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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Couple of comments

Posted By: Another perspective on 2006-08-17
In Reply to: Is anyone out there that is heavy truly comfortable with their body? sm - never going to be thin...

I have been dieting for three years....just trying to lose about 25 pounds.  It's been hard.  Now I have to tell you that I am just under 5'8" and now weigh 140 pounds.  Sounds great doesn't it?  Well, my significant other has never seen me naked in 8 years because I think I still look kind of gross.  My point is, that while being fairly slim is, of course, a good thing, you may continue to have issues with your looks.  I still focus in on all the places that I find unattractive or flabby.  I don't think I would ever be happy with the way my body looks.   

I think part of the problem is cultural, in that we are daily bombarded with women on TV, in magazines and in movies who are not representative of what women generally look like. 

Yes, your weight right now is probably too high but perhaps you should set some realistic goals rather than trying to look like, well, you know, all those women I was talking about.  I found that exercise combined with the dieting was the most beneficial.  But you probably already know all this.

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I have 2 middle age couple friends. One couple became pregnant from condom failure.
This is not just "irresponsible" behavior! Both couples are "fixed" now, because for them, reliable birth control was NOT. But it's an error to assume this stuff happens to people who are unmarried or irresponsible. Both these couples are raising 2nd families, now, but it wasn't "irresponsibility" that did them in!
Two comments....

First of all, everything you say may be true of the mother regarding her suspicion, but as I always try to do before I criticize and pass judgment on others, first try to mentally "walk a mile in her shoes."  You might be thinking the same thing under similar circumstances.


Secondly, she signed a waiver for her daughter to go on that trip with full knowledge that these "adult children" were not going to be supervised by these chaperones in any fashion other than just being "available" if they needed them and to help out if anyone lose their passport or suitcase, stuff like that.  The mother knew full well why she was letting her daughter got to Aruba... TO DRINK AND PARTY!   If she didn't know that, then she's a dense as they come.  I wouldn't give my daughter 2 cents towards a trip to Aruba at age 18.  There's only one reason to go to an island like that, to drink.  If the beach is what you want, we've been known to have a few beaches here in the USA, but they don't want that, they want to be free to party it up.  So you can't blame the chaperones, at least not in my opinion.

Does nobody want to comment on how much they get paid?
Dee, if you do not have one already, try out an ergonomic split keyboard. Those are the best. I notice that for any reason if I have to use a plain keyboard that I start developing wrist pain.
OT Comments
You should keep a separate record of hours worked so that should you ever decide to file something with the Department of Labor that you worked OT hours that were not paid you have a record to submit. Other MTs have done that in the past and indeed been paid the back pay they were entitled to.
thanks for the comments!
I appreciate knowing this can be done...

Thank you for your posting; I find it very useful.  However, I want to comment on the fact that, during training, I never heard of the BOS and received absolutely no feedback.  So, to think that newly trained MTs are ahead of the others, is not necessarily correct.

As a matter of fact, the very first time that I ever heard of the AAMT Book of Style was upon receiving the graded and corrected FINAL EXAM for my course (Career Step) which made reference to my use of a dangerous abbreviation.  I then inquired as to WHAT IS A DANGEROUS ABBREVIATION, at which time someone did RESEARCH and, after a few days of research, reported to me that she had to ask someone else and discovered that a dangerous abbreviation was defined by AAMT, as mentioned in the BOOK OF STYLE.  I immediately purchased a copy of the book and studied it on my own.

I think that none of us fits into any one category.  I hate it when I am stereotyped, especially with regards to what a potential employer may think I know or do not know, or may be capable of doing, as determined by the exact number of years that I have been working.  There are plenty of exceptionally good companies out there who have totally rejected me due solely to the fact that I have less than the number of years of experience that they require, while my current employer constantly gives me the most difficult jobs because I am, in his mind, "one of the best."    Of course, I can't wait until I have those required number of years of experience so that I can reject those very companies that rejected me back in the days when I only had 2 years of experience!!


thanks for the comments
I appreciate the replies to my inquiry.  Everyone have a good day. 
Any comments about...
Has anyone ever heard of TransRx?
More comments

I appreciate this thread.  It has been very educational. BTW, not only can it be a difficult situation when you work for a "family" business with the wife being the office manager, but I have had negative experiences as a patient when the wife was the doctor's manager.  It just doesn't work out.

While I agree that "other duties as assigned" can be interpreted in many ways, there must be a limit to this.

What I have learned from this thread.

1.  If you have two professions such as Nurse AND MT, write a separate resume for each.  Whether or not you reveal your transcription skills to an employer who is employing you as a nurse is your decision, but should not be required.
2.  As an IC MT, write your own contract.  Stipulate that your MT "business" includes certain duties only pertaining to medical transcription and performed at your location during the hours that you decide.
3.  Stipulate that because MT is your private business entity, due to conflict of interest (or whatever terminology you decide), you do not conduct your private business functions during the same hours as the employee job unless you want to and it is clearly understood that there will be separate charges.
4.  Once you have an established business and income for that business you may need some kind of business license or need to be registered.  The laws vary determined by your state and/or city, county, etc.  However, usually you do not need to register your business until it is actually making a profit.  In the meantime, the existence of your business on paper would offer you some kind of protection against an employer who has employed you as a nurse and is attempting to take advantage of your transcription skills. 
5.  If an employer attempts to have you do transcription on the side, out comes the contract.
6.  Do not offer discounts to anyone simply because they are a friend or employer.  Treat them all the same, require them to pay extra for extra services.  Spell it all out in the contract.  In other words, protect yourself and set them up in the beginning so that they know they will not be able to take advantage of you.

Last I looked, the nurse practice ACT, at least for RNs, is rather specific and does not include such tasks as mopping floors or transcribing dictation.  You sound like a very nice person who has attracted someone who seeks to take advantage of your kind nature.  Don't let them do it.


website comments
You should go take another look at ripoffreport.com. Read the rebuttals, there seems to be more of them than the actual complaints. Pretty much most of the complaints are people who signed up to sell and decided they didn't want to anymore. Definitely not a fault of AmeriPlan. And like most of the rebuttals say on there, get your facts straight before you post your allegations on the web. There is always going to be some people with every company who are not going to be satisfied and complain about it.
some various comments you all might relate too

When asked what I do for a living, I tell them, the response I get the most is this "oh, i've heard of that.  Been wanting to get into it as a side job."  Gee thanks. 

Or "Did you have to go to school for that?"  And actual disbelief when I tell them I did. 

Or "Don't you get sick of not being around people?"  Again...gee thanks.  What am I a shut in?  I still at least go out and check my mail a couple times a week!

Or "Whats that"  Blank look on face or extreme disinterest or disappointment.  Gee, thanks again. 

And here's the meanest one that I received from a guy I was dating for awhile "Are you just afraid of being successful?"  Hmmm.....can I get a gee thanks?

Thank you for your comments, but I would not be posting

and asking for any more money if I had not checked into the situation thoroughly first.  UPS even said that they hire extra drivers over the holidays that do not use UPS vehicles, so anything could have happened.  I'm not pleased about this situation, but I am trying to at least provide a Christmas for the kids.


They deserve the comments
If you follow comments by a well known (sm)
senator, Pat Robertson, this is probably happening because you are all such evil people. If you would straighten your act up, quit taking vacations, work 24/7, quote the Bible all day long, and make sure you invest all your money in countries that promote torture (i.e., his diamond mine investments in Africa), then none of this would ever happen to any of you.

But if that is how I would have to live to avoid bad weather, I will take the bad weather any day.
Looking for opinions/comments too.
Thanks for starting this post. I'm looking forward to reading some "real" comments as well. Hubby & I are also planning a cruise this yr, we've never been before.
Comments on Accutane?

My son's acne started when he is 12.  He's 16-1/2 now and it's as bad or worse than ever.  Started off trying various over the counter things; didn't work.  Tried Proactive; didn't work.  Went to a dermatologist who tried Retin A, antibiotic capules, antibiotic cream, steroid injections to inflamed zits, etc.  Basically no change.  We kept going back but it never got better and finally son refused to go again.  The doctor had mentioned possibly using Accutane.  The dermatologist said he had never seen so many blackheads on one person (said that in front of my son too, which I think was kind of poor judgment).  But I was thinking my god - if he's the worst a DERMATOLOGIST has ever seen - geez!

Anyway, he has blackheads, whiteheads and bumps deep under the skin.  The bumps you don't notice so much until he is in the light - sunlight or for instance the spotlight the dentist shines into your mouth - and then holy cow - they are everywhere, hundreds of them, each probably the size of a BB.  The bumps are only on his face but he also has very bad blackheads, whiteheads and pimples on not only his face but his neck, shoulders, back and upper arms.

My son doesn't ever act like it bothers him at all but I'm sure it must bother him and I'm sure kids must say something about it.  He seems to pretend they aren't there.  My husband thinks he is just overwhelmed by the sheer number of them and the fact that nothing has worked so just ignores it.

I know Accutane can have very bad side effects but I'm wondering if in a case like his if we should try it anyway.  I think I will make an appointment with another dermatologist although I KNOW it will be over my son's protest.  He will try to refuse to go.  He is the one who decided he wasn't going to the other dermatologist anymore.  I think maybe I will try to find one that specializes in acne, if there is such a thing.

Has anyone here used Accutane or had a child who did?

snide comments

Keep your chin up and don't let that attitude get to you.  Always do your best and it will show in your work.

I haven't ever had any sarcastic comments, but once a doc complained because the report type was incorrect on something I typed. Not bad for 7+ years working for the same place.

Many of the people I type for say something like, thanks for typing, at the end of a dictation.  And I have to say I really appreciate that.  Atta-boys in this business are pretty few and far between.



test comments
I would not let it go either. These are the same companies that will deduct for erros, or limit your work, but there are errors in their work?  For the perfection they insist upon, they should be perfect in their correspondence. I have even had e-mails from companies that had spelling errors.  I say be persistent and call them back IMOO
Insensitive comments
You are absolutely right!!!!No one should be treated in this manner, no matter what circumstances. I can only imagine the negative posts and whippings here are probably from one or many company officials that read this board. How f rude you are and to kick someone when they are down!!!! No one should put up with mistreatment, you don't have to, there are tons of MT jobs out there. I would give any other MT the same advice, give a company 2 weeks, if things don't click, tellem to shove it and move on....next.
MTs are really really treated horribly these days, and ya know what? Its not gonna change until we change. Now go ahead and give me some bad mouth all you creepy creatures out there.

My main complaints with QA are when the individual QA's opinion regarding commas and such affect my QA scores, with the threat of deductions to pay, withholding of raises, benefits, etc.  I did actually receive a payroll deduction once, but it was due to the QA's error.  Thankfully, I discovered their error and was able to prove it.  It was extremely inconvenient, however, because I received no advanced notice that my entire paycheck would be reduced by 15%, and I had to wait for the next paycheck to receive the correction.  I also resigned that position based on the rude treatment I received from the payroll department and the subsequent hassles that I experienced while proving the QA's error.

Again, it seems that QA has very little to do with patient care or document accuracy.  Recently, there was a big controversy with our QA regarding the proper way to indicate military time.  QA had decided that a colon was required and deducted points because I did not use a colon for '1925 hours', while the BOS indicated that a colon was not required and the customer specs didn't specify anything about it.

I have some Stedman books, but it galls me when a company says that Stedmans is THE SOURCE.  Most of the time, I have found answers on good Internet sources; accuracy is easily confirmed.  My books are not easily searchable, and I have not invested in the electronic versions.  Also, I have found discrepancies/inconsistencies between different Stedmans books.  I just purchased my BOS Second Edition 3 years ago, along with the PDF searchable version.  I'm not anxious to purchase the Third Edition so soon.

Again, I believe that all this stuff is more about control than about providing accurate reports for the benefit of the patients.  IMHO, there is more than one accurate way to form a sentence, and this QA grading process is a bunch of unfair baloney.  If the dictators were grading according to a similar QA process, it may seem more fair.

Maybe the persons who began the QA points/grading process were just bored and needed some drama.  Or maybe the objective, again, was simply to devise a method/excuse to reduce MT pay and prevent payout of benefits?


Followup on comments

Hi, everyone.

I recently had an applicant inform me that my help-wanted ad was being badmouthed at this site, and I have since read elsewhere that I am apparently an overbearing/pushy, basically obnoxious person to work with (I have also posted responses at the other places I could find, in the hopes that the remarks do not keep potential applicants from applying).  There is a reason my help-wanted ad is so detailed.  One reason is to answer all possible questions that anyone interested in the position might have.  Over the years, I have amended my ad due to circumstances that have come up with transcriptionists I have worked with.  The information in the ad regarding "the work is to be typed until it is finished, not a set amount of lines per day," is because I had a Transcriptionist that thought she could type a very small amount whenever she felt like it, leaving the remainder to be typed by someone else later.  As I am sure you know, many large MTSOs only require that so many lines per day be typed.  In my situation, the transcriptionist essentially gets assigned doctors/clinics, so all of the work needs to be typed and returned the following day (the transcriptionists choose their workload when they are hired).  At any rate, I am sure many people will find flaws with my help-wanted ad, but I did the best that I could to fully inform everyone what the job actually entails.  BTW, as the ad states, the .07 cpl is only for one or two weeks, which covers my time for being on call to help out while the transcriptionist is getting comfortable with how the Macros function.  In the beginning, the new transcriptionists only type a few small reports per day, so if you deduct 1¢ per line from the reports they have typed, I am getting paid very little.

jhwm, I would like to say "thank you" for the kind words.  I have read a lot of really vicious things about myself and my company, none of which I feel is deserved.  I understand that I might not have time to chat with everyone who applies, but I do not feel I have done anything to justify the horrible things that have been said about me.  LOL--You're right, there is a lot of information coming at each new person in the beginning.  I am not sure when you worked with me, but these days, I forewarn anyone new about the information coming their way and that they do not need to memorize it.  Some of the information that has been compiled is on things that are not related to the job, such as how to do certain things in Word (basically everything I learned when first switching over from WP.1 to Word).  The pictures of the animal's eye, lab forms, terminology list, medication list, etc. are supposed to be helpful so that the transcriptionist who is learning does not need to look all over the place whenever an answer is needed quickly.  Sorry, I am in defensive mode and keep finding myself trying to explain everything!  Again, thank you for saying something nice about me.  I hope others see your post and realize I am not a total ogre! 

In response to your comments...

You said ....

I am a slow typer, I am only paid 7 cpl, and have 20 different doctors on a daily basis.  I am feeling like maybe I have wasted the last 10 years as an MT.  I hear so many talk about their perfect accounts, making $100+ a day only working 8 hrs a day, and I the only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I am home for my kids when they get home from school.  Where are those good accounts, good platforms, and good paying MT jobs that we experienced MTs deserve?

By NO MEANS do I have a perfect account!!!!  I not only type more than 20 doctors a day, I usually have to do all those different doctors from about 10 different accounts!  NO EASY WORK... mostly ESLs, poor sound, but hey, that is my job. 

By the way, when I got out of school for transcription, I could barely type 40 words a minute and I was shocked when I got into the real world.  Shocked even more 2 years later when I went home to work.

This is not about easy platforms, easy accounts, or easy money.  This job has to be about a total love for the work you do.  It cannot be about being home with your kids.  You have to have an awesome memory, ability to use Expanders efficiently, and mostly it is either in you or not to be able to understand these ESLs. 

I do wish you luck. 

Sorry - just saw your comments today.
My boss is logging in to my computer this morning to redo something. She had to call Stedmans herself because there is something not compatible with the program and every one of us "new hires" are having the same problem.

Thanks for your help!

To reply on both your comments sm

I too have to use the antenna with it but according to the map, I'm well within the coverage area.  I usually have 3 to 4 bars.  I'm currently using Bayscribe with it too.  In fact, the company I work for wanted me to work on Escription and said the wireless would be no problem.  However, decided I didn't want to do VR. 

The person I spoke with just didn't seem very knowledgable about it.  The first time I spoke with her she told me the problem with it was going out in bad weather.  Then today she thought I had a card. 

Thanks for your comments.  I'm just bummed.  I can't get DSL or cable where I am and I thought this would open up more job opportunities for me. 

to the comments about cherrypickers making $$

i have to absolutely totally disagree.  I cherrypick reports that are less than 30 seconds in duration.  I by no means MAKE ANY LINES WHATSOEVER!!! In fact, it is to clear the board and lower the number of reports in the system.  If I were to be paid by the line, then by all means, those reports can sit in the system and wait for days for all I care.  To give you an example, I did 102 endoscopy/colonoscopy reports in six hours ... my line count was 520 lines ... do the math ... I was not going to be taking home squat if I were paid by the line.  HOwever, there were 102 less reports in our hospital system. 


I just had to say that.  thank you, and now I await your bashing.

Would appreciate comments from any specialty transcriptionist
who transitioned to another specialty.  Also, have been doing strictly psych transcription for 10+ years but would like to branch out, does anyone have a recommendation as to which direction I should be looking and learning?  I don't mind hard work and have mastered a lot of dialects, but am clueless as to what direction I should be looking to better myself in the field. 
BS. You're always on here with your RUDE comments. nm
NO! Your condescending comments and downright
You are a piece of work.  Why don't you do us all a favor and go back under your bridge.  You make me sick.
Thanks for this post, SB. I have to say these comments kinda
I'm definitely not a redneck, but I do know some country people whom some of you board MTs here might call rednecks, who are absolutely the best of the best - pure hearts of gold.

If you would ever do research of the term "redneck," you would find that it really does not mean drunks and carousers but, rather, refers to hardworking, salt-of-the-earth, farming people who LITERALLY got red necks from working the land, out in the sun all day, to make a living and provide for their families. Yes, it has come to have a more negative connotation, but if you think that all Southern, hardworking country people are rednecks, then you are dead wrong, and I'd love to show you around here sometime. You'd probably love our Southern hospitality if you'd give it a chance.
Drs comments were inappropriate, IMHO
Dont you think his comments are a little inappropriate?  To be dictating and saying that?  He can put the information in a research paper he is writing but to state it while dictating?
Why are narrow minded comments here okay
if s/he were standing in front of you? Obviously many of you do not personally know many people of other cultures, loved them and their cultures. Advocating violence borders on embracing the mind set of the KKK or neo-Nazism.

More is the pity.
Annie K-I take issue with your comments...sm
No where did I even imply that I thought that "the rest of the world is Third World and incapable of producing work of a high standard". In point of fact what I said was " American MT's are being forced to compete with those who are happy,excited, willing to give up their professional careers as physicians, dentists, professors, etc. to make $5000 a year." Again, please note that I said "professional careers". I said nothing about third world or poor quality work. I said that it is impossible for Americans to keep on the same financial level. That's a fact. Don't twist this into a "doesn't like Asian thing". There is absolutely no way that I would denigrate the industious and well educated people who are taking our jobs! But, the fact remains that we are losing out to a society where $100 a week in salary is fantastic! And, it is happening in all fields that can be outsourced. If America is to continue to be a viable nation we must have jobs, taxpayers, etc. Therefore we need to keep jobs in this country.
Medware and Execuscribe, JLG any comments...
or opinions on theses three companies. Been offered a position with both and wondering who is the best out of these 3 to go with? TY in advance
comments on platform MTword?

I think I have heard good things about this platform and would appreciate any and all comments, good and/or bad.

Thanks so much.

MPWord user comments


As the author and publisher of MPWord / MPLite / MPTools I will state categorically that each and every user comment that we have posted on the various pages of the website are actual comments we've received.

(We do have more to post, including about the new MPLite, but posting those will have to wait till there is time.)


Excuse me, but why would you even post such comments...
are you absolutely crazy? Starting your own post to praise yourself would be more in line, but what is out of line in my opinion is your attack on the original poster here so you can glorify yourself...

That was real encouraging, good going!

there should be more positive/truthful comments

I am at the opposite end of the MT career ladder. I am a newbie working her first job at home with IC status, and I have no complaints. I was just thrilled to get a job. Fortunately, my program gave me no delusions about what it is really like as an MT. Plus I didn't do an online program-I went to school the old fashioned way for over a year.

I don't care at this point in time how much I make (7 cpl) because this is a career choice and you have to start somewhere. It took hard work to get through school and months to get my first job, but I am happy. I love the medical field and doing interesting and challenging work. That is why I chose this profession. I'm sure there are others out there like me, they are just probably busy doing what they love to do.

Your comments turn my stomach! You are so off the mark! nm
I agree-negative comments not needed
I agree as we are MTs at all levels possibly just learning and also have all had those DUH moments where we laugh because we should have known it and just had a "brain fart". Very rude to put someone down (how I took the comment anyways) when I truly believe you have been in their shoes at some point and time. We should help each other and respect each other in this profession.
Search for comments and opinions on the net. Most don't get paid. nm
That was pretty funny! I get similar comments as well
and sometimes the surgeon is laughing all the way through his dictation. It is hiliarious and lifts me up. I start giggling myself while transcribing it. Of course, not always about "boobs", but funny mishaps.

To the post below, it is not inappropriate. We are all human!
Do a Google search for comments on other forums. Don't think they
Amanda, did my 2 comments help you? Mine is working,,,nm
Check the Company board for recent comments. nm
I really liked your comments here. I hope you're going to update your site soon. to Con TV you sh
I really am impressed by your site. Very original & interesting content. Memorizing is feature of Green Pair , when Table is Table it will Roll Chips when Circle is Circle it will Compute Game , Make Love Steal - that is all that Pair is capable of Table can Compute Table
Grey's anatomy finale recap comments

Denny died after his transplant,  embolism.  Alec was very kind and nice to Izzie afterward.  Meredith and Derek had some steamy intimate moments at the end.   Finn seems very taken with Meredith but it will probably do him no good.   The prom part seemed rather far fetched.    Burke and Christina were hand in  hand near the end of show. His surgical ability will probably return, after all what would Grey's be without him??    George and the lady orthopod are becoming closer.   Next season should be interesting indeed.  This show is my very favorite series, also like ER but Grey's is better.  

Anyone with comments on MPWord? Like, dislike, easy to learn and use? nm

spare your weird comments....little old ladies should stay in bed....nm
Read the comments. Even if they left positives, if item not exactly right, will state that. Also,
Post comments about bad service/products/companies here (link below)

also lodge complaint with BBB in their state, their state's atty. general, PayPal, and any other internet consumer watchdog you can find (there are a lot) Be sure the company knows you are doing it. Your bank should be able to supply you with information about their company if they have already taken your money.