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Funny, that's my exact same story here in New York! sm

Posted By: Lee on 2008-05-30
In Reply to: Re: Those economy-stimulation checks - sm - LowlyMT

I'll believe it when I see it, too. Also, with the feds, we were supposed to get $1,200 back - the feds said there was a mistake in the filing and now we OWE $1,100. That's some mistake, but we can't find it, nor can the software company that we used!

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Funny story...sm

I have 2 teenagers and 1 in college.  I get to work in peace most of the time.  The biggest emergency I had this spring was when my daughter drove to school early for band practice and her younger brother, who doesn't drive yet, failed to arrange for alternate transportation and then also missed the bus, so I had to stop to drive him to school. 


Can't help you, but funny story
My daighter taught my father how to text. He sent one to my neice. she called him right back and was like "UUUHHHH, Papaw.....did you... just... text... me????? If I have to send a text to one of my children, I call one of my nieces (they can keep their phones with them at their school, but my children can't so I will have one of them send a text for them to call as soon as they get out of school and turn their phones on)and have them do it for me.
Got another funny story.......sm
The same DD is now 16 in high school. The other day she came in my office and says mom, where is that "umbilical cord?" I said what thinking my brain was on work and I wasn't hearing her correctly. She repeated it x3. She meant "extension cord" but had just dissected a pig at school!

My other DD is 12 and we were at the baseball game the other day waiting to pick up the 16-yo when I urgently needed to go to the restroom. My 12-yo says use the ones at the concession stand. So I pull up close to the concession stand and there are 2 doors, neither with signs on them. I said which door is the bathroom. She said I don't know I think they both are. I said well which one is the ladies because I don't want to walk in on a man. She says mom it doesn't really matter, everyone goes in them both all the time, it isn't like there is a "uterus" in there anyway. I said a what? She said a "uterus" you know those things that guys stand up and use the bathroom in! Of course, she was talking about a urinal. About the same time as I was explaining what a "uterus" was out comes a lady from the women's restroom and I said oh look there is a uterus in there see! Most all women have them, lol.

Can you tell my kids are exposed to medical terminology? 16-yo is taking A&P classes so we have been going over a lot and I have been helping her to study and learn. I think they are learning too much!
Funny story, please don't think I am trying to offend
When we finally told my 86yr old grandfather (a very old-fashioned man from a very smal town) that my cousin was marrying a black girl he was totally fine with it, Thank heavens! Then the next day another relative asked him how he felt about "John" marrying a black girl, and he started saying "Black? Black? I thougt they said blind". Once he finally realized what was actucally going on he was still fine with it. I say if you are happy, then please continue to be happy. There is just not enough happiness in this world right now.
Sorry no advice...but funny story-
my husband went to sit in a meeting at work and everyone immediately smelled a really terrible odor in the room. After around 15 minutes they just couldn't stand it anymore and they began to check things out. One guy opened a drawer of a desk and found an old bacteria-infested Caeser salad in the drawer! They said from the looks of it, had been there a while. I about died laughing when he told me that story. Anyway, old food can get nasty...the fact that it was a used refrigerator who knows. Maybe something got into somewhere and is multiplying.

Hope you find out what it is and it gets resolved! :)
No advice but another funny story
My daughter bought a brand new stainless steel fridge and before too long it really started stinking up the joint. She called the repairman who came out and spent quite a long time and finding nothing wrong. He told her maybe it was something in the fridge itself, but she poo-poo'd this 'cause she's such a meticulous person, but not wanting to be rude she dutifully started looking, and came upon a bowl of old moldy beans, yep - darn right gassy. Boy, was she mortified.
Funny story from Ohio

Seems there was a kitty loose, causing traffic woes ... see link

that reminds me of a funny story sm
Remember back in the day when flip flops were called thongs?

Well, my daugher (she was about 15 or so) and I were shopping with one of her friends and she said something that was funny, but 'back in the day' my mom would not find it humerous. I told her that she was lucky because, 'my mom would have reached back, took off her thong, and slapped me with it.' She looked at me in horror and her friend in disbelief... It finally dawned on me what they were thinking and after I stopped laughing hysterically, I explained... ahh... the good ol' days!
News story - did anyone else here this - too funny

I was just watching the news and there is a story about a lady who won a prize at some baseball game - her prize?.... a funeral and a casket.  The catch.  She has 30 years to claim her prize.  We are just rofl.

I can hear the annoucement over the loudspeaker at the game....."And congrats to our winner Mrs. ----.  You have just won....a buriel!  


Telling a funny story on myself

My foot pedal got stuck just now.   I got it unstuck (and realized just how dusty my floor is!), but then it wouldn't play.  I'm messing around and messing around with it and it will won't play. Crap, right?  I can't afford another one until pay day on the 5th, and at that point I've lost 5 more days into the new pay period.

Well, duh.  Somehow I've managed to close the browser window that my voice player is in.  Of course the foot pedal won't work.  There's nothing to play.

Where's the slapping the back of the head smiley when you need one??!?!

Have to share a funny story about my parents sm
My parents are vacationing in Florida right now and yesterday while laying by the pool the saw a duck swimming in the pool.  The pool area had a fence around it and they didn't want the duck to get stuck in the area.  My mom described how ridiculous they must have looked chasing this duck around the area  and trying to shoo it out the gate.  Finally a man on an upper balcony said "Sir, you realize that duck can fly don't you?".  I swear my parents are a hoot! Chop this one up for dumb and dumber. 
Kinda funny story - company had to close doors temporarily because (sm)
someone (I think immigration) came to visit personnel at that company and found over 30 illegals using the same social security number. I guess that company didn't save much on that little venture.

New York here also...hot....best way to go
in this weather is throw something on the grill, keeps cooking heat and mess outdoors.
New York City

Does anyone know if New York City is extremely crowded on Black Friday? I'm going on a bus trip that day to do some shopping. Just curious if it was as crowded that day as it was the week before Christmas.

Ewwwww! Thank God, NO, here in New York! nm
Gas $2.35 here in Upstate New York - NM
I go to New York every year...
and go to the special stores and get the real Coach bags for under $100 bucks. I have taken them to the Coach stores in our area and the sales people have verified they are real....I am going in May and have to pick up 5 for my girlfriends!
I'm upstate New York too -
I only lock my doors at night. For the first ten years we lived in our house, we had only one key and only used it when we came home from vacation.

Of course during the Saratoga track season, I get more careful. More burglaries in town.
I went to upstate New York and I could ...sm
detect an accent. Not a Bronx-like accent but a distinct accent. But then I'm from the south so I would have definitely noticed.
Here in New York State
My youngest in Kindergarten gets picked up at 9:00 and starts school at 9:30. My oldest in 9th grade gets picked up at 7:00 for school at 7:30. We have a lot of elementary schools. In our district it's one school for K-3, one school for 4-6, one for 7-9 and one 10-12. Also, we get two weeks for Christmas, one week for spring break in April (this week), plus they had Good Friday off, and one week in February (mid-winter break). I think we get out of school the latest of any State. The kids go to school until the end of June. I think they get way too much time off from school. We also have snow days together with 1-2 hour delays through the winter months in case of bad weather.
Here in New York State - school
isn't over until the 20th of June. I'm sure my daughter wishes she lives where you do. We don't go back until after Labor Day.
Leaving for New York tomorrow sm
with my family.  Watch for us in the Today Show audience.  I will be the one with the laptop so I won't fall behind in my work.    Just Kidding. 
One of my favorite things in New York
Is this Middle Eastern chicken and rice pushcart outside the hilton hotel on 6th avenue and 55th(?). They are there from about 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is less than $5 for a huge plate, enough for 2. Really clean and very popular. Was a little leery the first time, but now go there every time I am in the Big Apple.
New York State Fair
My husband and I went once twenty one years ago, before we were married, and then just last year finally took our nearly-grown kids after getting tickets to see James Taylor there. We had a ball and plan to do it again this year - every year at Labor Day. It's about a 2-1/2 hour drive for us, and well worth the effort, though I think we're going to get a hotel room instead of making it all in one day this time.
It's in Verona, New York (Upstate) - NM
Freezing in Upstate New York
With the wind chill it's below O. A lot of snow too. I still have no idea why I live here! LOL.
Turn of the century in New York.
Not sure of exact recipe, but here: (sm)
Scoop out seeds & gunk of a pie pumpkin, keeping lid to use later. Use apple slices, raisins /cranberries/other dried fruit, walnuts (or other nuts of your choice) to fill pumpkin along with brown sugar, butter, and a little cinnamon. Bake at 450 degrees until you can easily poke through the pumpkin flesh inside. You may want to wait and put the lid in partway through baking, so it doesn't dry out and shrink. Serve in the pumpkin, and as people spoon out a little of the filling they can scrape the inside of the pumpkin to get some of the flesh.

My grandma made this, and she never writes down her recipes. So when I asked her, she said to experiment with whatever, so the above is really only a loose guideline.
Same exact feeling here.
The extreme Christians also changed my feelings a long time ago. I then started researching the facts and theories, scientific versus religion. And did you know that many people with above-average intelligence are not religious based on this knowledge? Interesting stuff. :)
I am having the exact same problem!
I've battled depression and anxiety my whole life. My psychiatrist seems to think it is anxiety as well, but I know what my anxiety is like and this is different. My PCP thinks I might have ADD, but my psychiatrist said it would not all of the sudden appear. My anxiety medicine seems to help some, but then I feel out of it. I cannot work like that either!

Let me know what your doc says. Good luck! :)
Wow! exact same situation! (sm)
Same here. Exactly the same.
I have those exact same dreams...
I was once told that the teeth falling out had something to do with money, don't know exactly what but I certainly have not had a windfall.
Have you said those exact words
to him, asked him outright what is the problem and how you can BOTH enjoy it? Or..guide his hands and/or touch him the way you want. Otherwise I'd say he doesn't care and maybe you should move on.
Wow - same exact situation
Don't tell me... has your husband been out of work too and laying around doing absolutely NOTHING to help out around the house?
Planning a trip to New York City and
was looking for suggestions on a nice hotel to stay in and what are some of the best sites to see. Will only be there for four days at the end of May and want to cram as much in as possible.
Didn't she grow up in New York City?
What does she know about the South?
That's the way the advanced classes are run here in New York State
She took 9th grade classes last year and she's taking 10th grade classes this year with the exception of the science classes where they bump you up to 12th grade. She's also taking geometry and loves it so far. (As the school year goes on things may change).
If it was my child, I would be at that school in a hot New York minute.
Regardless of what is or is not wrong with the child, that comment from the teacher is totally uncalled for and extremely unprofessional. A teacher should know better, period, end of discussion. And I agree with tnmt, ask for a meeting with the principle and teacher.
Nope, Missoui, Philly and New York
Totally freezing in upstate New York. sm
I live here because my daughter lives in Brooklyn and this way I get to see her about once a month. Moved from CA for it, but that might have been a bad idea. Every year I hate winter more. I HATE shoveling snow.
My friend is doing the exact same thing!
She uses her age (38) a lot but if you use words like "uterine prolapse" and "fibroid tumors" they stop asking questions...LOL
I had a similar situation but not exact...sm
when we bought our house 2 years ago. I had to have my office sign something of that nature, but not saying I would still be working there after so much time like yours. I faxed the form letter to them and they faxed it back for my broker's records to give to underwriter. I also had to provide my 1099s from the previous 2 years. On the day of the closing, we had to sit there and wait for them to call my office one more time just to make sure I still worked there, which they didn't do with my husband. It seemed to be a pretty strict procedure but can understand why they would. We also refinanced about 8 months after moving to get a better rate, but didn't have any problems because we used the same broker. Good luck!
I was thinking the same exact thing.
The kid didn't have to go to school in Korea to have been taught those same beliefs. His parents could have had that same influence over him or perhaps his own interests in it.

Obviously a person who could do something like that is very disturbed and probably had a lot of issues at home, etcetera, but the other cannot be ruled out either as playing some small role.
No, she did not send me the exact thing,
did not know I would have to explain, she sends me rah-rah-rah all for the war type things which I delete. I choose to read other things instead of this.
My husband had the EXACT same thing (sm)

and yes, it was a fungal infection.  I tried treating it with OTC cream but it just didn't work.  Finally our NP gave us a prescription for cream called clotrimazole and betamethasone diproprionate 1%/0.05% (Lotrisone) and within 4-5 days it was completely cleared up.  She did recommend Gold Bond as a preventative but he never used it.  He's a diabetic to boot, so is always going to be prone to various skin issues I guess...bummer.

Awesome! I would have done the same exact thing!
Way to go! You did the right thing!
This house has no fence around it at all, to be exact. nm
I have the exact opposite of anorexic

I am overweight, 5Ɗ and weigh 218 as of this morning. The problem I have is when I look in the mirrow I do not really see me as being grossly overweight, in fact I think oh for your age you look alright. Is there anyone else that looks in the mirror and does not see what you actually are- oh no remarks about getting a new mirror, this is from several I have in the house. I have actually seen surprised before when seeing a picture of myself and basically thinking do I look like that? Thanks!

Exact thing happened to me .. sm
but it was not a family member, it was a coworker of my ex-husband's whose wife had just had a baby and they wanted clean carpets. He had borrowed the cleaner once previously, and all was fine, so I had no problems with letting him borrow it a second time. Well, the second time, he was really slow in returning it, but like you, I never said anything until I wanted to use it and asked for it back. Then all of a sudden, it was *broke*. He said he had broken the upright handle completely off. Well, I had paid over 300 dollars for that, so we asked him to at least pay for half of replacement. He did so, but HE wanted to choose what type of cleaner I got to replace it, which was a much cheaper model. I said no. Needless to say, we were no longer friends after that. In my opinion, you just can't let this go. Carpet shampooers are not cheap and if she broke it, she should pay for at least half of a replacement. Tell her that. She knows she is responsible for it, but she will probably become angry, so it is up to you how far you want to push it. Again, though, I do not loan out anything like that to anyone any more. If they need to clean their carpets, they can pay for a rental unit, just like I did prior to buying my own. No one takes care of your items better than you. Good luck to you.
I have a friend in this exact same situation with
her mother. There were 3 of them and they all took turns staying at her house for 2 nights at a time. That way she was happy and no one was doing all the work. They were also lucky in that one of the grandkids could stay during the day with her or, when they couldn't they have a caregiver p.r.n. The only other compromise would be to sit down and talk to his doctor and have him tell your dad that he is no longer able to live by himself and that he needs to be in one of your homes or in an ECF. Maybe coming from his doctor, it would be more effective.
OMG ~ I've been saying those exact words! sm
Not the OP but thank you so much for asking this question. I was wondering the same thing. But this poster hit it on the nail for me. I also have lost all care when it comes to holidays, gifts, b-days, etc. I get him nodda as I get in return. Don't even care if he goes to any activities with me or not. Better off not having him there. Guess it is time for me to MOVE ON......

Now my question is how do you survive without a companion? I have always felt like I had to have somebody no matter how they treated me. I envy those single people who stay single.