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It mostly was punctuation..

Posted By: JMMTTA on 2009-04-16
In Reply to: Sorry - Red FLAG to QA - Fingers

That I get counted off for, no major mistakes and yes my line count did drastically increase.

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First of all, we in QA do not have time to QA emails and do not try to be perfect in posts or in emails (give me a break once in a while) ...but I learned my punctuation skills in high school and in college English 101 and also from feedback prior to becoming QA. Dates should always be set off with comma. Nonessential clauses should be set off with comma. You don't understand this because you either never learned to diagram a sentence or you forgot it or you just don't care. There are sites on the Internet where you can learn this if you care. Why do MTs resent punctuation correction..do they think they do not get paid for commas?
wow, what happened to all my punctuation
I put in the post above???
Your punctuation when to AlphaHeaven with all sm
the spaces that aren't counted anymore! :)
lol It's a punctuation issue!
MTs ... plural ...more than one

MT's ... possessive ... something belonging to one MT

MTs' ... plural possessive ... something belonging to more than one MT

You're too funny with your holier than thou crap! LOL

There is no way punctuation is giving SM
you that low of a QA percentage.  No way.  There have to be other issues (typos, incorrect terminology).  Even on short reports a couple of commas do not give you a QA score in the 80s.
Punctuation errors, not spelling
Didn't see spelling mistakes, but plenty of grammar/punctuation errors.
Who cares about punctuation and grammar?
With the doctors using EMR and VR without editing, these things are a thing of the past.  Medical records are a mess and nobody cares.
Punctuation and grammar still counts
As much as some may hate taking time to use the correct punctuation and grammar, it is still a part of the medical transcription industry. The ability to decide between correct and incorrect grammar and punctuation separates us from the machines.
Well, gosh, it has a punctuation component!!!
Because that's the big problem with all the VR work...a misplaced comma (or comment, coma, or karma in VR speak). I think they still have a way to go until they get a system that has enough real intelligence to figure out and translate when a dictator is repeating himself, correcting himself, stumbling over himself, or yawning while he speaks, or has the ability to go back three paragraphs later and fix what Dr. Mumbles said at the beginning of the report. Of course, all the MTSOs and hospitals looking to cut costs will p*ss away beaucoup bucks on this before they realize it's not the godsend they though, but not before they've driven down wages and driven up the unemployment rate. I'm all for technology, but let's work on getting something that will make our jobs easier, not these feeble, futile attempts to replace the Transcriptionist entirely.
if only a punctuation mark in an email address is wrong,
the email cannot be delivered to the inbox It has to be 'exactly' the same email address, exactly to the smallest detail.

Fishy, fishy....

This issue IS... Do you want your QA that determines your errors, including punctuation, Indians.???
I have no problem maintaining quality and agree that 98% and above is acceptable and definitely quality what we all strive for, I just am offended that someone I cannot even understand and they cannot understand me, being the ones doing the quality checks on my work. That is my issue with it. You have not been there long enough. I was there a few months before they started bothering me. The problem was that I would tell them No, I cannot do the stat right now as I am logging off and they would still keep asking me. What part of NO in the English language is that hard to understand. Good luck with that.
I agree. You still have to know punctuation, proper English, tenses, sentence structure, etc. Show
Usually a spelling test, a punctuation test, and maybe 3-6 test files to do. Sometimes done using