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Natural remedies...tea bags, cucumbers, potato slices....

Posted By: ms on 2008-08-19
In Reply to: Bags under eyes - help please!

I used to use cucumbers, but any of these will work....check out these web sites for more info, too....




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any remedies for sinusitis??
I've been congested/runny nose for three weeks now.  Anybody have any suggestions for home remedies??
home remedies
anybody remember hearing about tried and true home remedies your mothers and grandparents used to use BACK IN THE DAY, when that's all they had and people did not go to doctors?  Things like which spider web to pack in a wound or using an onion to "draw" a wasp sting or meat tenderizer on jelly fish stings.  Just curious, I bet there are a lot of them.
Anyone have any home remedies

My back is killing me (time of month again), but this time my back seems to be killing me worse than ever.  I can't just go lie down.  I've got work that has to be done.  Anyone know of anything that might help?

How bout home remedies for other things.  My grandfather was an advocate for a teaspoon of honey and teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of OJ each morning to cure what ever ailed you (he lived until 92 years old and hardly ever went to the doc).

Fwd RettaB: Home Remedies

Home remedies worth trying...

Drinking two glasses of Gatorade can relieve headache pain almost immediately -- without the unpleasant side effects caused by traditional "pain relievers." Did you know that Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns?

Stuffy nose? Before you head to the drugstore for a high-priced inhaler filled with mysterious chemicals, try chewing on a couple of Altoids peppermints. Achy muscles ?Mix 1 Tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil, for instant relief for aching muscles. Sore throat? Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria. Cure urinary tract infections with Alka-Seltzer. Just dissolve two tablets in a glass of water and drink it at the onset of the symptoms.Works almost instantly. Honey remedy for skin blemishes. Cover the blemish with a dab of honey and place a Band-Aid over it. Honey kills the bacteria, keeps the skin sterile, and speeds healing. Works overnight. Listerine therapy for toenail fungus. Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again. Easy eyeglass protection... To prevent the screws in eyeglasses from loosening, apply a small drop of Maybelline Crystal Clear nail polish to the threads of the screws before tightening them. Cleaning liquid that doubles as bug killer ... If menacing bees, wasps,etc. get in your home and you can't find the insecticide, try a spray of Formula 409. Insects drop instantly. Vinegar to heal bruises ... Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it to the bruise for 1 hour. The vinegar reduces the blueness and speeds up the healing process. Kills fleas instantly...Dawn dishwashing liquid does the trick. Add a few drops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Good-bye fleas. ! Rainy day cure for dog odor. Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with Bounce or any dryer sheet, instantly making your dog smell springtime fresh.

Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of Wesson corn oil in your cat's ear. Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing. Quaker Oats for fast pain relief... It's not for breakfast any more! Mix 2 cups of Quaker Oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute, cool slightly, and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.

Some home remedies for hives.
1. Eliminate trigger factor. Common trigger include medication, nuts, eggs, berries, insect bites, jelly fish and animal dander. Wearing tight fitting clothes or jewelry can do this also.
2. OTC Benadryl antihistamine pills
3. For itching you can try and or all of the calamine lotion or milk of magnesia liquid (apply directly on hives),
4. Soak in warm tub of water with ½ cup of cornstarch and ½ cup of baking soda for per ½ tub of water at least once daily. This helps a lot.
5. Apply aloe vera gel to affected area. Any type is good, but read labels. The ones for sunburn have an anti-itch component.
6. Vitamins C, E and zinc.
7. Ingest cayenne pepper, if you can stand it. It's not that bad on eggs (unless that is his trigger) or potatoes.
8. Stress makes this worse. Teas that calm the nerves include peppermint, passionflower, chamomile, valerian or catnip.

Sore throat remedies needed...sm

I'm on day #4 of a severe sore throat.  Ran a fever days 1 and 2.  Really no sinus congestion to aggravate it.  My 7-year-old daughter has the same thing but with sinus drainage.  The pediatrician confirmed yesterday she doesn't have strep and this is all a virus that is going through the community as they've seen a lot of this same virus over the past week.  We found out that 2 other kids in her class have the same muck.

We're doing salt water gargles and I'm using Cepacol lozenges.  We're also drinking lots of hot and cold fluids.  I can't use TheraFlu because it has ingredients that I'm allergic to.   I can't eat anything other than drinking liquid soups because it hurts too bad.  Definitely not a fun way to lose weight for sure!

What's your favorite remedy to make a sore throat feel better? 

hot potato
The reason you have to slice them in half before you wrap the whole potato to cook it is because it is too hot to eat even hours later. By being already cut in half, no one burns their fingers and the potato instantly cools off once it is opened. You do not need to put them back in an oven once they come out.
Need help regarding Potato salad?...sm

I have a problem.  When my children were young they never liked potato salad.  They always asked if I would make macaroni salad all the time with holiday meals.  Today my son who is a teenager asked me if I would make potato salad to go with the turkey and all the other holiday goodies.  He said he does like potato salad now. I have no clue how to make this as I have never made it.  Any recipes/help would be so greatly appreciated. 



Potato casserole
This is my funeral potatoes recipe which does contain cheese, but I see no reason why you can't adjust a recipe to your preference. I do it all the time when recipes have ingredients that I don't like. I'm thinking you could replace the cheese with cream of mushroom soup or cream of potato soup. Go for it. Don't be afraid to make a recipe your own!

* 6 medium potatoes, boiled
* 1 pint sour cream
* 1 cup cheddar cheese, grated
* 1 bunch green onions, chopped
* 2 tablespoons butter
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon pepper
* 2 tablespoons milk

I have used cucumbers many times which works. Also I have heard that preparation H works as well but have never tried it, but it stands to reason that it would work. I use a lighter concealer under my eyes than my foundation shade which brightens up the area. I use Avon's Anew eye products and they are wonderful, and usually frequently on sale, as they are a little pricey, but worth it.
Forgot to say that cucumbers, the same as preparation H do shrink puffiness, but I had a makeup tip once in a Victoria's Secret makeover to use just the slightest amount on the corner of the eye, an irridescent (which is light-reflectant) CREAM eye shadow which is moist, not powder which is caking and drying, like near-white, near-pink near-silver, etc. Use it very sparingly; just a dot in the corner or just below the corner. It brightens the corner of the eye. It really is a pretty look and brightens the dark look and the corner. The trick is to use it sparingly so it is not obvious.
sweet potato casserole...sm

You can mince or grind down the pecans rather than chop 'em if you think that'll work for your guests.  Cat...

Sweet Potato Casserole II

SUBMITTED BY: Suzanne Cook      PHOTO BY: Anderswin

"Fluffy sweet potatoes mixed with butter, sugar, and vanilla, and baked with a crunchy pecan streusel topping. This recipe was given to me by my brother-in-law."

READY IN  45 Min

Original recipe yield: 16 servings

About  scaling  and  conversions


  • 4 1/2 cups cooked and mashed sweet potatoes
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 cup light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 1 cup chopped pecans


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together mashed sweet potatoes, 1/2 cup butter, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and eggs. Spread sweet potato mixture into the prepared baking dish. In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar and flour. Cut in 1/3 cup butter until mixture is crumbly, then stir in pecans. Sprinkle pecan mixture over the sweet potatoes.
  3. Bake for 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown.


Just like a potato chip, can't pick just one!

300, Forest Gump, Bram Stokers Dracula, 50 First Dates.

Those are probably my top ones that I never get sick of watching. I have a pretty huge movie collection and pretty much only buy ones that I really love though.  I'm a fan of most all types of movies.

You should change your name to Couch Potato

I like Grey's Anatomy too but never can remember when it comes on to record it. I have also seen commercials for Swingtown and that looks good but I can barely keep up with the little I record now. I hesitate to add to it. :)
Bake like a regular potato
They are good if you make them just like a regular baked potato too and just add butter, salt, and pepper. My husband also grilled them in foil this summer with butter and just a touch of brown sugar and they were great. I do not like the canned, fresh are MUCH better and less sweet from the start. I also saw a recipe for sweet potato chips in the oven. I haven't tried it yet and can't remember where I found the recipe but I'm sure you can Google it.
Bakes potato soup
I like to make baked potato soup. Bake 3 large potatoes or 4-5 small ones. Cut them in half, cool slightly, then scoop out the middle. While they are baking I takes some time to heat up some chicken stock with a bay leaf, garlic, black pepper, a little time. Sometimes I use boulion (sp?) if I don't have stock. Add potatoes to this. Heat to boil. Puree if you want or leave chunky. Add milk and cornstarch if you like it thicker or sometimes I use potato buds to thicken it. The amount of milk/chicken stock, etc. depends on how much fat you want. I used to use almost full milk or heavy cream but not any more. I just use enough to make it creamy now. Put in bowls and top with cheddar cheese and bacon. Sour cream doesn't work well. Really easy and quick (can "bake" the potatoes in the microwave if you want). I find that kids love it if you call it cheese and bacon soup. lol Usually for the bacon, I don't cook a new package but instead when I cook bacon for breakfast, etc. I save 2 or 3 pieces in the freezer each time. Then when I want some for soup, green beans, or salads it is available.
Ziplock bags!
Ziplock bags for all liquid items (shampoo, perfume, makeup). Rolling clothes helps stop wrinkling. Here are some helpful sites.


Same here bags for adults
And paper for my children (even though my older one hasn't believed in Santa Claus for a few years).
paper or bags
It's paper for me all the way - I love to wrap and make bows, etc. My sister does bags, hates to wrap. To each his own.
You know you can make your own bags
pretty easy and cheap using different boxes as templates, detergent boxes, etc.  Did it with my Girl Scout troup. That way you can use paper you like.
Bags under eyes

I am developing huge bags under my eyes and always, always look exhausted. Nothing wrong found at the doctor other than my never ending battle with depression. Photos taken at a wedding this weekend show my eyes to be especially dark at the outside corners-I always look like I've been crying.

Any tried and true remedies to help reduce the puffiness and darkness? I have sensitive, pale skin by the way.

I like potato salad with sweet pickles in it. sm

That's how my mom and grandma always made it, so I grew up eating it that way.  But the very thought of sweet pickles makes my hubby ill, so dill pickles it is for us. 

potato recipe for Easter dinner

1 package of frozen shredded potatoes.
1 pint of whipping cream
salt to taste

dump potatoes in a casserole dish, salt to taste, and pour whipping cream over top. bake 350 for about 60 minutes.--- susan

Potato salad, baked beans.
Steak, of course, baked potato and salad.
I really, really wanted this guy bad. Got him too...now I sometimes wonder why I really, really wanted him bad.... Just kidding!
I like to use gift bags for the adults
and wrapping paper for kids. I know there is a lot of wasted paper when you wrap, but something about watching a child rip into a package is so fun.
Zip lock bags and tie a ribbon around them- sm
this way they stay fresh.
Works for garbage bags too
If you have 2 or more kids who have to take turns taking out the garbage, assign each a garbage color - you can get them in white, yellow, green and blue that I know of. When the blue kid takes out the garbage, s/he puts in the yellow bag, or whoever's turn it is next. Believe me, they don't forget to change the bags.
Bags/dark circles
Eyederma will definitely get rid of the dark circles, but it is expensive and it also dried under my eyes and made the wrinkles more noticeable. I tried Borba eye rejuvenator and love it. It definitely shrinks the bags and gets rid of the dark circles. I got mine from QVC, but if you Google Borba, they also have their own website. Hope this helps.
I started getting bags under my eyes in my 20's. SM
It kept getting worse. People would ask me what's wrong with my eyes. I finally had plastic surgery and it was the best thing I ever did.

It was the only thing that worked. This is only to be used as a last resort, but the results were amazing.
Cheesy pork chop and potato bake-- YUM!
Although, b-fast does sound mighty good.  I am preggo, and eggs sound good absolutey any tme!! 
don't forget mashed potatoes and potato salad!...nm
Gift Bags or Wrapping Paper?
I love the Christmas gift bags you can buy at the various dollar stores. SO much easier than boxes and wrapping. They are pretty and very inexpensive. I have seen similar bags at Target for much more. I LOVE cheching out the different Dollar stores. I like Big Lots too. Great deals. Tissue paper and gift bags for me. How about you?
When you fuse plastic grocery bags.
You have to be sure you are in an ventilated area because it has toxic fumes. I did mine outside because I have a plug in on the side of my house.  You cannot get anymore ventilated that that.  lol.   I set my iron on 3 which is a medium setting, no steam and sandwich 1 bag folded twice (you need 8 layers) in between 2 pieces of regular typing/print paper.  As I am ironing I just count to 20 or you can use a timer lol and then flip it over and iron the other side and count to 20.  When you peal the paper off you will find that the plastic bag is stiff like paper and seems to be very durable.  I cannot tear the things and I have tried.  To me, it is the perfect liner for a car trash bag or even a bathroom trash bag.  If one must use a plastic garbage bag for the kitchen (some garbage companies won't allow anything else but plastic bags) then maybe we can at least eliminate the amount we use. 
Our cat loves feathers and plastic bags - sm
she licks the bags though (grocery bags/Wal-mart that type), weirdest thing, she does the same with feathers, like she is grooming it I guess. She loves to lay on paper too, no clue why. I don't get her too many toys as she does not really play with store bought toys, though loves those feather stick things. Have some of those toy mice but they end up disappearing. Likes the kids toy tents, boxes she can jump in, hiding under the coffee table that has a table cloth that completely covers it to the floor, likes to hid under anything and try and snag your ankle with a paw, definitely startles me sometimes. Loves her scratching post which is actual wood, not carpet, the only thing she scratches other than an exercise pad we put over a brick pad in our kitchen for a wood stove (so if the kids ever fell when they were little they would not hit the brick with their head at least), it is thick and squishy and the cat loves to knead it, makes a mess though if she does it too much. Will have to try the bread tie thing, bet she'd love that. She spends hours looking out the front window at the bird feeder and our hummingbird feeder too, and all the squirrels too. You can see the wheels turning when she is watching the birds and squirrels outside. Sleeps at my feet on the bed either in her cat bed if a cold night or just on top of the comforter. I call her a cat-dog as she has many dog characteristics which makes her the perfect cat to me (I am more of a dog person, but like cats too).
A baked yam or sweet potato is supposed to have the same effect, providing you don't
Ours is a natural gas...sm
generator that is wired into our main fuse box. You can have as many or as few electrical circuits (rooms) wired in, depending on the size generator you buy. Consumer Reports usually does a good job evaluating these and gives good advice.

We got ours after a tornado caused a prolonged power outage then later an ice storm. It is a nice feeling not to have to panic when these things come up.

And, yes, as long as you have the circuit wired in where your computer, etc, is plugged in AND DON'T LOOSE YOU ISP CONNECTION, you will be able to work.

It is expensive, but in the long run, I'm glad we did it.
natural vs.
Originally, we went all out and only bought organic everything, including lunchmeat. Now we only buy organic milk. Everything else we buy is "natural." It is very hard to get USDA stamp organic and that is why the cost is higher.

Absolutely the best substitute for organic is kosher and you can mix and match from there.
(Godiva is not organic, but it is kosher!)
I think it is natural for him to

test the boundaries of his new situation, don't you?  Once he knows there are still rules and you are sticking to them, he will be fine.  I really wouldn't be too worried.  If he seems excessively angry, then that's another situation.  Hang in there.   

Holiday plates, tissues, ribbons, and bags
I am lazy and not a good cook, but I buy those roast bags sm
in with the seasoning packets. It comes with seasoning and the bag for about $2 usually. I buy whatever cut is on sale, put it in the bag with the seasoning, straight to the hot oven and add veggies in a few hours. Always, always tender and falling apart no matter what cut. I have tried the crockpot too, but mine is never good and tender that way.
cool wet tea bags are good for burns & blisters nm
Rolls, dessert (some kind of soft pie or chocolate pie). Instead of potato salad, maybe sm
mashed potatoes since they are edentulous. Green bean casserole was a great idea. Corn casserole too is yummy.
We all seem to have a natural part here. But I keep my
There must be some sort of natural
repellent on the market that you can spray on the furniture so that when he jumps up there and sniffs around, whatever he does, he won't like it and will get down. I have heard of something similar with cayenne pepper or something in it that keeps them away...Will see if I can find what I am thinking and post it if I can.
I think it is a natural way to feel...BUT....sm
when you get involved with someone with children that is part of the deal. I snuggle and hug my kids all the time and if I was ever to divorce and date someone, they would just have to deal with it. He is with you because he wants to be with you and when he wants adult snuggling and cuddling it is you he will want. But when he gets time to spend with his daughter, you need to find something to entertain yourself and let them have their time. She will grow up and not want his attention soon enough. I say maybe 3 or 4 more years, tops, and then he'll be pretty much all yours :-)
Actually raw/organic/natural is the best
But you do have to watch where the ingredients come from because like one of the posters said they can contract parasites just like humans could if they have bad meat. I've attached a link. I think if you start pets at a young age they will take to the raw food diet, but trying to start an adult cat is difficult.

Was this a natural thing?
Or the result of fertility drugs/in vitro? I just don't know what I would do with 8 little ones! God bless them
While I am not a vegetarian, it is the natural
process for "creatures"
to eat each other. I hate when one of my cats kills another "creature" but that is their nature.
natural OTC medication?
Could you tell me what natural OTC medication she is taking? This sounds so much like my 16-year-old daughter. TIA.
French toast using texas test bar-b-que bread. Yummy. Potato casserole is sm
the best, too!
southern style potatoes frozen (ore-ida)
1 can cream of chicken soap
8 ounces sour cream
1 stick butter
1 package mild cheddar cheest
mix all ingredients and bake for 45 minutes

Then if you want to add a meat such as ham or bacon you can do that.