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No bonus level for IC as far as I know.

Posted By: Typingforpennies on 2007-02-01
In Reply to: Keep copies of all jobs and when you hit the bonus level, - send copies to payroll. nm

I know of no bonus level. On hold they limit how much you are permitted to type. I am just searching for something better. Tired of being bullied for things I did not type.

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    Keep copies of all jobs and when you hit the bonus level,
    I came from low level neighborhood. I know the effects low level people have on a child's
    mind. I fought very hard to get out of there. If you think narrow-minded high-horse thinking people are the only ones who are making trailer park comments, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG. I know white trash people who live for the weekend to get drunk and party and make just enough to get by. I am educated in the "real world" and whether you like it or not, the "real world" doesn't want to be anywhere near a trailer park for real or imagined reasons and does ostracize trailer park people along with ghetto people and section 8 people. Crime, drugs, do come from low income housing. BTW, people are outraged at black-on-black ghetto crime. That does not happen in higher working class black neighborhoods. Same deal with white trash people. Low class white people get drunk fight and end up in jail. If you read the newspaper or watch it on TV over the weekend, you know what I am talking about. Crime, drugs, etc is rarely an ONGOING problem in upper class neighborhoods because most of these people have goals for the future. Lower class neighborhoods and low class people are what they are because that's what the people in the neighborhoods settle for.
    According to the pay schedule they sent me, it will be paid on July 18.
    Got mine too, 1/2 after 3 months, second part after 9 months.
    What bonus?
    I've never gotten a quarterly bonus in the 8 years I've been with MQ. Hmm
    I wish it was called the end of year bonus and would come at the very end of the year, but it did come in a Christmas card so I referred to it as so.
    My company is out of Colorado and they are doing just fine. They have shown a 27% profet increase this year.
    No bonus here!
    Medquist bonus

    You must be an IC.  I have never gotten a bonus, or a dime extra from Medquist, not even for working weekends, holidays, or nights and I've been there 8 years.  Getting a raise is a joke, too.  They are stingy.  If you get a bonus, count yourself lucky.

    MQ quarterly bonus
    Yes, MQ does still pay quarterly bonuses to their SEs.  We earn $50 for each pay period we produce 10,000 lines and another $10 per 1000 lines after that. 
    NO bonus here for the last two years!!!
    quarterly bonus
    Do you still get quarterly bonuses as an SE with the new incentive plan and how is it now going for you?
    quarterly bonus
    Do you still get the quarterly bonus for the SE incentive program and how is it going for you?
    October bonus

    First of all, this whole thread is just a "what if."  There has been nothing coming out of corporate indicating that quarterly bonuses will be cut out.  With the new pay structure they are working on, maybe, maybe not, but it is just speculation.  If in October they decided to cut them out they'd still have to pay the October bonus anyway because it is for work in July through September and they would be contractually obligated to pay you bonus on work already completed.

    Or an MT looking for a referral bonus.
    Christmas bonus

    I have five accounts and usually get an average of a month's pay.  anywhere from 1700 to 200 per account. 


    Christmas bonus
    Last year I got a $50.00 Walmart gift card from my company.  Nice gift.  This year I received a $25.00 gift card from Walmart.  My company merged with another company, there are taking on new accounts right and left, I worked every single holiday, many many weekeds and when ever they would asked for help, and my bonus is half of last years.  This is really sad and hurtful to say the least. 
    Christmas Bonus Ha
    I'd love a Wal-mart gift card...I got a cheap plastic flashlight that had "together we shine" printed across the side.
    christmas bonus
    I have worked for this company for 11 years. Every year we get a 2 week bonus check. Not this year, not even a explantion. oh and the jackass boss told me a year ago that the bonus check was part of my yearly salary. the way i look at it, he owes me a two week paycheck. Sorry just had to vent.
    That's a shame. We get a 10% bonus for CMT.

    We're paid hourly with no production bonus (minimum expectations, but no bonus for going over), but with CMT, the hourly rate and benefits are superb. So yeah, it *can* make a huge difference.

    Christmas bonus

    I have 4 out of 6 accounts that give me a bonus, average of  50 to 75% of a month's billing.  For the account that my IC's work on -- I pass along their percentage of that to them.  Also take them and their spouses out for a nice dinner usually after Christmas when we are all not so busy.   I make cookie or muffin baskets to take into each and every clinic even if they do not give a bonus.  Also give them personalized calendars as gifts.   Works for me. 


    Bonus answer
    I think I would based on their performance.   Before I got bonuses, I would buy a gift certificate to one of the nicer restaurants in the area and give that to them that could cover dinner for two.  Also offered to babysit when they had little one so they could have a free night out.  It just so happens that the psych account does give a bonus amd so I just automatically give them the percentage of what I pay them.  They get 80% and I get 20% as that is how we split the cpl.  I have always thought that was fair.  It never crossed my mind to not share as they do the majority of the work.  I know everyone thinks that we MTSO get rich off of our percentage but that 20% covers my pick-up and delivery of tapes to them, proofing, running interference when there is a problem, making sure that they are paid on time even though the clinic does not at times.  Again, if you appreciate your workers then show them it will pay off.   Patti
    Need bonus ideas!

    The company I work for is setting up a new bonus-type incentive program for QA audits - something like this:  99% accuracy and above (bigger bonus), 98% accuracy and above equals passing (smaller bonus). 

    What we'd like to know is - other than enormous money suggestions ;-D - what would be a nice gift?  Remember, this is separate from a Christmas bonus-type thing, which would be bigger.  We do our audits every 4 weeks (per the clients), so it would be a smaller thing. 

    Gift certs?  Realistic dollar amount ideas?  Paid time off?  Shoes (kidding - I'm a shoe freak - ha!)?  Any ideas welcome!!  And thank you!!   

    Christmas bonus...

    My DH just got his Christmas bonus from work...out of the $4000 bonus, he brought home $2450 after taxes...Thanks bunches Uncle Sam!!!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the extra money, but geez, 39% tax rate on a bonus, come on now, that's a bit much!!! Just venting here, Merry Christmas Y'all!

    bonus tier
    I don't know what company you work for, but I would think that your company wouldn't offer a third bonus tier if they didn't want people to reach for that goal.
    Does Medquist really pay out that sign-on bonus?
    isn't that the point of a sign on bonus? sm
    I mean, if they paid it up front, what would be the point in working for them for any length of time? You could just apply, accept the job, get the bonus, and quit! Come on, think about it. Does anyone pay an up front sign on bonus?
    Bonus from OJT - foreign dictators. (sm)

    I learned OJT in a small hospital with a PDR, Dorlands and a boss with an attitude from &*^%&*^.  There were only about 7 doctors on staff, 4 of which were foreign.  I started off learning to cope with a Thai accent in a physician who had had a speech defect, a Nigerian, a Swede and a Czech.  It was a painstaking way to learn, but I am greatful every day that accents have become a way of life for me.  I almost prefer them to some of those mealy-mouthed speed demons. 

    I can remember cursing when they would say "Go back up and change this".  Just rip that paper out of the typewriter and start again. 

    My children can't imagine a time before computers.  Will have to take them to a museum someday and show them what life used to be like.




    Has anyone ever received the referral bonus from MQ? sm
    If so, how long did it take to get it and does it only apply if you are employee status?
    Well, since you work more than one job, your quarterly bonus is probably not what it could be...sm
    ...and I am sure that is why you will stay.
    $2000 signon MQ bonus
    i questioned those bonuses myself to my supervisor when I was turned down for a raise. how much sense does that make when it's a new person that has to learn the account? why not keep employees happy who are already there -- oh, excuse me, we're talking about MQ - nothing logical seems to rule. like i've seen so many say maybe there is something else going on that we don't know about.

    as to your career change, i'm contemplating the same thing myself, just haven't figured out what because the transcription business is not about the MT anymore.
    She doesn't even know if she earned the bonus because
    she doesn't know what the bonus was based on is everything that I've read in this situation. The co said there would be a bonus, but she has no idea for what or how much. Sounds like the company put out a little snip of info, got the person to work her butt of to "qualify" when there possibly was not a bonus even to begin with.
    Incentive Production Bonus
    I have worked several in-house transcription jobs in my 20 plus years as a medical transcriptionist. I have been paid hourly for each one. I have never received a production bonus. In fact, I had never heard of such a thing until I started working for a national at home. I did get overtime at time and a half for working over 40 hours a week, which is more than a production bonus would ever be. Good luck with your project!
    NO. The bonus applies for either or both day(s) during the weekend
    Don't start rumors, please.
    ...maybe incentive pay like OT or payment for bonus
    If offering that as bonus, you can bet it is pain
    I have heard of this only in a bonus situation, where

    if you did over xx number of lph it put you in another bonus tier.  I have never heard of that being used for "base" pay and I don't believe it is that common.   I sure wouldn't work for a company that paid like that, but companies are getting creative in their formulas for figuring pay so we can't figure out how much we make, but I think the MTSO always comes on the winner. 

    Bonus Psychology from MTSO POV
    On the one hand, two part-time no benefit people would be cheaper in some ways. Plus they could tag-team a work schedule for greater coverage ability if they're both working 24 hours/week because that would add up to 6-7 days per week coverage instead of 5.

    On the other hand, one dependable full-time busting her rump to get 350 LPH for a bonus paid in peanuts (most likely) is fewer headaches for scheduling - just one person to call off instead of two, just one person to need every Saturday off instead of two, plus the pleasure of watching that one person work like a fiend in order to try to make that quota.

    Throw in a few No-Job-Available days for the one person, such that she can't make her bonus quota, and you've got yourself a winner there!
    You should also ask about the 2000 sign on bonus just advertised
    9 cents/line, plus a 20% bonus for working

    When a company advertises a sign on bonus..sm

    should I take this with a grain of salt?  Like, you must be with the company for a year or produce an outrageous amount of lines before you get it?  There is a company on mtdaily.com stating they will give $1500 bonus for acute care.


    I was hired with a 1500 sign on bonus...
    and the stipulations were that I got the first $500 after 30 days off of QA and meeting minimal line count, another $500 after 60 days of meeting minimal line count, and the final $500 at 1 year.  Of course if a pay period is missed not meeting minimum, there is no more sign on bonus.  Hope this helps.
    Loss of Qtr. bonus not a biggie to me. Will stay. (sm)
    I am only part time SE so I really don't get much in the way of quarterly bonuses, on the other hand though I would enjoy having some PTOs accrue and participation in a 401K.

    I will just wait and see what comes. I understand there are some offices that don't get the quarterly bonus, so in an attempt to make everything "uniform" I wouldn't be surprised if they redid that bonus program.

    Speculation and guess-timations are about all we have for now.

    and I have a feeling their sign-on bonus is like the one Medquist has
    They make it impossible to qualify for the bonus and you don't figure that out until you've worked there for 6 months.

    digital camera and $1000 bonus...sm
    I work in-house and at home for a cancer clinic. They are very generous at the holidays. We did not receive bonuses this year with our raises due to the Medicare cutbacks so when they saw they had a good year after all we all got bonuses based on length of service/performance.
    Sign on Bonus (or lack thereof)
    I was promised a sign on bonus when I was hired 6 months ago and I am still waiting on it! I call every week and email every week and never get a reply. Even my super always says she will check on it, but never gets back to me. It pisses me off! If they don't want to give it to me, eventhough I have kept track and have met every qualification for it, I think they owe me an explanation as to why. I wish someone would get back to me. I wish I would have found this site before I applied with them, I found their ad on another site and left an inhouse job that I held for many years to venture on to working from home, which the at home part I love, it is the the lack of communication part I hate. Has anyone gotten their promised sign on bonus from MedQuist, and if so, after how long and what did you have to do to finally get it? Threaten a lawsuit? Thanks.
    Has anyone ever received the $500, $1,000 or $2,000 sign on bonus or is it just a scam?
    I've worked for several companies who state $500 or $1,000 sign on bonus, but when it comes down to getting the bonus, some drop your QA rating when it was just from them changing formatting of the reports, abbreviation usage, dates in reports, etc.  Then if you have a good QA rating, then they say you aren't meeting the required line count when you were meeting the required line count until it got time for the sign on bonus then they sling you a lot of ESLs just to slow you down.  Just curious if there is a company out there that really gives the bonus and does not do things that prevent you from getting it?
    Level I
    After 25 years as a MT and I'm only a Level I? I think not, but with MQ, yes, that's all I've been able to get...
    Level I
    what's wrong is having 5 accounts to switch back and forth from and running out of work....
    I never once said they were on the same level--sm
    It is just my personal opinion that killing of any breathing living being is wrong. and since there are different *punishments* for killing a man and killing a beast, a *punishment* is still a *punishment* and I personally prefer not to be *punished* in any context. This life alone has been *punishment* enough. I simply prefer not to be *punished* in the after life for causing harm to another, be it human or animal. I try very hard to live my life by God's laws, which are far more important than any self-serving laws that man can think up. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Since I am not looking to debate this already dead issue any longer, I will not respond to any more posts concerning it. This was just my opinion and I am entitled to it without having to be criticised for it. Have a great day.
    well on that level, i'm with you
    100%. I think the vast majority of Americans are frustrated at the loss of jobs and the illegal immigration situation.