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any sepsis or pneumonia would have been--sm

Posted By: nn on 2007-02-10
In Reply to: I am sort of agreeing with your theory, but also because if she had pneumonia - KokoPoo

found in the autopsy and it wasn't. Howard was not with her when she died. He was called by the nurse, before 911 call, and could not be reached. He was not even there...but his medications were.

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Sepsis would have shown by necrosis of the organs.
she died of sepsis. May have something to do with the birth in the Bahamas. sm
She may have developed an infection and it turned into sepsis. I knew a girl once who had a miscarriage, developed sepsis, and almost died 6 months later. She was weak (she may have attributed the severe depression to her weakness from the death of her son), and this just reminded me of that gal I knew. She (the girl I knew) finally went to the doctor and they immediately wheeled her to a room and began IV antibiotics (she, too had developed extremely high fevers), and the surgeon said that had she not come to see a doctor within 24 hours she would have died. And this was MONTHS after the miscarriage....So, just a theory. The doctor on CNN also had this theory - maternal something. I can't remember the diagnosis....
How would sepsis have been noted on autopsy? I am just curious and was
wondering if you knew the answer to that. I suppose they do laboratory work on the blood? Hmmm

Do you know of any systemic effects that sepsis has on the body? I am so fascinated and curious about autopsies, forensics, etc. Thanks!
I have walking pneumonia

I was diagnosed Thurs. and have laid around till today and I feel better with the z-pak the doctor gave me.  I am on day 4 with meds.  I got up and did small things yesterday and today but I am so used to be up and doing so much more.   I like to run 2 miles with my dog daily and go to the local Y to lift weights 3 x a week.  I am no string bean by any means I just wish I would feel more awake and alert.  Has anyone ever went through this crud?  I am 36 and am wondering when I will feel back to my active self again.  I just got up from an hour nap and still feel sleepy.  I heard it takes some up to 10 weeks.  My mom told me it stays in my system for 5 YEARS.  Gosh, she was no help.  Just let me know if anyone of you have any advice please and thank you!

He had pneumonia, let's not jump to judgement here,,

I am sort of agreeing with your theory, but also because if she had pneumonia
and was taking Vicodin and/or high-dose cough syrup, which are both are known to compromise the respiratory system, if this alone did not play a factor into it.....and let's not forget the respiratry effects of methadone. I believe if she was taking these with the pneumonia she very well could have asphixiated herself.

Now, if any of those drugs were prescribed to anyone other than herself and they coontributed to her death, that person will be facing manslaughter charges. I do not see the conspiracy theory that Howrd was with her when her son died and when she died, because I sort of would see that as normal behavior if her was her friend and confidant. I would think it sort of normal that he would be there at the birth of her child (although I do not believe it is his) and with her when she was ill if he cared for her.
Heard about the pneumonia, but autopsy in and "inconclusive".
Still just so sad for such a promising young actor, father and son. I feel so bad for his family to have to keep listening to all the speculation.
Evidently, she was just recovering from pneumonia and had been hospitalized, so that might explain w