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And then consider when you work 9 hours a day 7 days a week...that adds up to way TOO much!

Posted By: Me Too! on 2005-12-19
In Reply to: Gosh - 2.5 cents a minute is only $1.50 an hour. - Imake about $25 an hour. Of course,

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I have work...16 hours' worth every day, 6 days a week no less. nm
I go to the gym 4 days a week for 2 hours
each. I do 1/2 hour on 2 different machines and then go use the weights for the last hour. I had a trainer when I first joined and he taught me a lot about how to change my routine but his favorite job was the torturing. The gym has a day care that costs me $10 extra a month so I usually go right after I finish work at 1. You need to make time to exercise. It was hard at first to get into it but I love it now.
I type 16 hours 5 days a week
No cause I want to. Took a part-time job hoping to work into full-time, however, don't make enough with it after 1-1/2 years to make it full-time, so I'm still doing both jobs.. I guess I'm a glutton.. Would like one job to make that amount.
Doing wrong? Probably only working 80 hours a week 6 days.

30 hours divided by four days equals seven-hour days. Most of us have to work pretty much every day
2-1/2 hours a day, 1300 lines/day, $150 a day, 7 days a week, IC status
I work 6 days a week every other week

Due to my company's payroll (it runs Sun-Sat), I'm able to work a rotating schedule with every other weekend off. Week 1 I work Sunday through Thursday with Fri, Sat, Sun off.  Week 2 I work Monday through Friday with Saturday only off.  Then I'm back to week 1 and get that following weekend off.

I've found that I'm more productive with shorter shifts and I have kids in school anyway, so I work a lot of split shifts during the week.  If possible, you might want to consider cutting back your hours to 30 hours and just work five 6-hour days in split shifts, 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening. 

and work more than 40 hours/week you are due

compensation.  If your company requires you to work 7 days a week I'd find a new job.  They may ASK you to work extra as workload dictates but by no means should you be required too.  Many companies require 1 weekend/month or every other weekend, but there are off days during the week, unless you WANT to work.

If you are an IC you work what you commit to.  If a company can get you to work as an IC by holding over your head you dictate the hours you work, versus working a set schedule, why not.   With having to compete with companies offshoring they have to cut expenses where they can and cutting benefits, etc. is where they do it.  I don't like it, but in order to stay in business they have to, but they also can't require you to work 7 days/week either.  




I work 40 hours a week and more
if there is work and I don't slack off and barely take a break. I do acute care and seldom leave a blank. According to my Expander stats, I am saving myself 23 hours of work and do 22% of the total in expanders. My pay has actually gone down especially this year and I am using more Expanders every day. That's my story.
I work 6 days a week- only 1 of these has - sm
weekend work and that is by choice - so I could have the weekend off too. Generally though I work Sunday; Saturday is the day we do things together; and Sunday mornings we usually go out and do something. So I have most of the weekend free to recharge and have fun.
I work 6 days a week....

I posted this before, but it got deleted somehow, so I'm sorry if this shows up twice. I work 6 days a week for about 4 hours a day. Sometimes it is 5 hours a day if the dictators are bad. I have found that since I have switched to this schedule, I am more productive since I am not so worn out, and I produce more per hour than I did when I was working an 8-hour day. But I must have at least 1 day off. I couldn't imagine working EVERY SINGLE DAY. Good luck!

I work on my days off, but mainly because I haven't gotten 40 hours in for the
week and if I feel like working I am able to do so. Not working extra or anything, just have not gotten in a full week.
I currently work 70 hours a week and three jobs...
so it is physically possible to work that many hours. I am going down to 50 hours a week in two weeks, but you do what you have to do.
No one could pay me a big enough salary to work 80 hours per week

Disagree. I work 48 hours a week for $65K.
If you can't make a living, it probably isn't the job for you.

Not everyone can do this work successfully.

Of cours. I only work 48 hours a week. ?
I work 5 days a week. Have plenty of time in the evenings and all weekend with my family, my friends and to go out of town, etc.

What kind of quesiton is that?! LOL

I'm no Olympiad but I do workout. Do YOU? LOL

Any companies out there that allow you to work 5-10 hours a week?

I posted this on the company board, but didn't get any responses, so I'm hoping there will be some help here.  work full time outside the home and I am looking for something for just 5-8 hours a week to supplement my income.  I worked for MQ for 6 years, but certain things led me to quit.  Is there a good company out there where I can work 5-8 hours?  Back at the Q I think now you have to commit to 24 hours and I just can't swing that.  Is there such an option out there anywhere?  Any input would be very much appreciated.



I beg to differ. I work 35-40 hours a week
FT and have an IC job I work maybe 3 evenings a week for 3-4 hours. I easily make over 50K a year. There are good jobs out there that pay wages one can live on.
How many days a week does your manager work? sm
Do you hear from them 7 days a week, 6 days a week, 5 days or what? 
I work 7 days a week -- see message
I work 7 days a week. I work 30 hours Monday through Friday and 4 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I start at 3 a.m. through the week. Weekends are my time to sleep in -- LOL. I don't start until 5 a.m. My production is way up. I just can't do 8 hour days. I felt like I spent my 2 days off running errands and cleaning.

I have 2 kids who are school age. When I finish my shift, I go back to bed for a couple hours, get up, shower, and eat lunch. Three days a week I go to the gym for an hour and get home just in time for them to start getting home from school. The other days I use to clean house and run errands. It just seems I get more accomplished and have more time to do the things I enjoy with this schedule.

On the weekends, by the time I finish up everyone is just beginning to get up, so I don't feel like I miss out on any weekend time with my family.
I work 7 days a week because I work 3 jobs.
Workaholic here who would seek counseling if I had the time. hahaha
Anyone work 7 days a week with shorter work

I have arthritis in a couple of places, and I'm having a lot of trouble making it rhrough 8-hour days, even with split shifts, and I end up working most weekends anyway to make up for my decreasing production durng the longer days. I'm wondering if I should just commit to seven 5-1/2 hours days and be done with it.

I work for a small MTSO about 25-30 hours a week
At 53 working 2 jobs 80 hours a week is impossible. I tried it, it does not work!! (sm)
I have been at this business 30+ years and at one point worked 3 jobs and 2 were for hospital contracts with taxes taken out and the other IC. It gives you no life. My suggestion, if you need the extra $$ work your 40 during the week, then 1 or 2 nights 2 hours and then Sat/Sun 16 hours which would give you 20 hours. That is more than enough and will give you a chance to see if you want to make a job change. Have tried the 2 FT 80 hours and almost had a seizure over it. Remember if your not physically well you cannot do it all!
Yes, I work 80-90 hours a week. I am going to stop because life is passing me by and it has caused
depression. There is no way mentally or physically you can keep up the pace. It is finally getting to me and I now realize there are more important things in life than work.  I have been a workaholic all of my life. It started as an escape to a bad marriage but I ended up missing my kids grow up, I've lost friends because I have no time for them, and this is my last chance with an 8-year-old child left at home to get it right and put my family first. It means giving up a lot of "material things" but what do they matter when all you need is the love of your family. I'd never recommend this to anyone.
I'm sorry I didn’t make myself clear. As an employee I can only work 40 hours per week (sm)
Overtime has to be approved by manager. I have always been an SE and could work as many hours as I wanted to, such as when I had a day of bad dictators I could work until I got my daily line count. Just wondering if all states had this law. I am working in CA.
Working 6/hour days, 5 days/week I make
$42,000.00, but the work is there to make more if I want to.  I'm in the southeast. 
typing 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week
on my wrists I mean.
and not getting any benefits... and for a salary of less than 30K? not really worth it...
How? By working 12-hr days 7 days/week?
Right around 10 hours a week

Less with really good dictators.  More if you get mostly lousy ones. :)

One guy I've got I could do in 8 hours.  Wish I had him all the time.

Another guy is a "pauser" and he would probably take more like 14 hours.

Average is right around 10 hours.


how many hours a week is that?
I need a company like you have!
PT - 24 hours a week
about $24,000 a year.
It would be more but, as my name says, I have 3 kids. The twin babies distract me a lot. I expect to make more when they are older :-)
now maybe $45,000/yr 40 hours/week...nm
I don't think so - but 80 hours a week would

if you only agreed to days and hours

They have no right to make you work any certain hours, that's the point of being an IC.  Don't let them dictate how many hours you work at a time.  I have been an IC for 10 years and have only committed to days and lines.

By the way, 1500 lines per day is very good production.

16 hrs/day, 5 days a week?.....so you...sm
so what you're saying is you work 16 hours a day, 5 days per week, and so all you do is sleep and work?  I don't get it.....have you no life whatsoever, besides work and sleep?  *curious* not meaning to sound rude......
7 days a week.
5-10 hours per week, approximately $78K...sm
send the work out, send the work back, put out fires, bill the clients, pay the IC's, make everybody happy...mind you, I feel I've earned it. Many was the night I was up until 12 typing my brains out and many the time I've gone in and done proposals only to get shot down.  I could make A LOT more if I typed the accounts too - but I'm happy with what I make with the little time I put in. I'd rather have my freedom than the money right now, I guess. Plus I'm keeping 5 or 6 other people employed.
2-4 hours of dictation a week
IC MT with 13 years experience looking for a few hours of clinic, hospital or general dictation to do per week.  Anything available?
Correction - They will be flexible with HOURS/days, etc.
...rather than benefits.
2500 per day, 7 days a week. nm
Don't laugh, I make $100 a week for 7 hours.

AND. . . my Christmas tips last year were over $500.00 for 65 customers.  It's only 5 small streets in my own neighborhood (no car required) amd takes less than an hour every morning.

Great exercise, great nontaxable money.

If you're an early riser, this job is for you. I start at 5:00 a.m.

My only drawback is that I live in the Northeast and it's kinda rough in February when it's 20 below.

48K with full benefits, 40 hours per week,
I also have a PT subcontractor position (about 5 to 7 hours a week), made about 7K last year.   
Barely working 20 hours a week...sm
I have worked for this company for over a year now.  I love the account.  I love the work.  I am used to it and don't want to think about going elsewhere but I am not making squat  I don't get paid by the hour I was just letting you know that is the amount of time I am getting to work due to the fact there is not enough work.  I have never been able to get full time work here but more that this.  I don't know whether to stick it out or look elsewhere.  I only have 1-1/2 years exp so I don't have a lot of options with less than 2 years exp.  I don't know what I should do.  I have asked about a secondary account, but they said they don't need help on any of their other accounts.  Anyone else in this boat?  What to do? 
two days, had hunch should leave within a few hours but stuck it out. LOL

My 5-year-old goes to the sitter 3 days a week....sm
4 if I need her to.  The 1-2 days she's home I have lots of arts and craft things for her to do and she'll play with her toys.  I do take frequent breaks to check on her when she's here.   She is allowed to watch TV 2 hours a day so she'll usually pop in a movie while I'm working or watch PBS.
Clarification: 1200 lpd x 5 days/week...
1200 lpd x 5 days/week =
MQ: $0 incentive
Spheris: $24 incentive/week

But in transcription, if you are good at what you do, you can do 8 hours of work in 4 hours. So eit

you slice it, both companies will still get 8 hours worth of work out of you.

That is the problem I've been having lately being an MT.  Companies want to pay us on production and they set minimum productivity standards, but want us timed in for 8 hours a day.  My thinking is, if they want 8 hours of work out of me, pay me hourly with production incentive.  If they want to pay me on production and tell how much I have to produce in an 8 hour period, then when I hit that mark, I should be able to call it a day even if I've only worked 4 hours.

Seems these companies want it both ways and it is simply not fair to us MTs.  JMO, tho.

You can "make a living" if you work 16-hr days, 7 days
and if you rarely buy anything but food and the barest essentials in clothing. My balancing act is so precarious that all it'll take is one of life's little disasters (rent increase, sick pet, major car repair) to pull the rug out from under me. Not a good feeling at all.
Ummm, $98K, 30 hours a week. I believe that is what this poster is talking about. uh huh LOL. nm
$44,000 last year at 7.75 cpl with wonderful bonuses at maybe 30-35 hours a week, BUT
then my bonuses were cut when we went to a new system and now I have to work 60-70 hours a week to make the same. So, really there are too many variables here.