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I'm sorry to keep bugging you guys, but I'm upset. - Posted By: MQ SE

I've been an SE for MQ for over six years now.  I've enjoyed my job, been fairly happy with the work pools and so on (I am currently working out of Amherst but so far, so good).

I have small children, so being an SE is about the only way I can go in terms of work.  If I was on a schedule, I'd be in trouble. 

So then I get that awful letter from MQ that doesn't even MENTION SE, and I think about the news maybe six months ago about "what can we do to make you want to be an employee" sort of a thing, and I'm scared.

What's going to happen to my position as an SE?  Do you think they'll give us an option to switch to employee, and then drop us if we don't?  Why is this happening to me????

Already shed a few tears today.  I hate this.

Re posts below about IC status being no more(sm) - Posted By: IC status

What will the nationals who currently use ICs do, change everyone to SE or FTE/PTE status or will the ICs have to change to incorporated or some other status?  I'd just as soon it fall on the nationals to have to change us to SEs or FTE/PTE.  Any thoughts?

Louisiana transcription - Posted By: mtonthemove

Does anyone know the going pay rate for in hospital MTs in Louisiana?  Would love to hear from any area in La. to get an idea of an average pay.

1 out of every 15 kids hurt because of error on MR - Posted By: MRmt

MSN has an article that 1 out of every 15 kids who are hospitalized are hurt or die because of prescription errors in the medical record!  Something happened to a child of Dennis Quaid and he and his wife have raised awareness of how important it is that correct dosages be placed on the medical record for patients.  I guess this would not just apply to the doctor saying it clearly and correctly, but to us typing it correctly.  Our job is not just typing, as you can see here.  What we put will definitely have an impact on the patient.  I was amazed when I saw how high the mortality rate is because of what is on the medical record. A good wake up call, I think!

Dragon Naturally Speaking...Questions... - Posted By: whornrn

Hi all!

Am curious if anyone has every tried Dragon Naturally Speaking for doing transcription and if so, was it boom or bust??



Career Step Foot Pedal - Posted By: cloverport

Can anyone tell me what type of foot pedal Career Step uses.  I have a friend who is accepting an at-home transcription position and she needs to purchase a foot pedal.  She saw one on E-bay and it states that it is a Career Step foot pedal, however, that is all it says.  She is needing to purchase an IN-USB-1 foot pedal.  TIA

Question, can anyone help me? - Posted By: justme

I have two computers, work for two companies.  I have DSL on one computer, nothing yet on the other.  Can I download my DSL account on my second computer too?  Same account, two computers?  It isnt networking, as only one computer will be on at a time..It is just unplugging one computer from the modem and plugging in the other. 

65-gross line vs.65-gross character line - Posted By: mls77

Can someone explain the difference between these two?  I am assuming that the gross line is better than the gross character line.  How much better is being paid by the gross character line than just by the standard 65-character line?  Does anyone know how much difference it would make in dollars and cents?


Sourcerad for radiology transcription - Posted By: MEMT


  Just wondering if anyone out there has used this system for transcribing radiology reports and if you could tell me about it, such as ease of use, likes dislikes, line counts, etc.


Help, please!! - Posted By: Lula

Supposed to be working. For some reason (and not my headpiece, tried 2) have no sound at all. I usually put the earpiece in the front of the PC and nothing. I have rebooted twice now and still nothing. Can anyone give me some assistance? Thanks

Podiatrist - Posted By: claire

I recently went to the podiatrist and have a repetitive motion injury.  This guy has an associate by the name of Dr. Achille - I didn't think it was very funny, but I know that some people keep up with this sort of list.

FlashCount Invoice Program... - Posted By: Needing Help...

I would love to use MT Stars FlashCount for invoicing, although I cannot seem to find a solution on how to get the typed reports to the program without having to click on each one by the patients last name.  It would just be too time consuming and not worth it if that is how it needs to be done.  Is there a trick to this?  I do about 300 reports a week for 4 doctors (and I save all reports for about a month on my computer), so I am looking for the quickest and most dependable way to invoice. 

Thanks for any and all advice. 


Does anyone use the Olympus WS-100 digital recorder? sm - Posted By: New to digital

Have to buy this, and was wondering if there is some way for the voice files to automatically be transferred to a folder. It says it doesn't come with software that does this.

If there is a software that automatically does this or if I can set up system where it does this when it recognizes unit, please advise. Thanks.

Changes after an upgrade - Posted By: CAJUN MT

I have one of my co-workers who sent me a word file and she has Vista.  When I tried to open the file it told me I had to upgrade to be able to open the file, so I did...well now all of my folders are out of sorts and moved around in my documents.  Things I had a + before to make them be the first folders in the list are now moved to the bottom of the list.  Last things are now first......Anyone else have this problem and a fix?

When testing have you ever - Posted By: LinK

Had six or seven short notes to type and you got one that you just couldn't figure out and there would be blanks, would you finish it with the blanks, even if there were quite a few, or would you not do it and tell the person you're testing for that you weren't able to transcribe the note? 

The electronic medical record has replaced MTs at my job..it's all over! - Posted By: MimiMT

My job has been scanning all the medical records over to electronic medium and the doctors are now taking laptops in the exam room with them and typing in all the info, so basically, my job will be obselete once this transition is over. 

Our boss has been doing a comparison of the clinics who now have the electronic medical record--those docs went from dictating thousands of lines in a weekly period to less than 50!!!  Of course this is a tremendous difference and it's "lights out" for us MTs.  We've got about a good year before it's all done.

Have any of you been affected by this new technology?

P.S.  I didn't care so much anyhow...I hate this industry and this job, so I've been looking for other employment anyhow. 



Possibly losing my job due to VR... - Posted By: 2 MT or not....

I was told that the clinic I MT for is considering an expensive VR program.  The person that told me works for them too and said that it is about 98% accurate.  She also said it might be something I should consider in order for my IC business to grow.  Hello?  Why would I invest in something I know the medical field would pay for in substitution for hiring an MT?  She told me that this VR program costs about $4,000 but she did not know the product make.  Is there really a VR product that accurate for that amount of money?  If so, then I think it is time for me to get out before I am no longer needed.       

transortho out of Washington State - Posted By: Seasoned MT

Does anyone know about this company transortho.com out of Washington State?  Input would be appreciated

kidney surgery - Posted By: not sure if this is the right board...

I am facing kidney surgery in the very near future to cut out a urethral stricture from my single kidney (congenital).  My doctor informed me this is a relatively common procedure but that it is not a surgery one can just bounce right back from.  I'm just curious if anyone can tell me whether you've had this surgery or know someone who has, and know their recovery rate and prognosis.  He also told me there is a 2% to 3% chance this could not take and the surgery might have to be repeated.  My doctor told me one month after the surgery I will have to have a second surgery to remove a stent that he will temporarily place.  He said I will be in the hospital overnight (for the initial surgery) and then probably won't feel like doing my regular activities for at least two weeks.  Thanks for any information.

Op Note CD Resource? - Posted By: Shelly

I have recently begun transcribing a lot of operative note. I currently use The Surgical Word Book by Claudia Tessier as a reference. It is rather cumbersome to keep going through the book. I was wondering if anyone knows of a CD reference for surgical terms? It would be so much easier!

Line rate - Posted By: Just Me

What would be a reasonable line rate for dermatology. Current MT is charging .12 per line. I will be typing very short one or two paragraph letters with no progress notes. 

Also, I need a dermatology reference books - Any suggestions?


Does anyone have a GOOD reference - Posted By: nn

Site for findings doctors in any state?  I use the Dr - 411 and it's okay, but I would really love some input on any others that are really good.


Northeast Transcription - Posted By: Carol G.

Anyone here work for Northeast Transcription?

how much to charge per line - Posted By: susieq

I have the opportunity to transcribe insurance reports.  I would be subcontracting.  Any idea how much to charge per line?  Is WordPerfect the best program?  I live in the Southeastern US.  Any other info greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

Lines - Posted By: Sarah

Can anyone explain to me what 65 character B & W line is?


Thanks for the info.

Pay by report? - Posted By: Resalyn

Hi, all:  I've been getting my own small clients here and there, and I've had a request for a proposal to radiology reports for a small radiology group.  Their current vendor is charging them by report, not line.  Anyone have any idea what to charge by report?  I've done some calculating with regard to average lines per report, and I'm thinking of offering to do it for $3 per report.  Any idea if this is too high or too low???  Any input is appreciated........


With new membership, will MTstars still have - Posted By: giveaways this year for MT week? nm


what are meant by 65characters per line - Posted By: Teresa

example when being paid .06 cents for 65characters pre line what does that mean.

newbie info - Posted By: Cher

Could someone please tell me how to get your first job as an MT? Any company out there take a chance on a newbie?

IC Line rate/tax questions - Posted By: pam

I have been approached by an office to do a small amount of dictation for them.  I was wondering what is the average line rate for ICs.  Also, if someone could give me an idea as to some of the deductions for tax purposes.

Aren't Dove Chocolate Caramels to die for? - Posted By: 350, soon to be 400!!!!!

No message sweetie.  Send me some Dove candies.

BOS 3rd edition is being released - Posted By: NEXT MONTH nm


Someone please give me a swift kick in the - Posted By: Just me

rear end to get me to work. I go on a week long vacation starting Saturday with no kids and today I did about 1/4 of my normal lines and that might be padding it a little bit. I was too busy looking at pictures of where we're going. Did I mention no kids are going with me?

Before I get comments about why'd I have kids if I'm so happy they're not going to be there. I have 3 teens who act 65, two 13yo, 12-year-old and a 2-year-old. Three are hitting puberty and one just hit the terrible 2's. It will be our first vacation w/o kids in a long, long, long time. After only 3 days here my mom is asking why I'm not bald already from pulling my hair out. Now if work could just pay me to sit and look at pictures all day and daydream, I'd have it made.

Low on work? - Posted By: worry wart

Is anyone else unusually low on work today? Why????

Resources in learning psychiatric work - Posted By: Changing accounts

I work for a large national and am changing accounts to a psychiatric clinic.  I've done a bit of behavioral medicine in the past, but don't have a lot of experience with psychiatric work and would like to brush up on my knowledge before I start with the new account.

Is anyone aware of any resources (books, websites, training classes) out there to help me grasp the psych. basics and terminology?  I appreciate any and all suggestions.


Does anyone else hate VR? - Posted By: mt

We get paid less for VR but it seems like I do the dictations faster if I just type them myself. 

amount of RAM - Posted By: Layla

Is there a way to tell if low RAM is slowing things down or if it is just the platform?  I have various problems (aside from several-second delays with certain things) that I think may be due to lack of RAM.

I use a lot of online and computer resources, so I probably need a lot of RAM.

Any way to tell? 

Thank you, ProScript, for useful MT week gift (sm) - Posted By: adh

desk clock/calendar/calculator thingie, with alarm and timer.

Too bad it doesn't have a 3-minute timer button (for those who get distracted online, to limit their search time) instead of the button for the time in Karachi.  (Look it up -- I'm so confident this service will never offshore, I can laugh about it.)

Always asking for extra work. - Posted By: mountain typer

Do you all get as tired as me when the QA people are constantly hawking the MTs to do extra work.  Every day its the same old thing - but they do it in a very passive aggressive "pretty" way.  I figure, if there's that much work constantly, hire more MTs.   I mean, how much can we stare into the screen!!

Does hormone replacement (specifically low dose Prempro) cause you to gain weight? nm - Posted By: bloom off the rose


Why would a company pay by character when they also pay for spaces? - Posted By: Southernmaid


Cherry picking revisited - Posted By: allbright

A few months ago I complained here about the rampant cherry picking at my place of employment.  My boss finally did something about it - she laid down the law that we could not begin today's work until all of yesterday's is completed.  Fine.  But NOW, my favorite cherry picker has simply revised her strategy.  She watches the rest of us work, and the INSTANT someone takes the last job from yesterday, there she is to pluck the cherries.  We wade through the crap, and then she helps us with the stuff we don't need help with.  Any ideas?  I think my boss doesn't want to hear anymore about it from me.

Obama GUTTING Our Profession! - Posted By: equineluvr

BO's "stimulus" (StealFromUs is more like it!) will disseminate tons of taxpayer dollars so that doctors will go completely electronic in their recordkeeping (including transcription, not just billing), and the company of George Bush's first cousin, Jonathan Bush (CEO of Athenahealth), is cashing in.  Of course, Bush is ecstatic about what Obama is doing (both parties answer to the same puppetmasters, after all, so at the end of the day Bush and Obama aren't too far apart when it comes to the big picture anyway).


So some of you who are so mesmerized with BO, please explain how gutting our profession will "create jobs."      


This simultaneously destroys our livelihood while ensuring another transfer of wealth from the taxpayers to the elites/their cronies.  So what else is new?!


Don't forget that Obama is Cheney's cousin, so they are all more "connected" than you think.


VIDEO ("Obama Turning Doctors Digital):


Athenahealth's home page:



Where are all of these GREAT JOBS that everyone is finding? - Posted By: shrinkage

I have been following the Job Seekers Board and other MT jobs boards very closely, have applied at a few, tested, passed, etc.   Apparently, I am delusional, because I am not finding these GOOD jobs!  I do not think 8.5 cpl is GOOD.  I do not think being told to work a weekend day is GOOD.  I do not mind working a schedule, but having to work every weekend?????

I have been an MT for about 15 years now.  I make 10 cpl and despite the job I am at right now... (yes, the Q).  I am sick of ASR and sick of watching my work go to India. 

Having said that, someone please tell me where all of these jobs are that pay close to what I make, happen to be US PROUD, and not required to work every blessed weekend.  


clinic capitalization QA dispute question - Posted By: SP

I recently had two different QA people give me two different answers to a capitalization problem regarding clinic names.  What are the rules for capitalizing clinics and specialties?  If the doctor dictates, "The patient will be seen in the Cardiac Clinic . . . ." do you capitalize those two words?  I have one QA saying yes, one saying no.  If the doctor dictates, "The patient was seen by Cardiology . . . " do you capitalize "cardiology"?  Again, one QA says yes, one says no.  TIA

Wav files - Posted By: Sue

I work for a local company that has been using cassette tapes to do their work, but they have decided to try and do wav files on CD's.  My question is - What exactly do I need to purchase in order to transcribe from this CD?  Do I need just a wav pedal or do I need a pedal and software to go along with it?  My company doesn't know because this is all new to them too.  ~ Do you have a good wav pedal brand to recommend?   Thanks in advance.

Rental properties and TurboTax sm - Posted By: mlstoo

Anyone have rental properties and do your own taxes with TurboTax?  We used to have rentals and the accountant did the taxes but charged us like close to $400.00 for our return.  We have since sold everything and this year I did them with TurboTax and really the features.  Now we are thinking of purchasing another small rental and would like to know how TurboTax is with rentals.  Is it easy and pretty much self-explanatory?  Do you like to use it for this or do you have an accountant do it?  Thanks in advance. 

philips 9750 vs philips 9850 transcribing equipment - Posted By: glenn

Has anyone had any experience with either the Philips 9750 or Philips 9850? My existing system is proving un-reliable; it has been down all day. Considering the Philips systems.

I signed off a job on my C-phone and then accidentally - Posted By: me

overwrote the file, still not sure how I did it.   Anyway, I need to retrieve the report and retranscribe it.  I know it can be done, just not sure how.   Do I need to dial into a second phone number or can I use my regular phone number and use the keys to get it back.

I e-mailed my company around noon today and still haven't heard back from them, so hope someone where may be able to offer some help.




CONGRATULATIONS! Mary Y. of Bowling Green, KY on winning the Farm Pac Smoked Turkey! - Posted By: Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at MTStars! nm
