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Bold in Shorthand

Posted By: Lori on 2007-10-29
In Reply to: Shorthand users - How can I keep headings bolded in PE. I want to make - pkmt

I am running older version of shorthand.  In the "text to type" box I have to type exactly as follows before and after each word(s) I want bolded (see example below)

{@key ctrl+b}PHYSICAL EXAM:{@key ctrl+b}

There is a space between key and ctrl.  Whatever you type in between each "command box" will be bolded (you can do same for italics (ctrl +I), etc.  I found this in help section within the program.  Hope this helps. 

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How do you bold in shorthand?


shorthand bold
name it bo or bd, do this entry: ctrl/k, ctrl B, OK, will look {@KEY Ctrl+B)
shorthand bold
CTRL B then CTRL K type word, CTRL B again to undo. I think, search on this site.
Another Shorthand Question. How to Bold
I know this has been on the boards before, but would appreciate instructions on how to bold with Shorthand.  TIA very much.
How do I bold entries in Shorthand?
Mind sharing with me how to bold and underline in ShortHand pleeeze?
Just started a new account which requires bold and underscore.
if I may be so bold
The BOS is a general guide. No more and no less. It is not the Holy Grail. It is not the Constitution of the US. It is not Clark Gable's footprint.

I went to the AMA web site and did a Search for the term you mention. They show "plantar flexion" (two words).

So let it be written.
So let it be done.

if I may be so bold

  The AAMT is not the Holy Grail.  


Yes, bold the colon.

There is another way to bold in SH. I use it

to bold my headings that I need bolded. Insert {@key ctrl+B} I type this before and after my macro to turn off the bold after the macro is typed. Type it exactly as is or just copy and paste to a macro and test it out.

my macro for the heading PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: spelled out in bold is pmh;

On the keyword line type --- pmh;  

On the "text to type line" type ---  {@key ctrl+B}PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:{@key ctrl+B}  ...

To save time adding these to all your headings that need to be bolded, just copy and paste {@key ctrl+B} before and after everything that needs to be bolded. This saves me a ton of time. Someone at work gave me this code and I've been using it for years now.

RE: Bold
I use SFT-F1. Don't recall if that is with my ShortHand program or what.
SH Bold

After you create your bolded, entry, it will look this in the "text to type" box: {@KEY Ctrl+B}PMH{@KEY ctrl+B}

When you create it, Name your Keyword, then go to the Text to Type Box.

1.  Click on "tags".

2.  Click on "Ctrl - K" on the pulldown menu that pops up.

3.  Hit the keys "Control" and "B." 

4.  Type in your heading.

5.  Repeat Step 3.

6.  Hit OK to save your new keyword.

To bold

Type this in ShortHand {@key ctrl+B} then whatever you want bolded, i.e. CHEST, and then {@key ctrl+B} again. 

So it would look like this in your Shorthand {@key ctrl+B}CHEST{@key ctrl+B}

Hope this helps.


I don't think it allows for much other than characters. I could be wrong though.
SpeedType and Shorthand are the exact same program. Shorthand is lots cheaper and also has a trial.
SH bold formatting and others
In the "Dictionary Text [Add]" dialog box, as you
are entering in the "Text to Type", when you need
to add special formatting, you simply tap Ctrl-K, and
add the keystroke commands applicable to your
word processor to change to the desired font.
For example, Microsoft Word uses Ctrl+B to
enable/disable bold face. So to simulate bold text
with ShortHand in Microsoft Word, you simply need
to simulate the Ctrl+B keystroke. When you are done
your word(s) that are bolded will look like this:

{@KEY--Ctrl+B}your text{@KEY--Ctrl+B}.

When you actually type the key (as you transcribe)
Shorthand will automatically/instantly enter all the
special function keys that you have entered, and
your text will come out formatted.

You can use the same concept to add any formatting codes to your Shorthand text, including underlining, italicizing, changing font styles and/or font sizes. You can also add tabs, change margins, etc.

Try thi out and if you have any problems with this, post another message.

Is it possible to Bold and/or italicize

words in the glossary? 

I tried Control B and typed IMPRESSION:  in glossary Editor window but when <<IMPRESSION>> came up on Meditech screen, it was not blue as words are when bold in Meditech. 

Thank you.

To "Just Me" re SH bold...
the string of characters you describe is what Ctl-K does.  Discussed below this post.  I tried typing those codes and it didnt work at all, just made a big mess.  What version are you using?
Autotext gone Bold?

Why are my autotext entries turning bold when I go to use them?  I am starting to get annoyed here...I constantly have to change the autotext entry back to regular.  I know I did not enter it in as bold.  What is going on here?



{@KEY BkSp}-pack-per-year is for Shorthand. Using the semicolon works with both Shorthand and

;yo = -year-old

;py= -pack-year


Shorthand and SpeedType are exact same program. Shorthand will cost you lots less.
you can import your autocorrect into Shorthand.
I had one account that we had to cap and bold allergies.
Bold and underline in word. I am looking
at my screen now and at the top of tool bar, right side, there should be a B I and U. Just click on the B for bold and the U for underline and that should do it.

If you have a mouse, hold it over these letters and it will tell you what they are.

How do you bold and/or underline a word in....
Step by step directions would be so greatly appreciated!  TIA
Actually you can use bold and other attributes in Autocorrect
Just highlight the text and click on "formatted text" when you are entering it into Autocorrect.
You have to create it with the bold command
on the toolbar, next to the Bold button
There should be a little box with a number in it and a little black arrow. If you click on the arrow, it will bring up a bunch of font sizes. I would pick 12 as it is a standard size for printing. Hope that helps.
can you put bold characters in autocorrect?
I took shorthand too. But it sure comes in helpful for my expanders. I view words in shorthand for
i did use shorthand once in a job but i was so nervous the "boss" took pity and dictated the report on dictaphone.
I have one now where we CAP, bold and underline them (teaching hospital) -
and on one I used to only capa and bold. Everyone is different.
things like centering, bold, underline, etc.
(this is what was cut off my first message -- sorry about that!)
If it is Shorthand, save the SPF file to a disk, then if you buy Shorthand yourself....
you can just drop the SPF file into it. That is not dishonest since you are the one who put the macros in. I am sure is it is another Expander there is a way to save the macro file and then drop it in the expander you buy on your own.
Maxwell House BOLD and I drink it black. Whenever I go sm
to Starbucks, I get a Venti tripple café mocha.  Love it!
Type whatever word/phrase, bold, highlight, sm--
select Autocorrect, add.
Are you inserting after a bolded heading and bold wasn't
If I cannot verify drug, I give 'em dr. spelling and bold
This was discussed recently. Would be chars. + spaces, but no indents, bold, italics, etc. nm
Any Stedman SmartType users? Pros & Cons? Will it retain bold formatting without using DOS command
 DOS commands like ShortHand does?
Light blue background, with bold blue text.
Shorthand ? sm
Is Shorthand compatible with and is it much different than the standard autocorrect in Word?
I use Shorthand with DQS

It is very compatible.  You can set it up so that you can see a hint window while you type.  I tried using the built in Expander in DQS, and you have to have a great memory, because there is no hint window or suggestion window, like Smartype.  I also know that Instant Text is compatible with DQS, also; but I prefer Shorthand.  I hear so many great things about Smartype and wish I could learn it, but it won't work with DQS; however, there is a way you can get around that.  You can use Smartype and transcribe in Word, set your font size to 14 and save your file in Rich Text Format, then copy and paste into the DQS platform.  Then select all and hit Ctrl 5 to get the spacing right.  It sounds like a lot of steps and you will also lose your place as far as leaving any QA markers, so I personally don't care for the hassle, but I know of some MTs that do it that way, so you can try it.

Hope this helps. 

cool, i'll look into that thanks
Shorthand SM
Shorthand should work with ChartScript, since ChartScript uses Microsoft Word, but you would want to disable ChartScript's built in expander.  If you are referring to ChartScript.net, Shorthand should work in that too.
Wow! Thanks! I had asked that question a little while ago on the production board.
shorthand sm
Where did you find a free program? Did it load right into Word for Windows?
The Hospital I came from uses Meditech with Shorthand-, works fine. There is something built into Meditech like a word Expander but everyones stuff mixes in together and was a nightmare- love shorthand.
I would be very interested.
I use ShortHand with Meditech. Works great....
In Shorthand, there must be (sm)
a shortcut key or something that allows you to add on the fly?? The only thing I see is to actually open the ShortHand window then I can click the insert button on my keyboard or click on the little "add" icon. Is there a key combination for doing this while I am in the document - to just bring that "add" window up?
I use Shorthand. nm
Is there a way to copy text with bold headers into shorthand, bold headers and all? The text copies fine but I have to go back and use the special keys for adding the bold back in at every header because the bold from the finished text will not carry over. I've gone through the help section but maybe I'm not asking "how to" the right way. It just seems that my old version of SH carried everything over, but I can't remember. Anyhow, if anyone has the answer, would appreciate it.