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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

To clarify, I wasn't complaining.

Posted By: Hawaii MT on 2009-03-23
In Reply to: Answer to all recent posts . . . sm . . . and my own summarization of reasons as to the first post - - Frustrated

As I stated in my post, I am actually doing quite well with MT. I actually make more as an MT than I have ever made in any other job I have had. I am currently the main support of my family and we are making it just fine. My family does have a roof over our head and food on the table, and we are all much happier to be back home.

I can, however, see why others would complain. My point was that you shouldn't be so judgmental and say that everyone complaining about money should reevaluate their living situations. Some of us are already living as frugally as we can with very little places to cut back on. I agree with the posters on this board that think MT should pay more. No MT should be making less for their work than the person working a cash register at the local fast food joint or the door greet at Wal-Mart. That is just ridiculous. This is a specialized skill and should be paid as such.

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she wasn't complaining
She wasn't complaining. She said she would appreciate the extra work, but can't she still be frustrated? She was merely stating the fact that they never think of us unless they need something. My office has students that come in from time to time and I never get a heads up. It's hard to make arrangements, especially if you have to get someone to help you. I pick up tapes, as well, until May when my clinic goes to EMR. :(
I wasn't the one who was complaining about everything from the start...
you were...obviously you have nothing better to do yourself
My job IS to do exactly what it is you are complaining about. DO YOUR JOB!!
Quit making mistakes that make us have to holler at you. You are about a dumb one aren't you?
What is all the complaining for?!?!?!?!
Not sure what all the complaints are about regarding the refund checks from Medquist - My check was for $1.18, that's right $1.18, but ya know what, I have no complaints about them. I have worked for them just about 7 years and am happy. For all those complainers out there that cannot stand them, then fricken quit and stop your whining. Nothing more frustrating than to hear how much you hate it, blah, blah, blah - QUIT! Go to MTJobs.com and find yourself a new job.

You were the one complaining, not me. I was just
trying to offer some consolation but like I wrote previously, you don't want a change you want to complain.

Good luck.
Maybe the MTs were complaining
experience than you and were resentful.  I dont' mean to sound mean and I am certainly not flaming you, but if I had a supervisor with less experience than myself, they would not be much help.  They sup should have more experience and be able to help the MTs to do a better job.  If those under you know more and have more experience, you are not an asset. 
I was not complaining (sm)
Not in the least. My post was simply about wanting to know how I was averaging compared to other MTs with busy families. When I started MT'ing, I worked for a service away from home, so I just happen to know that there is a big difference between transcribing at home and transcribing away from home. I love my job and what I do, and wouldn't have it any other way.
If you are complaining of low pay, why??
do you stay in this business?? I have just read loads of posts below and I lady talking about just paying the bills and housing and to me that is sad because sounds like basically just surviving. Tell me, if so many are fed up with the low pay (and I would like to make more myself) but what are the reasons you continue to work at MTing? I would probably be truthful in saying most of your fast food places and maybe some of your box stores now pay what a Transcriptionist makes. Why complain if you continue to work for these wages- I really would like to know.
She's been complaining all day.
Some of the posts were moved, others are down below.
It has nothing to do with complaining it has to do with warning people who deal with agencies like this!!! I work for two other companies. I have nothing to complain about. Life is good and God is good.

All I have to say for you is... Ignorance is bliss.
NOT complaining
I am ABSOLUTELY not complaining about my job. I love my job. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, even if it means that I have to do these extra jobs on the side. I was just asking what people thought about me asking for compensation and how to go about it. Believe me...if I don't get compensated for the work that I've done I will smile and say thanks anyway and continue working like I have been. I DO NOT want to lose this job and I DO NOT take it for granted. I know how lucky I am.
There is complaining and then...
there is COMPLAINING. I'm not referring to those who vent about frustrations with this industry. I do it to. I'm talking about the people who are just really bitter, negative, hateful, and plain miserable in EVERY post and want to share that misery every time they get on this board.

There are several and it just makes me feel like these people need to find another career or a hobby...or $ex or something!
not complaining here
What's enough money for one person isn't for another. I need $1800 a month just to cover rent, food for me and a 14-year-old (good appetite),  electric, internet/cable/phone, and another monthly bill I have)  - so naturally I need more than $1800 because there is always something else to pay for - clothes, school expenses, transportation, etc. So, I have 2 jobs. (about 8.5 cpl/4 to 5 something for VR).  I was one of the learn on the job people, and I have always worked at home. . I like being an MT too, which is a good thing since I spend so much time doing it.  My situation right now is that I need to work 60 plus hours a week to make enough.  I hope it won't always be that way but for now I am just glad that I don't usually run out of work, and one of my jobs I do my favorite speciality almost exclusively - doesn't even feel like work to me.  If I don't want to do this job anymore, I will learn something else.. have a bachelor's and can go from there - as I have more than 20 years until retirement.  Overall, MT's been good to me.
Why I'm not complaining s/m
If this job suits you it just tickles me to death  I'm not looking for a job thank you.
Let me clarify
When comparing being paid by words and lines, the same file came up about 40.00 less when counted by words and multiplied by the formula as compared to being paid cpl.  So anyone out there who works for this company, can you tell me if this is a good process and how exactly you figure it.  I added it all up using Abacus.
What is going on with MQ? Please clarify!
I didn't get any information from MQ or attorneys.  Please tell me what is going on.  Thanks.
Just to clarify

Is this post from the administrator of this board?  Thanks.

Please clarify..
I'm sorry I didn't understand your reply. I was wondering what the standard 65-character per line rate is for general transcription... Thanks!
Let me clarify, too. sm
I didn't post to upset you or try to make you sound like a terrible person. My original post to you was to suggest that maybe your kids need a break from the stress, too, and that maybe they could go with you on vacation and you could all enjoy some relaxing time together, and also still get in plenty of alone time or "me time." That's why I signed my post as Devil's Advocate - to let the reader's know that the opinion inside wasn't going to be the same as everyone else's and would show a completely different side.

And believe me, I do understand. I have a 17 y.o. boy, a 14 y.o. girl, and a 5 y.o. boy, so I definitely understand the stress levels involved. I also understand that while I have huge amounts of stress, they're dealing with their own stress, so if I feel I can take a vacation, then I take them with me. That's just the way I do things, and everyone's entitled to a different opinion, and I was just trying to express another option. If you end up going without the kids, that's your choice and if that works for you guys, that's great. I really do hope you have a great time, regardless of whether you go alone or take half of the town with you. With the amount of responsibilities and jobs (mom, cook, MT, chauffeur, etc.) you've been doing, it sounds like you truly do need a relaxing vacation, and I wouldn't deny that to anyone. Have fun. ;o)
Clarify please . . .
I have had no trouble with Lori, the owner, so I'd like some information on your definition of "lunatic" (not saying it isn't true, just looking for a bigger picture). The company I IC for is based in Portland, OR. The owner resides most of the time in Manhattan. Are we talking about the same company?
just to clarify... see msg
In this case, "oriented" is being used as an adjective, not a verb. It's being used to describe the status of the patient. And "orientated" is OK to use because it's also an adjective. We've just become more accustomed to hearing "alert and oriented," but "alert and orientated" is also correct. :)
lol, just to clarify....
I change them twice a day, in the a.m. and before bed so have around 14 pr to wash a week. Maybe you don't change yours ENOUGH? Ick! To each his/her own. LOL
Can you clarify that?
I don't quite follow the pay structure. If you train and QA 10 MTs for 2 weeks you get $150 total + a $250 bonus? Did I get that right? It doesn't sound like a deal to me. Perhaps I am totally missing something, though.
just to clarify this==sm
it sounds like you are saying that you have both word 97 and word 2003 on your computer and you are using both? is this what you are saying? If this is the fact, then you should not have two versions of word on your computer at the same time. either/or, but not both. No wonder you are having conflicts! Your computer is confused as to what you expect it to do. Your word97 docs will be just fine if you use 2003, exclusively.
Let me clarify as well
I am new to this particular company, haven't even been there a year, and am struggling on their platform. I have to work 9-10 hours to get 1600 lines. I used to work for a company and had been there for 5 years, and that is when I did 2000+ lines per day. I knew all the docs and had everything down. I would have stayed at that company but lost the work to India so had to move on.
Just to clarify...
I have not found any free FTP server sites that are would be considered secure HIPAA compliant servers that will allow multiple users. So, again, if you or anyone else out there has found such a place, please do share.
I should clarify.... (sm)
I'm not saying "Patient sent to Radiology" is incorrect. In some types of reports, clipped sentences are more desirable. In office visits (which was my specialty for a long time), though, it's less acceptable than in hospital reports.

And I was meaning to point out that new MTs are often confused about editing, and sometimes overedit which is what the OP seems to be describing.
clarify please. did you say should get the job?
Or did you mean shouldn't?  I don't understand. Thank you.
need to clarify..

Well.  I guess I have to clarify.  The lady I was talking about that had this experience was hired by front girl (office manager) for a certain amount of money hands down because she aced the test 100.. Then she had to meet the man who "owned" the establishment in person.  He was quite happy with her on the phone after she aced the test, even quoted her insurance for her family at like x amount  per two weeks.  then when he met in person (they were sitting at the break table in lunch room to talk) there was a cake on the table and he asked her was she wanting to eat the cake (like she was going to eat the whole thing).  Then he said the price went down 3 dollars an hour and that the insurance would be 1200 per month.  something like nearly triple what it was already quoted.  Then, when the girl that would train her asked if she could be started the next business day, the guy said no that they had to wait  so that they could move some desks around to make  "room" for her in the office and was looking her up and down while he said it.

Just too sad to me.  She is a fantastic transcriptionist.  Thing is she is not that big!!   I think his loss if she chooses not to take the job. 

The reason that I brought myself up with the job experience that I had was that I was given same little knock downs while at my employment, just little snide remarks that I tried to overlook as I thought that perhaps I was just a bit over conscious of my weight. This just makes me wonder that maybe I was not being over sensitive after all, maybe it is a anti-fat work place.  Who knows,  but what she experienced was just down right mean.  Maybe he will get a thyroid goiter and gain a few pounds and see how it feels.  Just very shallow... Oh well, their loss...


Let me clarify... SM

It is wrong for the company subcontracting work to the IC to expect any amount of work even though the IC took the work.  An IC has a right to take work and then give it back is what I meant.  This is true to form.  I've had work offered, refused, work given to me and given it back, taken work and given it back.  Never has it been a problem.  I'M AN IC for goodness sakes.  I have that choice and right.

Now, if I didn't have a very good reason with the one company I work for as an IC, which I have been charged, but there is a policy statement that I would be charged a flat rate for just sending a job back incomplete with an explanation.  But, the explanation doesn't matter, it just boils down to communication.  I can simple say.  Something came up, and I cannot do the job, and the job is taken care of. 

Let me clarify.
I never said that I worked for her, nor would I work for her since I do know her meeting her here and there over the years and I do not work for my friends. What I was trying to point out and on reading my post, not very well .. choppy .. not enough coffee onboard .. was that often your years can work against you depending on where you have been in your career and the bad habits you have developed and can't let go because it is "the way I have always done it." We need at this juncture, to open ourselves to the possibilities. Many people who go to M-Tec or wherever have had other very successful careers. Students are not necessarily people without experience. Many are very capable of moving forward much fsster than traditionally.

This is not an easy business and it gets worse every day as far as I am concerned. I can never retire - how sick is that! A bit of unification and cohesion in the ranks would help a lot. We still allow ourselves to be herded and we act thankful we are getting screwed. It has never made sense to me .. not for 1 day of the many years I have been doing this work. It really is a pitiful mess, this industry.
To clarify sm
These two IC position, while driving me to distraction, are the about the best two I have ever had! I have the following:
--not be paid for a month's work (more than 3 times this has happened to me in my time as an MT)
--the boss figures out that I am making about what she does, so she cuts my work several times until I have to find other work, then gripes because I have other work done during the day when she has nothing for me.
--been dumped with the worst dictators that no one else will touch. It was all I could get, I did it.
--had an MTSO call me names, most of which will get flagged on here and I won't repeat anyway.
--been told I was worthless because I "thought for myself" and there was no room for "MTs who think for themselves" in this company.
--Been called at 1 a.m. on a Sunday morning (not my day to work) for a stat note because...they knew I'd be home and that "would not mind" helping out. Well yeah, except it is my only day off?
--expected to work when my child had a ruptured appendix and I was spending as much time at the hospital as at work, then have someone's vacation work dumped on me because "you know you can do it"!?!?

I need my income. Between some debit I am paying down slowly and my income tax, I am paying out 60% of my income. Another 20 to 25% are my actual business expenses and I am living on a very tiny portion of my income. The only way I can afford something I need, like a newer vehicle because mine has 125K miles on it, is to work like a dog to save more money. I get sick and tired of recruiters lying to me about their work loads, the way they pay lines, the hours that we agree upon and then changing their minds and deciding when I can work extra or be threatened with the loss of my situation.

It is an UGLY world out there for MTs. I am angry, defensive and frankly P.O.'ed because I firmly believe that out there right now is a wonderful MTSO who needs me. I believe that if I can find he/she it would be a mutually beneficial and enjoyable relationship. I also know that this person is about to throw their hands up in disgust because they can't find someone with everything I have to offer. We will give each other a chance and make both of our lives easier, hopefully in the very very long term.

If you don't have these things happen to you, good for you. I need to eat and put a roof over my head, clothes on my back and help out my college kids. I take whatever comes my way.
Just to clarify
Missouri is an at-will state. I checked the site and they aren't very helpful. To clarify, I am wondering if we are full time employees of the hospital, do we not have the right to recieve what all of the other full time employees recieve reguardless if we work at home?
Just to clarify
I forgot to mention I also live in Missouri.
I should clarify...
with online access to voice file, like iDigital, etc.

some suggestions after some complaining!

I have been transcribing about 20 years all told, and the distractions I deal with these days are not much different than in years past.  We moved into a new one-story house in November and I have been working upstairs with everyone else.  I start working at 5 AM, but when the sun comes up, my birds start making racket and one of them talks A LOT, which can be absolutely maddening...then the dogs start up, and then the kids - 12 and 11 - with the TV on, or arguing, or horsing around ...ever since school has been out, I feel like all I do is yell 'can you please turn that down?' or 'please be quiet.'   I know I have been driving my family crazy as much as they drive me crazy, but because of the efforts of my husband building an office for me in the basement (and also because he's tired of listening to me complain), thank God, I am moving my office down to the basement TODAY.  My new office is not finished yet (it still needs a drop ceiling and carpet) but I can't take all this noise and distraction upstairs anymore.

I would suggest making your work area as isolated and quiet as possible.  During your work time do not answer the phone at all no matter who it is, and screen all calls with an answering machine.  Get rid of all distractions, whether they be noise or otherwise.  Make the best use of productivity tools (expanders).  Be consistent in your work habits, i.e., work straight through two hours and then take a 15-minute break.  Hope this is helpful.


they weren't asking for help, just complaining
A lot of folks are complaining about MT pay
and not being able to make enough money. I personally don't think the problem lies so much with how many cpl we get, but the fact that we have to transcribe dictators who obviously have no regard for the person doing the transcription. They seem to think it quite proper to eat, chew gum, have a conversation with someone in the background, lay the mic down and dictate or speaker phone, dictate on a cell phone, in a crowded room, and a host of other things that make transcription very, very difficult. When you throw in a whole slew of ESLs, there goes your money.
These same people complaining
are probably the ones stating "I work from home, so I have flexibility".  If you don't want intruders then don't tell them you work at home.  I have never had a problem with others thinking I sit around and do nothing.  I also have respect from the offices I work for because they say things like "sorry to bother you"!!!  Whoever out there thinks at MT work is easy, they should try it some time.  I really get just the opposite.  Wow, you type really fast, or wow that's great you can work at home!  I haven't had anyone yet try to shove their kids on me even though I have my own.  Yes, I have kids.  So, I tend to think that people having these types of intruder or disturbance problems during their work day are inviting it!!!!   
Not complaining, inquiring. sm
Not complaining, but inquiring. The OM said they are new to dictation, so it may take a while for them to get used to it. No dictation in a month is not good, though, and they will be backlogged.

One time I had a doctor who didn't dictate for a month. She was trying VR, which did not work. Then she did it again for a month, and was trying another service that was cheaper. Want to check to see if they're not fishing around, but never can be sure.

I gave them handheld units with the intent on their dictating, which they dont. Can't stop them from using my equipment with another service, but want some consistency. If I don't type, I don't make money. Thank goodness he's not my only client.

Next time will make them pay for them or find a way to prorate them. In that sense, I feel I've lost money.
Then stop complaining...

If you are happy, then stop complaining.  If you are not happy, then move on.  Why is it so difficult for you to figure out?

She has been encouraging MTs who are complaining..
such as yourself, to look in the mirror and take some accountability for ourselves...nothing negative about that...
You've been complaining about this sm
for months now.  Obviously for whatever reason you are not going to get more work from the people you work for.  The answer is to get another job.
Stop complaining??
Now, now, everyone has a right to their free speech and their opinions, so let's not go telling folks to shut up. I am one of the few MTs who has done this work since before computerization. I supervised in several teaching hospitals as well. I can tell you that we were a special breed. It was difficult to get really good, consciencious transcriptionists. They kept giving up. Most had husbands and regarding themselves lucky to be paid for work (as did and still do many women. No wonder there is no equal pay for equal work). Medical terminology had to be good in the days of old. There weren't a hundred proofers checking notes. Anyhow, there isn't enough space for me to tell all. But, what I do know is that MTs are gradually getting phased out, now ASRs are on the scene. I wonder if anyone has even realized that we are actually phasing ourselves out. And out of pocket too. What you will be paid for ASRs is much less than transcription, yet you are teaching the "listening machines" to do that very thing...takeover. Obviously, the first writer here has never worked in a Medical Records dept. doing work the way it was before the gold-diggers got a sniff there was money to make. No one really cares about confidentiality any more, although there is a lot of hype about it. Enjoy your home job. Unlike those days of old, when having someone "breathing down your neck" meant you had to do the job right all the way, and qualified you to keep your job, I would suggest a Plan B for the future.
The doctors had been complaining about...sm
very poor quality but then someone enlightened them who worked there at Spheris. And they called to see for themselves and they said yes it was going to India.
I don’t get it when people are complaining about
not getting a gift or one that they do not think fits. You got more than I got and probably more than some others on here. I was taught be thankful if someone gives you something. Don’t be little about any gift, no matter what it is. I have been married 9 years now, never an anniversary gift but you know what- I have a wonderful man in my life who treats me special and I know he loves me. I would maybe just keep and put with some more money and buy something you would like.
Sorry, I will clarify. What I meant to say
is that I just started with MQ. I had been doing medical transcription for the hospital that I used to RN at.
Let me clarify a few things. First off, I

bring my kids everywhere and never ever leave them out for anything. They are wonderful kids and I'm proud of each and everyone of them. We do spend a lot of time together. When I say my mother is ready to pull her hair out, it's because of how busy we are. She came here a week early to learn the routine of what each kid has and where they have to be. If you have a teen you may understand how the phone never stops ringing (2 lines), or the fights about stupid things like "why did she get it and I didn't, how come I have to go first for the shower when I was first yesterday or she keeps taking my socks." They all have the same brand and color of socks, why kid A's socks are better than kid B's is beyond me. On top of this we have the drop off and pickup from volleyball practice for one, gymnastics and cheerleading for the other 2. Then you have cooking dinner, homework help, play time and all the time trying to entertain a 2 year old who is a big handful. He is my sister's kid who I now have custody of (long story). Just when things get setttled down at 8-9 pm I then start work until 3 am. His other grandparents take him every couple of months for a week long visit which they are doing this weekend.

Just when you think you get breathing room you walk out to the living room to find out your kids have grown by 10 other kids. I'm the "mom" around the neighborhood and everyone congregates here. If you want entertainment, sit and listen to a bunch of teen girls who talk a thousand miles a minute try and have a conversation.

Admin - can you please clarify? sm
I thought we could not post any places that have MT chats? I had a post deleted because I gave a link to the (place) where you get your CMT credentials.
Could you clarify what you're looking for? MT? nm
can we clarify a few things

>>>that I didn't think the problem was that I didn't know what I was doing.

I could never make such a blanket statement, because I don't know what you did or did not do.

But I do know there are some specific things that can have a direct impact on the "success or failure" or the product. I believe you also mentioned getting a microphone recommended by Knowbrainer, which I'll presume is the Sennheiser headset. Am I correct?

If I might ask, how often did mistakes occur and about how many lines per hour were you getting with Dragon (and also what do you get with using the keyboard with an expander)? I'm just trying to get a visual here.

>>>Unfortunately, Dragon doesn't limit their claims to only disabled MT's.

Nuance (the company that <I think> owns Dragon) is targeting several specific markets, one of which is the Medical field. So, for that product, they are going to target ALL people in the medical profession. It's up to each individual to see if the product is suitable for them. But that can be true for a lot of products, and you don't necessarily know if it's right for you until you buy it. Unfortunately, Dragon ain't cheap. So, buy the time you get done purchasing the product and everything you might need (i.e. more memory), you can spend a few thousand dollars. (ouch!)

>>>So I thought it important to post that it doesn't do what Dragon likes to say it can do.

But it *DOES* do what it claims, at least for me, and I'm using the product at a very bare bones level. So, if it doesn't work (satisfactorily) for you but it does for me, my only question can be, "why?"