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It is waste alright! You dont spend taxpayer money

Posted By: on Hollywood, polar bears, golf courses.nm on 2009-02-14
In Reply to: Waste? (sm) - Just the big bad


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Yeah, spend more taxpayer money on food stamps.
dont waste your time on the
Federal Reserve Fox ploy . . . they are trying to make you lose the scent.  Research Republican history of deregulation. Making the government so small they can drown it in the bathtub. Research McCain's countless statements of being pro-deregulation. Research the safeguards built into the system after the Great Depression and how they were dismantled by the republicans in the name of "free market forces." 
You mean he might use taxpayer money to
Oh wait....hmmmmm
She said IF taxpayer money was being used
not that it most certainly was.

She made a good point and instead of taking the time to listen, you jump on her over something she didn't even say.

I understand you don't agree with her on anything but is it so hard to listen to valid concerns without having to argue?

Now you can jump on me, LOL.
The truly poor already get money from the taxpayer.
Oh, so it's NOT taxpayer money then, so what's the beef?
Can YOU prove it's taxpayer money?
What's the president make? $140,000 yr.? But, it's the perks that are part of his salary - rent free, utility free, a BUDGET for the president to live on. You can simplify it to simply "frivolous" partying, but I do not believe that is the case - there is far more to it than that. There are traditions and a decorum that is expected. I think our president more than fits the bill.
Petty or not, going on a date with taxpayer money
Secretary of the Interior WASTES $245,000 of taxpayer's money

A Lavish Bathroom at Interior -

If Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colo.) is confirmed this month as interior secretary, he'll have a snappy, scarcely used bathroom in his fifth-floor office, thanks to Dirk Kempthorne, the outgoing secretary.

Seems Kempthorne spent about $235,000 in taxpayer funds renovating the bathroom a few months ago, which included installing a new shower, a refrigerator and a freezer and buying monogrammed towels, department officials told our colleague Derek Kravitz.

The General Services Administration approved and partially funded the project, an Interior Department official said. The GSA paid about half the cost to refurbish aging plumbing, which needed to be replaced within four years.

But department officials say much of the money was spent on lavish wood paneling and tile. Among the choice items found in the new bathroom: wainscot wood panels extending from floor to ceiling and cabinet doors revealing a working refrigerator and freezer.

"If Gale Norton needed to shower, at least she was conservative enough to go to the gym in the basement of the building," one career employee quipped, referring to Kempthorne's predecessor.

An initial investigation by the department's inspector general, Earl B. Devaney, found no wrongdoing on the secretary's part because the GSA had approved the project.

A department spokesman, Shane Wolfe, did not return messages seeking comment.

Incoming Cabinet officials often waste absurd amounts of money redecorating perfectly posh offices to their tastes. Watchdogs generally decry the waste of money. But if the projects are part of the stimulus package . . .

We don't have the money to spend.

That's the problem. They have to borrow the money from other countries. If they keep printing money like its going out of style, our money will have no value and you'll be taking a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread...if you can find a loaf of bread.

As you say, what part of that don't you understand?

Waste of time and money!
Mailing hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of red envelopes is a waste of time and money. It is not going to have any effect on the abortion law, and the only winner is the post office. Can't you people think of more constructive ways to support a cause?
Printing money we dont have? Borrowing money
Here's how to spend your tax rebate money

How to use the rebate:

As you may have heard the Bush Administration said each and every one of us would now get a nice rebate. If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China. If we spend it on gasoline it will all go to the Arabs, if we purchase a computer it will all go to India, if we purchase fruit and vegetables it will all go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala, if we purchase a good car it will all go to Japan, if we purchase useless crap it will all go to Taiwan and none of it will help the American economy.

We need to keep that money here in America, so the only way to keep that money here at home is to buy prostitutes and beer, since those are the only businesses still in the US.

And I gave him money and he can spend anyway he wants.
I will be watching with great expectations.
It is his money, he can spend it as he chooses.
What do you think would happen to our economy if everyone stopped spending money? The purpose of Georgie Porgie's stimulus checks were to get everyone out spending money and helping businesses stay afloat.

It takes a lot of nerve telling anyone how to spend their money. That's why it is called "their" money, not yours!
but it is his money to spend as he chooses -
Yes, the economy is horrible, but that does not mean that the people that have money should not spend their money.

I happen to have more money than one of my sisters; however, I don't not spend my money because she cannot afford to spend any.

If he was not spending his personal money on what he chooses, he still would not be giving it to other people to buy cars and pay their mortgages!
We care because it's Alaska taxpayer money for her kids to travel, even though uninvited nm
what a joke palin is... she's had it now

Obama says.. "Show me the money". I will spend it
Hello. So, the gov prints fiat money to spend

it's way out of this depression.  Let's see if that works for your family.

You lose your job, you have no income, but you spend and spend on your credit cards, up to their max, all 25 of them, thousands of dollars in debt that you will never even be able to pay the interest on, and then the holders of your debt say pay up or we're coming after you, taking your home, everything you own, including your first born.  What do you do then?  Have you spent your way into prosperity or have you spent your way into bankruptcy?

I'm sure you are not trillions and trillions of dollars in debt, and you probably don't have any printing presses to counterfit monopoly money, but if spending your way to posperity will not work in your family, what makes you think it will work with the government?  It can't without dire consequences.




Yep, just keep spending money we dont have, O
The juvenile attitude of spending money we dont
Dear Miss Thang. If you dont like it, dont watch.
rational to one is irrational to another..dont like it, dont read it
Rational posts?  Well, maybe you would think that, however, I disagree..but, what the heck, from your continual posts attacking me over the past few months, it is obvious that we dont agree on anything.  Gotta tell ya, no one chases a person from a chat board..that is a lame excuse for someone who obviously was not able to hold his/her own with the smart liberals who post on this  liberal board.  So gt chased her/him away.  On please!  If a poster is getting to you, you just ignore their posts..dont click on them..Viola!  It is that easy!  Or dont come on the liberal board if you do not like liberal ideology!  Viola!  It is that easy!  So, Im here all the time am I?  Well, punkin, I see your handle always on both this board and the dinosaur board..er..I mean conservative board.  Is this what your debating has gotten down to?  Lets count and see who is here more often?  How ridiculous, how childish, how so....republican.  **BIG HUG**
I dont hate Obama. I just dont see him as qualified
He did that alright...(sm)

But that's what I see as a problem....inflaming the public.  The only thing that does is cause even more division -- like we need that right now.

Oh, alright
can he wait till winter, though?
You dont get it. Most dont want O to fail, they feel
Someone is gullible alright. nt
Oh, it was thoughtful alright............
not much intelligence involved though. All the run around speeches he gives for those who refuse to see it, just are nothing more than he says one thing and completely intends to do another. It's not that hard to hear for those of us who aren't falling for that Obama love fest you have going.

Oh, I get it alright and it's becoming more clear by
Alright then...count all the glaciers why don't cha...nm
He's losing his bearings alright...
I sincerely think that melanoma has affected his brain. He used to be a maverick, especially when he ran against GWB in 2000. Now he's just old, real old. Think it's time for him to retire.
I notice that all of a sudden it is alright
Boy, some of us really got trampled for using Hussein during the campaign, but I guess since he is using his whole name for the inauguration, it's okay for all his worshippers to say it now! ! !............
I find it perfectly alright to say
I am white and I know how it works. White folks say a couple is "engaged" if the girl gets pregnant. Black folks say they are staying somewhere but do not go as far as to say they are engaged.
Thanks, LVMT; yup, propaganda is the word, alright.
You just wonder how much more damage will be done before more people see through it.
I'm a HATER, alright. I hate the ol' boy's club

Pretty scary stuff alright.

This was from a link below.


It'd make an impression alright - by showing them
taxpayer dollars?

what makes you think that everyone having an abortion is paying for it themselves? 

A satisfied taxpayer........ sm

Tax Bill
Dear Internal Revenue Service:

Enclosed you will find my 2005 tax return showing that I owe $3,407.00 in taxes. Please note the attached article from the USA Today newspaper, dated 12 November, wherein you will see the Pentagon (Department of Defense) is paying $171.50 per hammer and NASA has paid $600.00 per toilet seat.

I am enclosing four (4) toilet seats (valued @ $2,400) and six (6) hammers valued @ $1,029), which I secured at Home Depot, bringing my total remittance to $3,429.00.

Please apply the overpayment of $22.00 to the "Presidential Election Fund," as noted on my return. You can do this inexpensively by sending them one (1) 1.5 " Phillips Head screw (see aforementioned article from USA Today newspaper detailing how H.U.D. pays $22.00 each for 1.5" Phillips Head Screws). One screw is enclosed for your convenience.

It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.


A Satisfied Taxpayer


PBS is taxpayer funded

so it must pay back to taxpayers. But .... did you see if the PBS interviewed, asked opinions of the Real People, who created and defended this nation: Machinists, Mechanics, Builders, Truck Drivers, Soldiers and etc? NO! The PBS is a stage for big media sharks as Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, NY Times and etc
It is an obligation of the PBS to pay back to society: broadcast Forums, Debates of Candidates for US Congress (Senate and House), but intentionally, with conspiracy of big media does not do, that pushed Candidates to accept money, to political prostitution.

If it isn't taxpayer funded
then why would Bush cut back funding and why would it hurt PBS so much if they weren't taxpayer funded.  Watch who you call ignorant or at least look in the mirror first.
Well, either way, it's a taxpayer thing.....
it's not for hiring anyone! It's for teaching the already hired employees to be friendlier and more "well-mannered", and to "Hello", "thank you", and "come again". What a joke and what an absolutely stupid waste of taxpayers' dollars!!!

If state employees are supposed to be saying these things in the first place and that is a must, then fire them and hire someone who really wants a job! Really, do YOU or I need someone to come in to teach up how to say "come again" and "thank you"? These people are nuts!!!
More than one way to skin a taxpayer

or attack an amendment.  What good is a bullet launcher without bullets?  I heard that with their allotment of materials, manufacturers have been directed to make ammunition only for the government because of the war.  Hold on a second.....isn't the war supposed to be winding down??

Wow, newbie Jackie is with the PROGRAM!!! Alright! Already calling people liars. sm
What a gooooooooood little liberal you are!  HIGH FIVE!
Exactly how do you know both are financed by the RNC on the taxpayer dime?...
And even if it were, it's not up to you how the RNC spends its money.

Ten to one, she pays for her own kids way...about the wardrobe...sounds like you're a bit jealous, is all I can see from here.
Yep, let the hard-working taxpayer pay for those
And it is a CONTINUOUS bonus to the taxpayer's pay, ....sm
Trickle-down economics did not work in all those Republican years, so I guess it might be time to think outside the sandbox,guys? Perhaps a new President with new ideas, since the old ones got us in this predicament in the first place? Why aren't the hard-core Pubs more angry that their government and leaders got us here and kept us here, while feeding the rich more tax cuts, and while taking off all the banking regulations and looking the other way???? Crony-ism at its best!
NYT ad alone cost $200,000 in taxpayer funds. Not a big deal?nm
I dont WANT war. Dont judge me!
How much are we supposed to stand for???...government keeps trying to turn to the taxpayer ...sm

to fix all these messes when we are not the ones with the money.  Go to the CEOs, etc with the huge bonuses and golden parachutes, and ALL the money, and have them bail the banks out.  They are the ones who made this mess.  I live in a state that already double taxes me on my vehicles, has one of the highest sales tax rates in the country, and we even have taxes/fees our loved ones have to pay when we DIE~!!@!@ I am so sick of this!  Think I'll quit paying all my taxes and when the IRS comes knocking on my door, I'm gonna hold my hand out on my way out the door on that Bahamas cruise NOT paying taxes paid for, and say oh please bail me out, I can't pay this.  Yeah I'll get bail alright, but not in a good way!