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Geez, don't be so rough on each other here...sm

Posted By: nm on 2007-04-26
In Reply to: American Idol.. is anyone else in tears like me? - ima sapp

it's just a TV program. If you don't like what you see, don't watch it! Or even better, get a hobby or something that doesn't include so much TV!!

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Rough dog.
My experience is that a rough puppy turns into a rough dog. I had a mixed breed that was rough when he was young and turned into a mean dog. He actually had scratches on my youngest child's arms. When he got older, he had one of my children corned up against a wall one day. My children are not afraid of dogs, but, needless to say, I had to get rid of him.
This year was rough...sm
I turned 41 this month, but it wasn't because of my age.  I've had a lot going on this month, including my daughter graduating high school and planning for college, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and my dog died, all in that order.  It all seemed to come to a head on my actual birthday for some reason and I was inconsolable.  I cried almost all day.  It was awful. 
rough marriages
I stayed for 27 years. It DOES not get better. It gets WORSE. He will never accept responsiblity for HIS failure. His problems did not start with you (no matter WHAT he says). This is HIS problem. Nothing you did or said caused HIS problem. The roughest part about leaving is getting YOUR head straight. I highly advise getting professional help so you can fully and truly understand and accept and live with what I have told you. IT IS HIS problem, not yours!! Run and don't look back. It will take a while for you to come to a full realization of the stress you are living with now, but peace is in your future. LIfe is going to be good again. It will just take some time to heal, and for goodness sake - DON'T EVER FORGET ABOUT IT!! Always remind yourself why you left. Hopefully, it will keep you away from him forever!
Sounds rough, and similar to
what my twin sister has. Have you seen a headache specialist or pain specialist? That's what I want my sister to do, because she ends up with rebound headaches. Viscious cycle.
My son is one...to a lot of people they do look rough - not sterotyping (nm)
Sorry you've had such a rough time lately
*big hugs*
What to do with a puppy who plays too rough?

My puppy who is about 6 months old now and is going to be a good size dog (she's a boxer). She is getting to where she plays too rough. She bites really hard and doesn't know when it is enough. I have toys for her and try to encourage her to play with them and I have a rope that we play tug of war with, but she loves to jump up on people and bite their hair, hands and feet and she can bite hard. Plus I have a cat and she's very rough when she plays with the cat. My cat is pretty playful and likes to play, but doesn't always give my dog a good swat when she needs it, so I'm constantly having to rescue my cat because she just meows and catterwalls when the dog gets too rough.

We haven't played rough with her at all since we've had her and we got her once she was weaned from her mom, so I'm not sure where this behavior is coming from. She is just so loveable and doesn't mean any harm, but she's going to be a big dog and I don't want her to really hurt anybody. My 7yo daughter is constantly getting hurt because the dog jumped up on her, bit her too hard or scratched her with her nails. We say "no" sternly and swat her on the behind with a rolled up newspaper (not hard, just for the noise) and that will have immediate results, but she always comes back for more. So what do I do?

She just loves people and especially kids and she just wants to jump on them and give them big kisses and start playing. My daughter had a friend over this weekend and the little girl was immediately scared of our dog because our dog was so excited and jumping on her. I hate to see kids afraid of my dog when she really just wants to play and be loved on. I need to settle her down without breaking her spirit and I just don't know how to do it!

Isn't that what they use in swimming pools? Very rough on the feet.
Rough estimates on boarding pets?
I have a friend (not me, honest!) who needs to board 2 mini-pin/chihuahua mixes and 2 guinea pigs for 12 nights. Any rough estimates on what I should tell her to expect to pay? And, when she tours these places, any ideas what to look for aside from the obvious like cleanliness and such.

Thanks bunches!
AND I didn't mean the fact that they were skateboarders made them look rough (sm)
I meant the area where they live...it looks like a pretty rough area. But there are people with good hearts to be found everywhere...that was my point...not very well stated originally I guess.
I'm sorry. It's rough losing a pet. I lost my dog, Tate a couple years back. SM

He was a sheltie and he used to lay under my desk when I worked and I would rub him with my foot and he was a great foot warmer in the winter!  I used to say, he wasn't my dog, I was his person.  He got sick and then his liver failed and I had to have him put to sleep because he was suffering.  I cried for weeks!  I still haven't gotten another dog.  My kids have been begging me and they've almost wore me down, but for a long time after Taters died, I just couldn't bring myself to even think about another dog.  I compromised and got the kitty last summer.  I've never had a cat before, so I didn't know if I'd like a cat or not.  I've always been a dog lover, but I've been quite taken with my little cat.  He's ornery little guy and I love to play cat and mouse with him.

Listen to me just gush!  Sorry about that.


There she goes again...geez. NM
Oh Please, Sorry I said anything. GEEZ
That was so long ago. So, you wish he did not survive? How do you know what Mary Jo's family is thinking anyway?
It's a rolling pin, not the crown jewels. Honestly, and sorry if this comes across as mean, but you sound a little selfish to me. I just don't get that you're upset about someone borrowing something like that. There's enough crappola going on in the world today that you shouldn't get your knickers twisted in a knot of something so petty. Jeez.
You don't have to be such a downer about it.  I guess you have never lost a child.  You might change your opinion if you had.   To have one more chance with my daughter would be beyond words.  
Give this poor woman a break.  She does not need QA for goodness sake right now.  Hope you day goes better tomorrow whom ever you are! 
Geez, sorry I posted this...(OP)
Can't even share a bit of someone's good fortune without being flamed...whatta shame!
it was just an exaggeration geez
I still stand by, when i use my debit or credit card it's no less time than writing a check. "was the checker friendly today" "is this amount okay" "please sign here" or "do you want cash back" and then the final OKAY. And most people I see writing checks are elderly people, so I don't blame them. If you are in that much of a hurry then go at a time when there's NOT gonna be a line. geesh
Geez, how frustrating! sm
It may sound snotty, but I switched eye doctors just because the receptionists ignored me standing at the desk, but doting on the male that walked in the door behind me.  No way I would put up with what you did UNLESS he/she was an exceptional doctor.  If you really like this Dr., then always get the day's first appointment.  If you can, check out other places to compare.  I went to 3 dentists before deciding the first one was the best for me. Sorry you had such a rough experience.  The guy you went to needs a partner, and I don't' mean an intern. 
Geez, again, GET A FREAKIN LIFE!
Geez, we're going to tell grade each other's
I think it's time to put this conversation to bed before it gets out of hand.
Oops, cont. from above.... But they do. Geez.
Geez is right and AnonMTis wrong.nm
Geez. I've never seen that price.

We have a produce store right down the street. They sell dairy, meats, breads, snacks, canned good, but the produce is what I go for.

Bananas are usually 3 lb. for $1, red peppers in the winter are 2 for $1, green 3 and sometimes 4 for $1, packaged radishes 3 bags for $1, lemons and limes 6 for $1, apples are $1 a basket, and globe tomatoes are 2 pints for $1. Fresh white mushrooms are 99 cents a pound and portabellos are $1.99 a pound (expensive in my eyes but fresh). cukes 4 for $1.  They have fresh zuchini, egglant, yellow squash, yellow and orange peppers, asparagus, fresh herbs, you name it. Oh, they did up the price on lettuce and celery. They used to be 2 for $1 and now they're $1 a piece. They sell potatoes loose or by the basket, usually no more than $1.50. A 50 pound bag of red or white potatoes last week was $11.95.

They also sell bread at 2 loaves for $1.75. It used to be 2 loaves for $1.25.

I love this store but if I don't get there as soon as they open, I can't get in. It gets packed and there's not a parking spot to be found. Gee, wonder why?

oh geez - get a life! it was a joke

Geez Ella, get a grip
She didn't say her husband was a monster, just that he would not let her give a permanent home to yet another dog. Maybe you'd trade your husband for a stray pit bull, but a lot of us wouldn't.

Geez, it's gotten HOT today anybody have a pool???
Well, we just got back from getting pool supplies.  This is our third summer, we used Baquacil the first 2 years, dh said we were switching to chlorine this year because it is so much cheaper!  Anybody done this before, I wanted to keep the Baquacil because of the grandbabies, but was just wondering about the switching.. any & all info appreciated.. tia.. gina
Oh geez folks, light up...
it was funny!
Geez.. these aren't videos. You don't know so why comment?
These are images of real women and children, in Africa and in our country, some living in extreme poverty, some dying of AIDS and malaria. It's not just a video.
why is everyone so mean on a monday? geez, how would you like to be shut up in a house never to go
i had a dog get attacked and killed about a month ago by another dog in my own fenced back yard. never seen the attacker dog before in my life nor again since the incident. you can't always protect your pets just like you can't always protect your children, but yet you have to give them some freedom. would you lock your children up in the house never to go outdoors because of the violence? i think not. the OP has a valid point and her SIL is being extremely disrespectful and careless with her dogs.

to the OP, i would tell MIL that she is responsible for those dogs while they are in "her care" and to do whatever it takes to keep them off your property. you have the right to protect you home, your property, and your animals. i'd get a bb-gun and shoot them until they learned to stay out of your yard.
GEEZ, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing!
I really do appreciate this laugh! LOL

Well, geez, I knew what a vibrator was called!

geez. glad you guys are not MY judge and jury...sm
I will leave that to God to decide as to who is right and who is wrong. after 12 years, I would suggest moving on. It is over and done with. IF he did it, he will pay his dues. IF he did not do it, as he says, he will be redeemed. Case closed.
you use the word Geez and you put a frown face in post
geez, see how nervous i am?? i can't even spell. i think i better quit working and go to sleep,
geez after reading all these posts I feel like I'm missing out on something good! LOL
I'm assuming you buy these toys online?  
they are not rough looking; they are just skateboarders; all teenager skateboarders I know