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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Go on the websites and search them

Posted By: They said what on 2009-03-07
In Reply to: Replacing old desktop - can

Some of them still have XP available. Another poster said they though Dell still gives you this option. I know for a fact that they do but you must factor in that they most likely will be downgrading a Vista computer to XP for you and so it may take a little longer to get it shipped, so I hope you don't need it in a hurry.

Whatever it is that you are doing, I would suggest you do it soon. I just did a bunch of computer shopping myself, and have been told numerous times that XP is on its way out around July this year in prep for the new Windows 7 platform.

I hope all these companies have decided what they are going to do with that situation. I know my company ran on Windows 98 until Microsoft wouldn't support it anymore, and then the new platform they had come out was compatible with XP. I hope they will make them compatible with newer OS because choices are going to become limited really soon.

You might call the tech people at the company and see what they have to say. Will your platform work with Vista at all? I have a platform that will, but only with the 32-bit version and not the 64-bit version. And, let me just tell you, that is a real headache to find.

I wish you the best of luck on this. I know exactly what you are going through because I was just there.

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Websites to search for doctors
I'm looking for some good websites that I can use to look up a doctor's name.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks 
I don't use any websites--
I use Stedman's Radiology Words 3rd ed.and it has just about any word you'll need.
some websites for you :)





Is there any websites

that show over the counter medicine names and homeopathic medical names out there. Have searched some and found some, but would really like a complete listing if possible.



Could you possibly recommend some websites?  Or maybe books?  Any help much appreciated.

Anybody know of any websites sm
for reference material for Cardiology?  I do strictly cardiology right now and lots and lots of cardiac caths, TEEs, Echos, Holters, PTCAs, etc.  Would be nice to have a website with just cardiology stuff.
I do that with the hospital websites, too.
But I'm lazy.  I'd rather keep a browser window open or save the list to text format and use the search feature than print it out, find my notebook, and hunt through a hardcopy.
Always go to the manufacturer's websites and use it they way they have it!
It is DERMABOND - all caps. The Stedman's books are incorrect.

I know for a fact, as I even called the manufacturer on the telephone to clarify. I was so annoyed because my QA person just kept changing it to lower case - until now of course when I cleared that up.
What are some helpful websites?

I have found some very helpful websites by browsing the boards here.  Just wondering if some of you may have favorites you use. 

My most helpful for finding bacteria is listed below.


some helpful websites
Great websites (sm)
Thanks for those websites.  Out of necessity, I am able to do pretty well with my grocery bill.  I checked the sites you listed and there is some great information--I learned a few tricks!  Speaking from experience, it doesn't get any easier when you are in a bind.  I've lived this way for a very long time since I am a single mom.  Things just manage to work out and everything manages to last just as long as you need it.  Thanks again for the tips. 
You should research other websites because sm
Most of the information in the article doesn't coincide with any of the Biblical principles followed by the Christian churches in America today. Throughout the entire Bible, old and NT, we are taught to refrain from witchcraft, mediums, those who speak to the dead, or any kind of honoring of the dead. Christians are only to pay homage to God through Jesus Christ.
You can check out these websites...



Or you could always call around to local offices to find out what they charge.  Good luck.

Try manufacturers' websites
I have the newest Stedman's CV book, but things change so fast in this field that even it is behind.  Sometimes I find it easier to check manufacturers' websites for a listing of their newest products and then I bookmark it.  Here are some companies to try:  Medtronic, Guidant, Bard, Boehringer Mannhein Corporation, Boston Scientific Corporation, Cordis, Datascope, Kontron, Marquette Electronics Inc., and St. Jude Medical Co.  These aren't just for catheters; they make pacemakers/AICDs, leads, guide wires, stents, balloon pumps, EKG machines, heart valves and the like.  I know there are more, but this is what came to mind on the fly.  If you have Stedman's Medical and Surgical Equipment Words, they have a listing in the back of medical manufacturers and their web addresses if you'd like to do more looking around.
Physician Websites

Here are a couple good ones:



More helpful Websites

I ran across this website and hope that it might some out there.


MT chats? websites for?
Hi, are there any medical Transcriptionist chat rooms?  the board is fun, I just want to chat live.
Any ESL websites or resources?
I was wondering if anyone here knew of any good websites (or other resource) where I could listen to dictators/speakers who have accents?  I am not really crazy about that idea, but want to try to better learn them so that I can do my job better when I get ESLs or even striking regional accents around the US.  Any advice is appreciated.  Thank you in advance.
You can't always trust websites. I have
googled something and have 3 or 4 spellings come up, therefore having to do more research. Books are your best get.
Try the company websites
A lot of the companies will advertise on their web sites the range of prices that they offer clients.  That may be a good place to start.
go to HP or Dell websites - sm
I bought a laptop last summer. these two still sell computers with XP and a licence for Vista to do the cross-over.

Call the 800 lines and ask quesitons.
I manage my former boss's websites (he has 2), --
other than that, sell some stuff I don't need anymore on ebay now and then...did about $200 a month for about a year.....got rid of most everything though I really wanted to dump...have a few things now I need to list so maybe I will get lucky this month!
Two awesome reference websites.....sm

Tons of info and links.





I found some interesting websites the other day.
The Offshoring List of Shame

Rescue American Jobs

The Offshore Job tracker listing the worst offenders for offshoring in 2004-2005.


Rural Sourcing (uses rural Americans for labor)

We have a local call center in our city and they ran an ad to hire home-based call center workers. That's cool, instead of offshoring.

I already closed the credit cards, canceled my insurance policy, and rewrote my mortgage with a local bank. It's just tough to boycott all of them. The list of companies that offshore is huge!

People say we need a global economy, but what jobs are going to be left for American workers after everything goes overseas? We can't all be CEOs or doctors.
MTStars/Legal websites?
Hi, does anyone know of a similar website to MTstars (with forums and job board) for legal transcription? Google didn't really help. Thanks. javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
The local hospitals probably have websites and you
can see if they have any transcription openings posted, look in the classifieds to see if any clinics are hiring, etc.  I don't know that there are very many MT companies with in-house people anymore, but you can post resume on the various job boards. 
Yes. Leave discussion of other websites off this one, please. (NM)
Operative Note websites

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of any good websites for medical equipment and/or websites to help with Op notes.  Much appreciated!! 

Personal transcription websites
Does anyone out there have a personal website dedicated to medical transcription?  If so, and you don't mind me looking at them, please send me your web address. I'm thinking about making a webpage for myself, and would like to see what is out there already. Thanks!
Need some physical therapy websites
Just got a call for transcription for 2 physical medicine doctors and 5 physical therapist and they want me there tomorrow.  I'm looking for some websites for terminology/word list/samples that I can review.  Thanks.  Wish me luck.  This is a temp to hire position both onsite and at home.  Sounds good to me.  
HIV/AIDS drug websites
Does anyone have any websites they can share with me on HIV/AIDS medications? They are so hard to find. My C-drive crashed, and I lost information; had to get a new computer. Thanks,
Look at your local hospital's websites
jobs open.  The reason you don't see them advertised is a lot of hospitals outsource all their dictation.  But some still have in-house (or at home) MTs.
Anyone have any good websites for OB/GYN, ER, & dermatology? Thanks! nm
It searches specific websites.

That's what makes it different and useful.

are there any websites that have live chat for MTs? that actually have people in them?
Yes I have found some facility websites that have pics of all the MDs
and I have to say they may be the most unattractive group of people I've ever seen! I guess if you have nothing else going for you, it's a good idea to become an MD! Sort of ruins that sexy voice visual, huh? LOL
Posting info from other websites: EVERYONE READ

Please do not copy/paste information from another website.  If you want to refer to that website, please include the link.

Information posted on any website is copyrighted to that domain.  Copy/pasting from MTStars to another website or from another website to ours is a copyright infringement and, despite what most people "think" is true, this can have serious legal repercussions.

If you have questions about this, please write the Administrator or myself and we will be glad to answer you.


Looking for recommendations for kids clothing websites (sm)

Can anyone recommend some good places to shop online for kids clothes that are inexpensive but still well-made? I have a 2yo and a 6yo and my shopping time is limited, as is my budget! I've looked at Target and WalMart online, but I was wondering if anyone had found a fabulous place to shop for kids clothes.


Does anyone know of any websites where I can find different types of x-ray views? TIA

Please share helpful ophthalmology websites.
Ophthalmology is definitely my weakest specialty. If anyone knows of helpful websites, please share them.

You'll have to go to their websites and see what the coverage area
is for each.  That may eliminate some choices.  You can also view their plans on-line.  As far as I unknow they are unlimited and the monthly fee is $60 to $70.  The cards can cost as much as $200, but they often run promotions if you sign a 2-year contract.   Lots of companies do not allow wireless as it is not secure. 
So are their any free fax programs/websites beside efax?
I don't want to miss another paystub
Need help ASAP - websites that are similar to WordPerfect for dummies.
Went from working soley in Word for last 8 years to WordPerfect 8.  Last time I worked in WP it was dos.  I need quick tips, time savers, keyboard commands, that sort of thing.  Need to get my speed up.  Thanks.
Save your money....there are websites and chat rooms

that are full of messages about scams......research, research and never, ever pay.  These places want you to feel 'rushed' so that you don't have time to really think or check them out.

Good luck and please beware.

Forgot to give websites! Shell Island
Need some clarification on C-phone dictation and some websites for urology sm
I will be covering the transcription for a urology clinic.   I was briefly told that the doctors dictate to a C-phone that  goes directly to a base office.  Then the file is e-mailed to their office where they can access the dictation.   Does this sound right or are they accessing the file from the base office through FTP and then downloading it.  Also, doesl AOL work OK to access files or do you need another FTP provider.  Not sure how they are doing the work, but any help would be appreciated.  Need some good website for urology,  Just want to be prepared.   Always ask the experts!  Thanks. 
Please do not post or email about other MT websites through the MTStars website.
I check no fewer than 5 websites or 5 google searches
often I go further than that, but I've been doing this a long time and get stumped a heckava lot less than I used to.

I basically search at least 5 different ways and check at least 5 websites before giving up. That's presumably after I've checked my own word books, of course.
WebSense is a filtering program that blocks certain websites. Usually used by employers... SM

to give their employees access to the internet via their network but only allow certain surfing criteria.

I work for a hospital and I connect to their network via a VPN connection to work.  I can get on the internet and access certain educational and work-related sites, but Websense blocks me from any sites classified as "entertainment", "shopping" etc.

So the question would be who do you work for and do you connect to there network via a VPN?  If so, then Websense is their way of controlling the network.

We don't care what kind of education you have or how many websites you know about, bottom line

is your lacking of personality, and your [ pointing the finger ] attitude that you have.  You go back to transcribing all the YUK that we now get after VR skims off the cream and see how well you do sitting listening to that for an entire shift, and you may take off that crown on top of your BIG HEAD !! How did you find one big enough to fit?

QUEEN  Made just for QALady

I would start with hospital websites in the surrounding areas to whatever facility you type for. SM

Hospital websites usually have a pretty good physician directory you can search through by name or by speciality, which is nice.

I also use the AMA website which has a sound alike search feature which is helpful.  Here is URL for the AMA doctor finder.


Also, some states have websites for the medical board licensing or professional licensing where you can look up doctors with licenses in that state.  You might do a Google search for whatever state your facility is in.

Another good one that I use is the WebMD physician finder.  Here's the URL for that one:


Hope this helps you.