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All is in divine and perfect order

Posted By: sally on 2008-09-07
In Reply to:

Another stabilizing force is Barack Obama. He will be poised and positioned perfectly to bring the entire planet together, there-by creating yet another grid of unity that will serve to stabilize things as much as possible during the fall. We will connect and support each other through his divine and highly evolved leadership. All, as always, is in divine and perfect order.

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In no particular order.
*Jobs. I want to know what they are going to do about all the jobs going overseas and the companies the send them, etc.

*Healthcare. This is huge to me.

*National security. To me this also includes a cleanup of our image abroad. I would like to possibly go to a different country at some point and I would love to not have everyone hate me as soon as I open my mouth. People can say all they want about "I don't care what people think of us." But, you should - it is a matter of security. Also, I believe it would be more beneficial to have more friends in case the time came that we needed it.

*Immigration/illegal immigrants.

*It is important to me to keep Roe v. Wade. Not because I support abortion so, because I don't but I hate to think of what would happen if it was not legal. I do not necessarily support funding for it though.

These are a few important ones to me right now.
You must be doing the same in order to
This would be on the order of.

those nineteen 9/11 guys drinking in strip bars to 'blend in' while taking flight training and planning the attacks.  I realize it is only heresy to actually defect from Islam, not just to appear to convert for strategic purposes.  Still it would have to be a very big conspiracy, wouldn't it?  And you would think some Imam or other would be issuing a show fatwa or two just to keep up appearances?

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Issues. No particular order #2.
1. Civil Rights. Comprehensive Patriot Act reform. Expand hate crime status, deceptive voting practices, racial profiling, sentencing disparities for minority offenders and better support programs for ex-offenders as the reintegrate into free world to reduce recidivism in crime rates, incorporate medical treatment for drug offenders into sentencing and rehabilitation initiatives.
2. Economy. Job creation such as green jobs (clean technology, renewable energy), invest in national infrastructure jobs, address outsourcing issues such as NAFTA reform, end tax breaks for companies who outsource, tax incentives for companies who preserve American jobs, tax relief for the middle class, tax relief for small businesses and start-up businesses, ensure workers' freedom to unionize and right to organize, raise minimum wage, clean up mortgage industry, address predatory credit card practices.
3. Ethics. Address lobbying, federal contracts, tax breaks, earmarks and special interests practices and reform.
4. Faith. Maintain strict constitutional separation of church and state and ensure freedom of all religions.
5. Fiscal. Fiscal discipline, balance budget, reduce debt, tax system reform for better efficiency.
6. Foreign Policy. End war in Iraq, reform contracting practices relative to war reparations, restore alliances, renew American diplomacy, particularly in the Middle East, strengthen NATO, address global poverty, nuclear waste cleanup and nonproliferation.
7. Health Care. Quality, affordable, portable health care, accessible for all Americans, lower costs across the board and particularly for prescription drugs.
8. Immigration. Streamline immigration bureaucracy, legalization initiatives that keep families together, expansion of bilingual education for special needs of immigrants who seek legal status, eliminate incentive to immigrate illegally by cracking down on employers who hire illegals, a better working partnership with Mexico to promote economic development to reduce illegal immigration.
9. Poverty. Expansion of transitional jobs and career pathway programs aimed at low-income Americans in workforce, Green Job Corp, improve transportation access to jobs, promote responsible fatherhood, Community Development Block Grant programs, affordable housing.
10. Rural. Subsidize family farmers, not agribusiness, encourage organic and local agriculture, connect rural America with communications infrastructure improvements, improve health care delivery, education and roads, bridges, dams infrastructure
11. Seniors and Select Specialty Hospital. Protect Social Security, affordable health care, develop community based senior supportive care systems, expand outreach for seniors.
12. Technology. Insure an open internet as highway to connected and transparent democracy, modernize communications infrastructure. FCC reform to promote diversity in media ownership.
13. Women's issues. Protect Roe-vs-Wade, promote sex education in schools, access to birth control and promote stem cell research.

New World Order
Maybe the reason the republicans never revoked Roe Vs. Wade is because they believe in the new world order, mentioned many times by Bush Sr.
You do not know what the new world order is
look it up.
Do I need to order up more crow?

I can't remember why I was suppose to eat crow, only something about the election.  Whatever it was, I'm gnawing on a crow bone as I speak.  I am VERY unhappy with the people Obama is surrounding himself with.  Doggone it if I wanted the Clintons back I'd of voted for Billary!!!  I think we can safely dispense now with Ayers et al.  Clintons and Bushes are still gonna rule and that's a surprise for me.

Another order of crow and please send some more BBQ sauce!! LOL

New World Order
Thanks - was just getting ready to put in an order
Will check those out too.
If a gag order were issued............ sm
it would likely have originated with the military intelligence office. Maybe Gibbs ordered it, who knows? LOL The point is there is more that goes on in the media and the military than meets the eye. We are only priviledged to know what they want us to know.
Interesting point of order.
I never once called you a name, insulted or denigrated you.  I just pointed out that you might want to fully explored something from both sides before making a statement.  So who exactly is sniping at whom here? 
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We have had our financial plan in order

for quite some time for just such a thing. We haven't spent foolishly or lived above our means. New toys and technology don't impress us much. We have been fortunate and blessed.

I don't know -- that's a pretty tall order!!

A gag order on the media? Doubtful.
It's a gag order to protect the dolt
He started calling the media and proudly proclaiming his guilt, that he knew what he did, that it was part of an Islamic revenge for our presence in the middle east, ad nauseum. I can't remember if it was the DA or the judge, but they quickly threw a gag order on everything because his shooting off his mouth would likely have led to a mistrial because of the inability to find a jury that hadn't been tainted by his pretrial blathering.
Clinton & Carter DID NOT ORDER any such things.

Do you lie on purpose to emulate your God Bush or are you just so lacking in common sense and intelligence that you unquestioning believe everything ANY neocon says?


Here's what Clinton signed:

Section 1. Pursuant to section 302(a)(1) [50 U.S.C. 1822(a)] of the [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance] Act, the Attorney General is authorized to approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year, if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that section.

You don't have to be a lawyer to understand that Clinton allowed warrantless searches if and only if the AG followed section 302(a)(1). What does section 1822(a) require?

  • the physical search is solely directed at premises, information, material, or property used exclusively by, or under the open and exclusive control of, a foreign power or powers. Translation: You can't search American citizens.
  • and there is no substantial likelihood that the physical search will involve the premises, information, material, or property of a United States person. Translation: You can't search American citizens.

  • Moreover, Clinton's warrant waiver consistent with FISA refers only to physical searches. Physical searches, as defined by 1821(5), exclude electronic surveillance.

    And now, Carter's turn:

    1-101. Pursuant to Section 102(a)(1) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1802(a)), the Attorney General is authorized to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order, but only if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by that Section.
Here, Carter refers to electronic surveillance, rather than physical searches like Clinton. But again, Carter limits the warrantless surveillance to the requirements of Section 1802(a). That section requires:

  • the electronic surveillance is solely directed at communications exclusively between or among foreign powers. Translation: You can't spy on American citizens.
  • there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party. Translation: You can't spy on American citizens.

Section 1803(a)(2) requires that the Attorney General report to Congress (specifically, the House and Senate Intelligence Committees) about whether any American citizens were involved, what minimization procedures were undertaken to avoid it and protect their identities, and whether his actions comply with the law.

It's called check and balance!

China Leads the New World Order

China leads the New World Order.

Don't believe it?  Look at Bush toasting the commie leaders... all of our trade deals with them...Who has us by the balls financially.... A huge component of the creation of the North American Union is megaports on the Western coast to accommodate huge Chinese tankers.... Look at Paulson and his ties with commie China.... The lone Republican lawmaker who voted against Berancke's confirmation says that Bernacke has extensive ties to commie China so it is a conflict of interest...

The above is just a sampling. The bottom line is that we will wind up just like China, with slave labor, before it's all over with.


Words in the form of an executive order
If you are content to subscribe in all this voodoo spell casting and foreboding pronouncements to nowhere, be my guest. I prefer to stay grounded in the reality of the moment and give time for the plan to unfold.
You gotta be pretty low in order to look up to these snake
there's no media coverage because they issued a gag order -
Here is a perfect example. sm
You might want to step back, take a deep breath and ask yourself why one simple question *why did you post this*, would bring on such a tirade from you. It was a question. That was all it was. 
The world (in my opinion) would be a better place if people didn't take themselves so seriously.

Great statement, TT! Says it all.
I am not saying that he is perfect -
I never said anything about transparency - I am saying that even when I read the articles you all are quoting it never says that Obama lied about anything.

Maybe his aides misspoke, maybe Bush's aides misspoke, I don't know - but you all are calling Obama a liar and I just don't see where he lied.

At the same time, I don't think that telling what he and President Bush talked about is really all that bad a thing - yes, I really would like some transparency in knowing what is going on in my country - they are both elected officials and in fact are answerable to "we the people". I don't think any sensitive information was leaked out concerning our enemies - I think what we read was about our economy, which at this point we are all concerned about and should have as much information as possible.

Now for the part about admitting that he is wrong, if he is wrong or does something bad, I will be the first to stand up and say it, and I will be the first to admit I was wrong in supporting him, but at this point, I do not see anything he has done wrong.
This is a perfect example....(sm)

of why dems are so critical of the right.  You just throw stuff out there that has no basis.  Given that I have looked at all available text that would fall into the category you speak of and have found nothing to back up your claim, the fact that Obama typically meticulously chooses his words before he says them, and your obvious unwillingness or inability to provide some kind of documentation to support your claim, I have to come to the conclusion that what you have said is false.  If this is incorrect, then by all means, please feel free to prove me wrong.

The dems were just recently accused of character assassination after stating facts.  And then here you come along with this garbage, which is basically the same thing that has been done by the pubs since before the election.  At least you're consistent.

That is a perfect example of
how helping people sometimes isn't helping.....it is enabling them to continue mooching.  This is what the current administration fails to understand. 
Never said he was perfect...
just said he wasn't a socialist! Where do air traffic controllers come in?
Yes, that was so right on .... so perfect.
How perfect.. thanks.
" . . .no obligation to think logically, represent facts accurately or to be an honest broker in the public arena of ideas."  Thank you for that perfect description of Fox News. 

Do you know what bipartisan is? Both sides made concessions in order to .sm
make it a reflection of bipartisanship so that both parties would be able to vote for it. Of course there will always be some people that will not be satisfied. That is the nature of things. However, to say that because Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the loss of votes because she made harsh statements about the Bush administration is just ridiculous.
In order to curtail shipping jobs overseas

our F.L. must first crack the whip on Congress, who are the ones that can change tax codes to make offshoring less profitable.   ''Yes we can'' will have to take a back seat as long as special interests can spread around enough dough to Congress to buy ''Oh no you can't!'' 

I'm no Obama fan, but don't we all realize that presidential candidates run on a wish list of items they would like to implement, knowing that they will never be permitted to accomplish many of these things?  But, gosh darn it, they still get credit for trying real hard! 

Obama may believe he has a Dem-majority congress firmly in hand, but these guys count on campaign money for re-election.  And that money is, for the most part, donated by business interests.  The businesses certainly do not consider these to be charitable gifts, but investments in obtaining legislative outcomes that work for them. 

Obama has, at most, one presidential re-election to worry about.  Congressmen can run for unlimited terms and have to make very long-range calculations before they dare to offend offshoring companies by closing tax loopholes that make it better for them to offshore than not. 

Here's a perfect example, Suzie:

American Girl: Yawwnnn.... you're boring me to death....

Nameless Troll: By all means.... RIP.

MT: See, THAT'S what I am talkin' about! SM boring and lame! I am telling you, you are lame girl.

American Girl: Did they just wish me dead? ....RIP is a term usually reserved for the dead, right?

They degenerate debate to name calling, calling us evil, and then wishing us dead....all the while preaching to us about how evil and intolerant we are....the irony is bewildering but not unexpected.

MT: Don't forget when they told Nan she was old and would die soon SM and wished for her to burn in hell. That was an especial highlight of the nature of how they "never" say anything hateful.

(No name, but I admit it was me, completely frustrated and having sunk to their level): I know it's difficult but close your eyes and try to FOCUS for a second or two. Take a deep breath. You can do it. The poster was directly responding in kind to YOUR post in which YOU wrote: you're boring me to death.... Now feel free to twist and mangle that any way that makes you look like poor little AG who is always picked on, but YOU are the one who started this. The person was wishing you a peaceful trip while on the destination YOU indicated you were headed.

American Girl: Admit it though... you still wished me dead....

Nameless Troll: Not true. I don't wish anyone dead. I don't harbor that kind of hatred inside me. Sorry to bust your bubble.

Nan: They'll never admit it. sm It has to be your imagination.

These were just a FEW in an entire thread of insults (including one from Nan calling the person a slimy bottom dweller.) Not ONE post in this entire thread added anything of intelligence to any debate (including my own).

Does anyone reading this SERIOUSLY think the poster wished AG dead? When I read it, I see it as a very sarcastic response to a very sarcastic post. I believe it’s shortly after this point in time (when those three were getting exactly what they gave, after repeated threats and "chances" and "strikes" by them to the poster or else they would tell the Monitor) that they all three posted that they wouldn’t be coming back here any more. Those posts are gone now, and as we can see, one of them is already denying ever saying she was leaving. (To those of you who actually did read these posts and know they were there, please continue to rely on the accuracy of your memory because it’s correct.)

Now, when the day comes that AG recalls someone on this board "wishing her dead," are you going to believe that that is what the person REALLY wished, given the entire context of these posts?

The Perfect Storm. SM
America Will Reject the Race Exploiting Demagogues of the New Orleans Tragedy

by Keith Thompson 

Saturday 10 September 2005, 6:35 pm

MSNBC ran a ticker headline Friday identifying dead bodies, debris, human waste and chemicals as prominent contents of the toxic flood waters. It’s no surprise, and curiously fitting, that the national media all week has been awash with the cultural equivalent: noxious, vile proclamations by the America’s foremost moral pretenders, atrocity addicts, all-purpose grifters and incendiary race hustlers: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Cynthia McKinney, and Maxine Waters — with auditions from aspiring race-mongering demagogues Kanye West and Michael Eric Dyson.

Each of these self-congratulatory progressive activists has labored to exploit the New Orleans catastrophe as an onslaught against black America. Collectively they possess moral authority equivalent to the two scammers who used an amputated finger in an attempted shakedown of Wendys. Let’s be clear about the lineage these bottom feeders are part of. The opportunistic race-based ghouls who have made New Orleans their haunt are not different from David Duke, in either kind or degree. The activists now working overtime to incite race hatred — doing so in the name of “justice” and “civil rights” — deserve the same accolades and mantles as the klansmen who terrorized blacks, Jews, Catholics, and white civil rights workers in another decade.

Like the vulgar, hate-driven white racists who read aloud from Bibles in church the morning after lynching, burning and raping, these morally bankrupt representatives of today’s civil rights elite represent the last gasp of a morally unregenerate worldview. And like the Klan of yore, they (and their enablers Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Richard Cohen, and Hillary Clinton) grow more desperate and deranged as the moderate American mainstream rejects their quest to rip open the nation’s past racial wounds for temporary partisan advantage.

Efforts to turn New Orleans into the cultural equivalent of Rwanda are repugnant to everything about America than makes moral sense. Lincoln spoke of the better angels of human nature, implying the existence of something very much worse. Every schoolboy knows the proper counterpart is demon. The moral scammers now inciting race hatred in the wake of the Louisiana nightmare will fail. And the movement they represent will ultimately fail, because it is more than wrong or simply false, it is cancerously self-canceling. The body politic will cast off this disease and will do so to preserve its well being, vitality, and wholeness.

But the end of this fight is not near. The mainstream media is highlighting the preposterous claims of America’s hate apostles because the MSM sees an opportunity not simply to negate the past two presidential elections, but to reverse the general trend away from the cultural corrections (anti-welfare state, pro-national defense) that Reagan’s 1980 victory represented. The American left has been licking its chops for years, hoping for the political equivalent of a perfect storm: the ideal convergence of forces that would yield a return to normalcy for expanding the gutter of identity politics and apologizing to the world at large for everything American. The left longs for a return of Carter’s malaise because that will reinforce the left’s longstanding antagonism toward the resurgence of personal responsibility and national pride since 9-11.

The unconscionable quest to exploit the human misery of New Orleans sickens me more than I can say. I was with my family at a Florida hospice, attending to my mother as she lay dying from cancer, when Katrina came ashore, wreaking human and physical loss only miles away. We were all aware that our personal loss would be shared by many hurricane victims, and that the American people would do what we always do: rally to help the wounded, the sick, and the bereaved. It never occurred to us — not even remotely — on August 25, the day mom passed away, that leaders of this nation’s so-called progressive community would even consider using a natural tragedy as an occasion to further their now familiar By Any Means Necessary campaign against this country and its traditions.

Then again, neither did I expect that there would be 250 demonstrations on American campuses against the United States responding militarily to the September 11 attacks, as David Horowitz has so aptly described. Naïvete dies hard, but there’s a positive side. It’s extremely hard to resuscitate.

Your post is a perfect example.
I believe this is what Delighted was referring to.  You are not discussing anything, merely demeaning all liberals.  It grows tiresome.  There is little to no debate generally, and postings are merely a platform to demean liberals on this, the liberal board.
Perfect example of why Dems will win and be in the
Republicans thrive on scare tactics - or at least they THINK they're scare tactics. 
The Perfect Stranger
The Perfect Stranger

By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, August 29, 2008;

Barack Obama is an immensely talented man whose talents have been largely devoted to crafting, and chronicling, his own life. Not things. Not ideas. Not institutions. But himself.

Nothing wrong or even terribly odd about that, except that he is laying claim to the job of crafting the coming history of the United States. A leap of such audacity is odd. The air of unease at the Democratic convention this week was not just a result of the Clinton psychodrama. The deeper anxiety was that the party was nominating a man of many gifts but precious few accomplishments -- bearing even fewer witnesses.

When John Kerry was introduced at his convention four years ago, an honor guard of a dozen mates from his Vietnam days surrounded him on the podium attesting to his character and readiness to lead. Such personal testimonials are the norm. The roster of fellow soldiers or fellow senators who could from personal experience vouch for John McCain is rather long. At a less partisan date in the calendar, that roster might even include Democrats Russ Feingold and Edward Kennedy, with whom John McCain has worked to fashion important legislation.

Eerily missing at the Democratic convention this year were people of stature who were seriously involved at some point in Obama's life standing up to say: I know Barack Obama. I've been with Barack Obama. We've toiled/endured together. You can trust him. I do.

Hillary Clinton could have said something like that. She and Obama had, after all, engaged in a historic, utterly compelling contest for the nomination. During her convention speech, you kept waiting for her to offer just one line of testimony: I have come to know this man, to admire this man, to see his character, his courage, his wisdom, his judgment. Whatever. Anything.

Instead, nothing. She of course endorsed him. But the endorsement was entirely programmatic: We're all Democrats. He's a Democrat. He believes what you believe. So we must elect him -- I am currently unavailable -- to get Democratic things done. God bless America.

Clinton's withholding the "I've come to know this man" was vindictive and supremely self-serving -- but jarring, too, because you realize that if she didn't do it, no one else would. Not because of any inherent deficiency in Obama's character. But simply as a reflection of a young life with a biography remarkably thin by the standard of presidential candidates.

Who was there to speak about the real Barack Obama? His wife. She could tell you about Barack the father, the husband, the family man in a winning and perfectly sincere way. But that takes you only so far. It doesn't take you to the public man, the national leader.

Who is to testify to that? Hillary's husband on night three did aver that Obama is "ready to lead." However, he offered not a shred of evidence, let alone personal experience with Obama. And although he pulled it off charmingly, everyone knew that, having been suggesting precisely the opposite for months, he meant not a word of it.

Obama's vice presidential selection, Joe Biden, naturally advertised his patron's virtues, such as the fact that he had "reached across party lines to . . . keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists." But securing loose nukes is as bipartisan as motherhood and as uncontroversial as apple pie. The measure was so minimal that it passed by voice vote and received near zero media coverage.

Thought experiment. Assume John McCain had retired from politics. Would he have testified to Obama's political courage in reaching across the aisle to work with him on ethics reform, a collaboration Obama boasted about in the Saddleback debate? "In fact," reports the Annenberg Political Fact Check, "the two worked together for barely a week, after which McCain accused Obama of 'partisan posturing' " -- and launched a volcanic missive charging him with double-cross.

So where are the colleagues? The buddies? The political or spiritual soul mates? His most important spiritual adviser and mentor was Jeremiah Wright. But he's out. Then there's William Ayers, with whom he served on a board. He's out. Where are the others?

The oddity of this convention is that its central figure is the ultimate self-made man, a dazzling mysterious Gatsby. The palpable apprehension is that the anointed is a stranger -- a deeply engaging, elegant, brilliant stranger with whom the Democrats had a torrid affair. Having slowly woken up, they see the ring and wonder who exactly they married last night.
Yes - and then it would be a perfect world
These are perfect!! Thanks for the shot . .
of reality . . . well, reality to most of us, anyway. 
Now there's a perfect example of true