sometimes we who are employable, even though we don't make as much as we used to in this business, or as much as we would like to, we still if working at home do not pay for gas to go to work, career clothes, deal with office politics, have to look at a boss who writes us up if we are a minute late, etcetera. I don't make half as much as I used to, but I don't send my 3 children to day care which by the way saves us money. SO I remind my husband I am worth that in addition to my salary if I had a job outside. No job is perfect. I am not even sure if Focus is any good or not, I have not worked there. But if one poster says there are good days and bad, I say that is the most honest answer you are going to get anywhere, and if you need a job badly, how is it to hurt trying it out, until you know for sure for yourself? THanks for listening. But sometimes this board gets to be a bit much with the agendas of people railing on other people like the OP here who just wanted all opinions instead of just one side. Balance is always great. And, if things seem lop-sided, then it is a good thing to seek out both sides. IMHO.
I think they would. Those are good days for 10-hour days. sm
I have a set schedule but it is Tues-Sat and it works well for me. It wouldn't hurt to ask!
90 days is correct. 3 days off 1st year, 10 during 2nd.
i clear over 800 a week, 40/week; 30+ year experience. (nm)
I get my paycheck every week - that is enough for me! Happy MT week everybody! nm
I got laid off for MT Week. Happy MT Week to me!
Good last week - Slow this week.
I hope this is not an indication of things to come.  I am getting 1,200 lines a day but it is taking me all day to do it.  We seem to be out of work from 9-12 every day this week.  Hope things pick up after Labor Day.
Were the 2 days weekend days? sm
They expect everyone to work a weekend day. Their definition of team player is to actually work 6 or 7 days a week. One might consider it if the pay was there & she gave out some decent work. It is the ideal place to work if you are a workaholic with no life.
11 days is more than you would get inhouse...usually 10 days.
We have the convenience of working at home and yet you want MORE than what inhouse positions offer?

Ask if those are calendar days or biz days too nm
16 hours a week or 8 a week and get
401 K.
Why would anyone work 8 hours a week. The poster above said 16 or 24 hours a week.
90 days
...so I'm not eligible yet, but that was the first good thing I heard about the...that their pay was about average, benefits were great.

I can't give specifics yet, so maybe someone else can help with that who already has it, I just didn't want you to feel ignored!:)
Re: A few days ago...
It was not a few days ago. It was weeks ago. They've gotten everything straightened out. I've posted in defense of this company before. They are compassionate, they are very helpful, and are all about finding ways to make us be able to do better as MTs and QAs. I love this company and hope to be there for a long time to come. Those of you who have no personal knowledge of the company need to not post in response to people who are asking legitimate questions. We hire newbies that have no experience and give them a chance. Unlike so many of the 'great' companies out there that everyone spends every day worrying about. We are onboarding more and more accounts by the week and are growing tremendously. I highly recommend this company. Good luck to any of you who decide to apply.
That's what they want... we have 60 days sm
to find another job and we can give them 1 days' notice and they'll consider it a lay-off, otherwise if we leave with no notice, they will give us bad references.
We all have those days
It seems like I have days like this a lot lately.  Isn't this job fun? 
Five days for me. sm
have not yet started, just heard yesterday, but sounds good so far.  Hoping this will be my last carnival!  lol!
90 days
Diskriter benefits start after 90 days of employment. I have been with them since July 2006 and love it here.
It's been eight days now
And still no answers.

Despite their many good points, I disagree about the benefits. I think they are awful and very dependent on circumstance beyond the MT's control. I think they're only good for people who have been with them for a very long time and are allowed to stay on a primary account. I thought I was alone in this and even began to doubt my own abilities or chalked it up to my aging until talking to some other MTs who felt the exact same way; that every time they got good at anything their work was switched to something unfamiliar, keeping their production and wages down, and benefits next to nil. I've heard three MTs complain of this and wonder how many others there are.

yes, same here, last few days.
am getting concerned...did they overhire?
I believe it was 3 days
I think within 3 days I had heard back. In the week after that, we exchanged information, etc. Before 2 weeks were up, I was actively working on my account.

Good luck to you!! I am another happy Keystrokes employee.