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We knew that - we won't dock your pay for it! LOL

Posted By: ER MT on 2007-02-09
In Reply to: meant to say other children not other other. nm - l


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If you only knew!
I'm not a pagan, just simply educated on many different religions and other things of interest to me.
I knew when I saw what was going on,
simple. He was having wrecks and letting me know about them. His wife was deceased and I tried to get help for him and even telling him he was being taken, did not think so. Red flags flying all around- 1 lady who cared for his wife before her death, married, younger than me, all of a sudden taking interest in a 90 year old man who did not use deodorant? No way. I was out of town, bottom line after his death the person I spoke had got $60,000.00 from him, had him set up an account in her name and his social security check and other monies going directly into that account. I knew what I saw. She went to the bank the day after his death and pulled all out. I have been there.
see, I knew you all (most) would come through
for me. Sounds like a good alternative. You guys have given me great ideas.
Knew you could do it.
Didn't take long at all once your Realtor knew you meant business. Better for him, anyway.
And to think I knew all of these
guess not, have so many of those sayings and yet had never heard of this.
I wish I knew
I have one in the house now that keeps landing on my computer screen. I can't get rid of him. Even my cat is no help this evening.
They say she knew nothing - I don't see how though (nm)
That is when I knew that...
...it was over in my first marriage  When I was glad to see his a** go out that door and say to myself *good*, then I knew I had really lost that lovin' feeling.
THanks so much, knew there was a way nm
maybe you took him b/c you knew
I never knew that
But with the large refund we got it's paying a credit card that we've been trying to pay off forever so I'll take the refund anyway I can.
I knew someone who did this too
I think this is a wonderful idea - of course, it wouldn't work for everyone but I can see a lot of benefits if it could work for you...
No...I never knew that either
Not that I care either way, I like her, just never knew that
Yes, and this is how I knew as well. sm
When you get to I don't give $ ___ you are there!
I wish I knew what to say but I am
65 now and have yet to have a midlife crisis. What is going on in your life that you just want to sleep and nothing else. You have no joys in life, just work alone? I have been in what I call ruts before but eventually snapped out of those. One thing is with my work if I would ever just get so fed up with working a lot and burned out basically, would find some time to take off from work and do other things I might enjoy, such as an escape to a movie, the zoo, etc.
Hey thanx, I never knew that! :) sm
About only adjectives with three or more syllables getting the comparative/superlative form of "more" and "most".

I've ALWAYS said "more stupid", but "stupidest" or "most stupid". Why, I don't know. But I usually avoid that word in any form.....
if you knew you were about to die
A friend of ours was a heavy smoker and drinker. He had an heart attack and quit smoking because of it. He has a bad liver and had to quit drinking. Now he found out he has about 9 months to live if he is lucky. He has cancer and it is in all his organs. He had started back to smoking and drinking heavy. Would you do the same thing?
thanks Jon-but I knew difference between the 2.

Gee. I knew that would happen! LOL!

Thanks so much to you all. I KNEW I needed help! :-)
Where are you? Wish I knew how to send
pictures so I could show you what our place looks like. I live in suburb of Atlanta and even the bigger homes in my neighborhood, say the 2-3 story places do not run, say over 400-500$$. I could not imagine paying huge price for a home to have a cracker box. I think lot of people paying huge amounts for homes would be surprised if they went on line and checked for homes say in Henry County or Fayette County, both just right outside Atlanta. You really get a bang for your buck here. Not only the cost but wonderful place, clean, quiet, really nice. What are the costs of your homes there?
I never knew they had that! Thanks for giving
me JUST ONE MORE snack to try!!!  LOL.  
The last I knew they were about to wrap and that was some
strike would make any difference.
I knew what you meant
You know I did not even notice that, and I knew what you meant! I work third shift so believe me, I was in tune with what you were thinking...I get up too early every day.
HOW DARE YOU! She said she DID before she knew this (sm)
How rude of you to tell her to get a clue!! Very mean!! Why does somebody have to be mean in every thread?????
oh - I thought maybe you knew something
different and I was ready to go get it!  Mine has attempted to get peanuts out of my peanut feeder when the squirrels let him.
If you knew me personally you would know that I do sm
not try to keep up with the Jones'. Far from it, to be honest. This post all started when I was really shocked to see that others had to leave certain areas in the ward whenever she wanted to visit the common area, etc. And then to suspend 2 docs for checking out her chart. I just found all of this odd to me. I am not obessessed with celebs. And when Di died? I really could have cared less. I mean, I was sad, but I didn't watch or read anything about it!
It certainly is! If you knew this family and this SM

young man!  He used to have the lead in high school musicals with such a wonderful voice, is such a good musician and an all around good guy. It makes me so happy. He left for his tour of duty about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, a very hard time to leave his new wife and family. 

Thanks for your post.

Probably knew you'd be complaining about it
I'd say he expected you to carp on him about it, maybe because he really wanted it and figured you wouldn't, and that you'd complain about it, about the price, not really needing it, whatever.  I'd love it if my hubby brought home a nice new TV.
As I stated before, if you knew what
the emails said, you would think differently about the whole situation. I have told her to not contact me if she isn't getting the kind of response she thinks she deserves or wants. It is not my place to give her any info about her bio dad. If she found me, she can find him. I have no right to allow her to disrupt his life, just as she has no right to disrupt mine if I don't want her to. Again, so sorry if I don't come across as the loving, nurturing mommy type to you. Is your life unfulfilled, because if so, I'll give you her number!
I never knew there were books
I had never heard of the books, although then again we don't have any books stores in our town (except the section in Wal-Mart and Fred Meyer). I have heard a lot of times people like books better.
I knew Dr. Oz would come in handy for something
He was on Oprah one day last season when they were taking questions from the audience and a woman stood up and asked about this. She said she gets a funky odor and some fluid in her belly button. (Standing up and admitting that had to take guts)

Anyway, Dr. Oz said it was caused by some type of cyst under the naval and, while it isn't dangerous, needs to be checked by a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. I can't remember what he said about getting rid of it.

Whoo hoo. I knew having a cat would pay off.
A cat come up here stray and I made friends with it.  I started feeding it, giving it milk and when I knew it was okay I started letting it in the house.  H really did not like it in the house but I would win by playing on his sympathy and the cat would meow at the door; it was just too cold outside and that cat was obviously someone's house cat at one time.  Well, unfortunately we have a mouse problem.  Mice have ruined our stove to the point we need a new one but no $$$.  We set traps and plugged up holes but obviously they are still getting in.  Well, when I walked in from taking the kids to school, low and behold did I see my cat killing a mouse.  Go cat GO.  I know it is gross but when they ruin your expensive appliances. ...
My dad had all his senses- he knew exactly what he was doing and yes
he was a dirty old man, thought the ladies still liked/loved him at his age. I know for a fact- we used to go out for lunch (at same age) and he watched to see where a particular blonde would seat people - she worked at the restaurant. Nope, I made no excuses for him and no one else should either. You call what you know and I knew this. He gave away thousands of dollars after his wife died to a ditzy blonde in his neightborhood because he thought she "cared for him." Yeh, right. I hate for people to try to make excuses for this- he was a dirty old man. That was not out of character for him- mother told me the reason for their breakup was he went to a whor.. for sex and she did not want to come down with disease. Gone on for years- he did not change his spots.
time you knew
Don't know how long you have been married, but when this happens to me I visualize myself doing a jig at her funeral. Confronting her will not help because she does not like you! Why doesn't she like you? Who knows, who cares! Some women like being mean to other women and once they get a taste for it....they are hooked for life. You might be better educated, a better housekeeper, a better cook, prettier, funnier, anything. I have lived like this for 20 years and now she is getting dementia and she is really getting mean now, but to everybody and not just me anymore so I don't get ganged up on as much, thank God. It has been a long, long road to hoe. But that was my husband's mother and saying bad stuff about her makes him uncomfortable. If you are going to stay married, you are trapped. Let all slights go, don't lose your temper, don't stew or plot revenge, just visualize doing that jig at the graveyard and kicking a little dirt into the hole and laugh.
I never saw the policy, never knew he had
He could have made it out to his second wife (who died before my father) but I have no idea. I was contacted saying I had insurance money coming to me. I had to furnish a death certificate of my brother, my stepmom and then they asked for names of kids of my brother, last known address. An insurance company is pretty thorough when getting information. They do not take just at face value. They do their work before paying out the $$$$.
I always knew kids were not for me - sm
I have never been a kid person.  I never babysat to make money as many girls my age did, nor did I play with dolls.  Now animals...that is an entirely different story.  I was always interested in animals, wanted to walk dogs for the neighbors, knew the names of the animals better than those of people, etc.  My husband knew going into our marriage that I would most likely never want to have a child.  He was okay with that.  Been married 25 years now and no regrets.  Do I ever wonder what a child from us might have been like?  Every once in awhile, but definitely no regret about it.  It can and does work for many people.  The worst part?  Total strangers asking "why" we have no kids or looking at us like we are from another planet when we tell them kids are not for us. 
I see nothing wrong with it. She knew what she was doing.
Thanks everyone. You told me exactly what my head already knew (sm)
and I was just letting that logic go right out the door. I would never be the **cheatee** either, because it just seems so dirty and indignant and also because I would never want that done to me, so I try to treat people the way I would weant to be treated.

You know, I am so glad I have a reasonable bunch of women here and wish one day we could all get together for coffee.

Thanks for keeping me in line.
I understand what you are saying, BUT if you knew you would forget sm
important dates (and I'm not the only friend she does this to), then don't you think you would get a system going where you could be reminded about important things and dates? They have palm pilots, notebooks, pesonal alarm clocks, etc., to help you in remembering dates. But it's not only that, it's specific conversations we have together that, the next time we talk, she doesn't even remember.

I'm sorry, but if you truly tried you could remember. I am terrible with names. I teach a class part-time and so when I meet someone I have to write their names down since I am a visual learner. Again, I'm trying and fixing what I know needs to be fixed.

She is in her 30s. She just needs to slow down, take inventory, and cut things out of her life so she can remember the things she needs to remember. And I've told her this before. I'm just through. That's it for me.
I heard about the wreck but knew nothing
about the groups there, for what?? Did the Harleys show up there also? Free speech but that has really gone overboard. Karma will take care of all this, believe me.
Juliet said that she knew about the smoke
monster after the fact and said that she didn't know what it was but that they were aware of it and that it didn't like the fence.  I really have to stay glued to the show or I miss little things - and apparently I still miss a lot.
Oh, okay, just wanted to make sure you knew (sm)
So you have a chihuahua too?  DH found a stray - actually he found DH - and I just love him to pieces.
She knew she was visiting and would be leaving (sm)
She just wanted to do a few things with her granddaughter before she left. If you had my in-laws you would understand invasive. You have to share your daughter. She is your child, but she is that woman's grandchild and she has rights too. She is sooo not asking too much. She sounds very humble and non-demanding. Try to be sweet to her. She won't live forever. Let her enjoy her granchild while she can.
Ugh, I knew I butchered the breed name!
Kim, please accept my apologies for that.  My internet is saying connected for mere minutes at a time and I wanted to get her picture up as quickly as I could and with speed sometimes comes mistakes.  Forgive me! 
Wow! Never knew I looked that good!!! LOL
thats hilarious!!!!
If you knew what the emails said, you may think differently...

this has gone on for a few years now, either she wants to know me or not. One thing is for certain, she sure isn't getting all my information without giving something back. If she wants to meet face to face that's fine with me and if not, that's fine too. While I have curiosity, I don't spend my time wallowing in what could have, should have or would have been. That chapter of my life has been closed for many, many years and frankly the curiosity fades more and more with time.

I'm so glad to hear it. I knew you had it in ya'!

Yeah, I knew I'd get flack for that...

The whole 'what about the children' and innocents and all.  It was supposed to be funny because last time someone posted something heavy like this, it was removed by admin because it was such a downer.  Dang.  Seems like everyone is on the rag here this week or something.  (I can't WAIT for the response to THAT one!)


Just dont then use on spaghetti. Knew of MT who
I just knew you all here would have some great ideas! sm

Thank you to everyone who responded.  The poster who suggested a manicure and pedicure had the perfect suggestion because she LOVES getting those.  I never would have thought of that myself because I am not good at ideas for gifts at all.  Yep, I am going with that idea!  Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there!