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So sorry for your loss. You make great points. Lets

Posted By: blame the terrorists for 9/11. Thanks Pres Bush.nm on 2009-01-15
In Reply to: Something else happened in 09/2001........ sm - m


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Yes, lets all act like grown-ups and make the
great talking points
1. I do believe there should be some sort of civil union, marriage, whatever you call it to allow homosexuals the same basic rights as married couples. As far as Christian marriage - it should be up to each individual denomination to decide. My own, PC USA is debating this issue every year. I am still on the fence about it.

2. As to welfare, I don't think the current program works. Some welfare-to-work, or something similar would be better. I have a friend who gets a child-care subsidy to help pay with that. If she gets a job making just 25 cents more an hour, she completly looses that, so there is no incentive to get a better job. Same with welfare, food stamps, etc. Maybe phase them out as income increases, to encourage better jobs, growth, etc.

3. As for abortion, I agree with pxmt. Don't like it, don't have one. No matter how I personally feel about it, it is not my place (or anyone elses) to tell a woman what to do with her body, or make someone carry a child to term. As far as I am concerned, it is a medical procedure and should be between the woman and her doctor.
Very well said, great points and you hit the nail

you make some good points; however,
for people so very skeptical of the 'black man' how is it you immediately on a dime trust this woman and you nor any of us know who she really is. You have NO idea about her and you defend her like she is your own family. It is kind of weird...

From our point of view, and by that I mean undecided about who to vote for, we are not that trusting after being burned 8 years ago...
Yeah, lets give our money away and make our
Lets make a bet on how long it takes dems to turn
You could make a great article with that (sm)
What you just wrote above would make a great magazine article. People were so tough back then, weren't they? I wonder what we would do? Most of us would not even begin to know how to do any of the things people used to do to survive.
Humor and politics make great bedfellows.
It's the 'If I don't laugh, I, gonna cry" philosophy.  Get over yourself!
Great post, great insight, great analysis, thanks!..nm
Very sorry for your loss but

bitterness never helps anything and always hurts the bearer.

I'll pray for your family though.  I know the Christmas much be very difficult for you this year.

I am sorry for your loss as well. sm
However, yesterday Nazrallah released a video pretty much reinforcing what was said about terrorists and the left.  It's a fact.  I also honor your son-in-law's service and sacrifice. 
I am sorry, very sorry for your loss....
but, what can I say?
Think of the people who had losses caused by the WWWI and WWII.
As far as job loss right now...(sn)

no, I don't hold Obama responsible for that.  We have been in a recession for quite some time under Bush, and that is something that Obama inherited -- along with a deficit and a budget that didn't include the cost of 2 wars. 

Since you know so many small business owners who are laying off as a "direct result" of regulations Obama is putting into play, please feel free to enlighten us as to the exact nature of those regulations.  Please be specific.

I am sorry for your loss.
I don't post here much, but I will pray for you.
Very sorry for your loss Carla.


No *buts* or *howevers* or other qualifiers.

Just very very sorry.  Period.

Yes, but a loss for America.
For every auto job loss
that seven other people in this country are affected. Think about it: Bailing out the big 3 IS bailing out the American taxpayer.
Not really a loss, IMHO.
I believe the term for him and others like him are RINOs (Republicans in name only).

Now at least he won't have to lie about which party he belongs to.
Not really a loss, IMHO.
I believe the term for him and others like him are RINOs (Republicans in name only).

Now at least he won't have to lie about which party he belongs to.
For those of you who think that loss of gun ownership can't happen here...
1929 crash saw a loss of
The high point for us was last year at 14,164 in October and an 89% loss is 1,558.

It is hard for me to see where shoring up the banks is helping anybody. We are already down almost 50% from this time last year.
With the largest jobs loss since 1945, your fix would
simply be to evict and starve the unemployed out of existence? Wow. Compassionate conservativism at its finest.
No loss to our side - Specter was never truly a republican
He didn't switch sides because he is "disenchanted" with the republican party. He never voted republican to begin with. He has always been a liberal. When I heard he switched parties at first I thought he switched to be a republican. He was always left, just not as far left as most. He couldn't go too left otherwise suspicion would have been raised a long time ago. So there is no loss to the republican side since he was never really a republican to begin with. He also switched for one main reason. It has nothing to do with liberal or conservative values. It has everything to do with the fact that he does not believe he will be voted for next year as a conservative. He's done this in the past. He used to be democrat, then when he thought he would not be voted for as a democrat he switched to republican. So, he may have switched now, but don't worry, down the road if the democrats don't get voted in he will switch again for the following election.
No big loss. That poster added nothing of substance and sounded like he/she is a
troll from the conservative board.
I read plenty thanks! You can blame loss of life
Was not aware of Carla's loss, but your response was completely uncalled for
your response about dead soliders is not only wrong but completely, completely uncalled for.
Turning Obama's loss of his last living elder relative
Palin's handicapped child was being dragged out at all hours of the day and night to help gain that hockey mom family values gal political capital. No harm in pointing that out. Pregnant daughter used by the fringe camp as a convenient way to cry sexism foul and cop out on legitimate political debate on Roe vs Wade and birth control. Son and daughter are still among the living.

Obama's grandmother has been politicizd how? He credits her for instilling him with many of the values that drive him to seek office. She raised him during his moist formative years. She is DYING, for heaven's sake. Most human beings understand that grieving this kind of loss is off limits in terms of gaining political traction. This coming from the party that would shove their morality down our throats. I am so sure.
Labor Department's report of 533,000 job losses in November — the biggest job loss in 34 years
Getting worse every day.
Well lets see
try having a daughter wandering around like a ghost and a 2-year-old grandson wondering where his daddy is. Try having to explain to a 2 yo why daddy is never coming back. Yeah your right, the holidays are not great around here this year as I am sure they are not great for a lot of families who have lost someone in Bush's miserable war. So why dont you and Writer go natter elsewhere and let the grownups talk here.
lets see her

Okay, let's have Mrs. Palin on the interview shows.  I want to see her interviewed by Bob Shieffer, Mat Lauer, Andrea Mitchell, George Stephanopoulous, Meet the Press, etc.  We saw that she can really deliver a written speech well.  I want to hear her personal views on foreign affairs and improving the economy. She has experience in Alaskan news, so I will expect a camera-ready, polished performance.



Lets all say............
Obama doesn't have any experience, executive or foreign!!!! And yet, he's running for President.

At least Palin knows what executive experience is, which is more than Obama has.
Oh lets s/m
We need to lighten up around here.  I'll start a thread and then I really have to get busy.
lets not go there
OK I can understand questioning his name given 9/11.  But what the heck does it have to do with being black?  Can you please tell me?  I swear. 
okay, lets go with that....(sm)

Let's say for the sake of argument that he is Muslim.  With this in mind, he would be going to a christian church, all the while faking having the christian belief.  So when Rev. Wright gets up and preaches, I can assume that since Obama is supposedly a Muslim and not a christian, that he would not believe what is being preached.  If Obama is not influenced by what is preached in this church, then what's the big deal about Rev Wright and the supposedly big impact he had on Obama? 

NOBODY can make Saddam look good. But Bush seems to be the ONLY one who can make him look less

If you can't make abortion illegal, just make it impossible (sm)

That's right, Bush is still alive and well.  Check this out.


Yeah, I know it's MSNBC, but how many other people are doing a lame duck watch?

lets tar and feather them
This lying immoral corrupt administration needs to be tar and feathered and handed over to the families who lost loved ones in this illegal war and occupation of a nonthreatening country.  I have lost no one, however, I gotta tell ya, if I had lost someone, I would not be as kind and soft spoken as Cindy Sheehan.  I would be hell on wheels.
Just trying to help, sm lets people know there is ...sm
a message inside. If you put nm, no one will open your post because they think there is nothing inside.
lets just wait and see how it

all plays out.  As for McCain being incontinent, I did not know that until you said so. That's a shame.


I know, lets just talk about....(sm)
Obama's b/c.  It's perfectly okay to try to discredit the guy who isn't even in office yet over a bunch of unsubstantiated rumors, but let's not talk about the guy who is in office now who has single-handedly brought this country to it's knees as well as destroyed all credibility of this country on a global scale.  Again, Bush is still running new legislation through that will affect us for years to come unless it can be reversed.  How about that new agreement with Afghanistan?  Yeah, that would be the one that will directly impact our people over there -- not in a positive way.  It sounds to me like you have a good case of *out of sight, out of mind.*  That's a pity.
Yes they will see increases when the O lets ...sm
the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010.

Everyone's taxes will go up.


Interesting how the O doesn't bring this fact up at all, like it will have nothing to do with him.

hmm...no you win....lets argue about that instead. nm
lets get it straight abc
i said "Your can save us" what does that mean?  That is what I said.  I also said i think you are stalking me or something like that because you bashed me over and over and called me a stalker.  I never said anything hateful in that post and never said your spelling sucks.  Also, I am done arguing with you and all the people on this board like you.  You know the ones that are just looking for a fight.  The ones that LOVE to stir the pot and point out everyone's faults but their own.  The ones that scream hate and prejudice and all that crap when someone voices an opinion that is slightly different than their own.  Have fun tearing each other apart.  I will post my beliefs and opinions and ignore the people that get on simply to stir up anger.
Lets look at the big picture

Seems like each time a president leaves office everyone "hems and haws" at the list of people they pardon (especially those who dislike whatever president is leaving office).  Every exiting president has had their list of people who should never have received pardons.  Some yes, like first time offenders, people arrested for mairjuana, or caught turning back odometers, etc). 

Maybe you should have also posted the list of people Clinton pardoned.  All you said was "he pardoned some nice ones too".  You make it sound  like GW is pardoning hardened criminal while BC only pardoned some people who did petty crimes.  Even though you didn't say that, by saying "he pardoned some nice ones too" it takes away from the seriousness of the people he did pardon.  But since you didn't post Clinton's pardons I will.  Now before anyone throws a fit because I know a lot of you think Clinton is the best thing since sliced bread, I'm just posting to show that he pardoned as many creeps as Bush is.  (BTW - I didn't, have never, and do not support Bush - can't stand the guy, but at let's try to keep it honest here).  Oh and my favorites are the money launderers, income tax evaders, bank fraud, conspiracy to defraud the government, issuing worthless checks, bank fraud, etc - all those things that helped to start bringing our economy down).  Those and Roger Clinton, Marc Rich, and Susan McDougal,  I did notice how he pardoned a lot of people who lied, but then again that was Clinton's whole 8 years in office - one lie after another, so doesn't surprise me he pardoned people who lied under oath. 

You said something in regards to food stamps...look at #22 on Clintons list - Unauthorized use and transfer of food stamps.  I found an interesting article called "10 Heated Presidential Pardons" that goes back to George Washington.  I'll post the link.  All I'm saying here is that each president throughout our history has pardoned some pretty bad people that should not be pardoned.  GW is no different and no more worse than any of the previous.  Here's the article - an interesting read.


Here's the list of Clinton's pardons

[edit] Pardons

  1. Verla Jean Allen (1990 false statements to an agency of the United States).[4]
  2. Nicholas M. Altiere (1983 importation of cocaine)
  3. Bernice Ruth Altschul (1992 money laundering conspiracy)
  4. Joe Anderson Jr. (1988 income tax evasion)
  5. William Sterling Anderson (1987 defraudment of a financial institution, false statements to a financial institution, wire fraud)
  6. Mansour Azizkhani (1984 false statements in bank loan applications)
  7. Cleveland Victor Babin Jr. (1987 using the U.S. mail service to defraud)
  8. Chris Harmon Bagley (1989 conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine)
  9. Scott Lynn Bane (Unlawful distribution of marijuana)
  10. Thomas Cleveland Barber (Issuing worthless checks)
  11. Peggy Ann Bargon (Violation of the Lacey Act, violation of the Bald Eagle Protection Act)
  12. David Roscoe Blampied (possess with intent to distribute cocaine)
  13. William Arthur Borders Jr. (Conspiracy to corruptly solicit and accept money in return for influencing the official acts of a federal district court judge (Alcee L. Hastings), and to defraud the United States in connection with the performance of lawful government functions; corruptly influencing, obstructing, impeding and endeavoring to influence, obstruct and impede the due administration of justice, and aiding and abetting therein; traveling interstate with intent to commit bribery)
  14. Arthur David Borel (Odometer Rollback)
  15. Douglas Charles Borel (Odometer Rollback)
  16. George Thomas Brabham (Making a false statement or report to a federally insured bank)
  17. Almon Glenn Braswell (1983 mail fraud and perjury)
  18. Leonard Browder (Illegal dispensing of controlled substance and Medicaid fraud)
  19. David Steven Brown (Securities fraud and mail fraud)
  20. Delores Caroylene Burleson, aka Delores Cox Burleson (Possession of Marijuana)
  21. John H. Bustamante (wire fraud)
  22. Mary Louise Campbell (Unauthorized use and transfer of food stamps)
  23. Eloida Candelaria (False information in registering to vote)
  24. Dennis Sobrevinas Capili (Filing false statements in alien registration)
  25. Donna Denise Chambers (Intent to distribute cocaine)
  26. Douglas Eugene Chapman (Bank fraud)
  27. Ronald Keith Chapman (Bank fraud)
  28. Francisco Larois Chavez (Aiding and abetting illegal entry of aliens)
  29. Henry Cisneros (former HUD Secretary)
  30. Roger Clinton, Jr. Cocaine charges(half-brother of President Bill Clinton)[3]
  31. Stuart Harris Cohn (Illegal sale of commodity options)
  32. David Marc Cooper (Conspiracy to defraud the government)
  33. Ernest Harley Cox Jr. (Defraud of federally insured savings and loan)
  34. John F. Cross Jr. (Embezzlement)
  35. Rickey Lee Cunningham (Intent to distribute marijuana)
  36. Richard Anthony DE Labio (Mail fraud)
  37. John Deutch (former Director of Central Intelligence Agency)
  38. Richard Douglas (False statements to a government agent)
  39. Edward Reynolds Downe (Wire fraud, false income tax returns and securities fraud)
  40. Marvin Dean Dudley (False statements)
  41. Larry Lee Duncan
  42. Galen R. Elmore (Convicted of cattle theft)
  43. Robert Clinton Fain
  44. Marcos Arcenio Fernandez
  45. Alvarez Ferrouillet
  46. Henry O. Flipper - guilty of "conduct unbecoming an officer" (1882)
  47. William Dennis Fugazy
  48. Lloyd Reid George
  49. Louis Goldstein
  50. Rubye Lee Gordon
  51. Pincus Green
  52. Robert Ivey Hamner
  53. Samuel Price Handley
  54. Woodie Randolph Handley
  55. Jay Houston Harmon
  56. Rick Hendrick
  57. John Hummingson
  58. David S. Herdlinger
  59. Debi Rae Huckleberry
  60. Warren C. Hultgren Jr.
  61. Donald Ray James
  62. Stanley Pruet Jobe
  63. Ruben H. Johnson
  64. Linda Jones
  65. James Howard Lake
  66. June Louise Lewis
  67. Salim Bonnor Lewis
  68. John Leighton Lodwick
  69. Hildebrando Lopez
  70. Jose Julio Luaces
  71. James Timothy Maness
  72. James Lowell Manning, (1982, aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false corporate income tax return)
  73. John Robert Martin
  74. Frank Ayala Martinez
  75. Silvia Leticia Beltran Martinez
  76. John Francis McCormick
  77. Susan H. McDougal
  78. Howard Mechanic
  79. Brook K. Mitchell Sr.
  80. Samuel Loring Morison
  81. Charles Wilfred Morgan III
  82. Richard Anthony Nazzaro
  83. Charlene Ann Nosenko
  84. Vernon Raymond Obermeier
  85. Miguelina Ogalde
  86. David C. Owen
  87. Robert W. Palmer
  88. Kelli Anne Perhosky
  89. Richard H. Pezzopane
  90. Orville Rex Phillips
  91. Vinson Stewart Poling Jr.
  92. James G. Powell
  93. Norman Lyle Prouse
  94. Willie H.H. Pruitt Jr.[5]
  95. Danny Martin Pursley Sr.
  96. Charles D. Ravenel
  97. William Clyde Ray
  98. Alfredo Luna Regalado
  99. Ildefonso Reynes Ricafort
  100. Marc Rich
  101. Howard Winfield Riddle
  102. Richard Wilson Riley Jr., Cocaine and marijuana charges, His father was Clinton's Education Secretary.[4]
  103. Samuel Lee Robbins
  104. Joel Gonzales Rodriguez
  105. Michael James Rogers
  106. Anna Louise Ross
  107. Dan Rostenkowski - Former Democratic Congressman convicted in the Congressional Post Office Scandal
  108. Gerald Glen Rust
  109. Jerri Ann Rust
  110. Bettye June Rutherford
  111. Gregory Lee Sands
  112. Adolph Schwimmer
  113. Albert A. Seretti Jr.
  114. Patricia Campbell Hearst Shaw
  115. Dennis Joseph Smith
  116. Gerald Owen Smith
  117. Stephen A. Smith
  118. Jimmie Lee Speake
  119. Charles Bernard Stewart
  120. Marlena Francisca Stewart-Rollins
  121. Fife Symington III - former Arizona governor
  122. Richard Lee Tannehill
  123. Nicholas C. Tenaglia
  124. Gary Allen Thomas
  125. Larry Weldon Todd
  126. Olga C. Trevino
  127. Ignatious Vamvouklis
  128. Patricia A. Van De Weerd
  129. Christopher V. Wade
  130. Bill Wayne Warmath
  131. Jack Kenneth Watson
  132. Donna Lynn Webb
  133. Donald William Wells
  134. Robert H. Wendt
  135. Jack L. Williams
  136. Kavin Arthur Williams
  137. Robert Michael Williams
  138. Jimmie Lee Wilson
  139. Thelma Louise Wingate
  140. Mitchell Couey Wood
  141. Warren Stannard Wood
  142. Dewey Worthey
  143. Rick Allen Yale
  144. Joseph A. Yasak
  145. William Stanley Yingling
  146. Phillip David Young
  147. Keith Sanders
  148. Darren Muci
  149. John Scott (not a full pardon)

[edit] Commutations

  1. Ronald Henderson Blackley
  2. Bert Wayne Bolan
  3. Gloria Libia Camargo
  4. Charles F. Campbell
  5. David Ronald Chandler - federal death row inmate[1].
  6. Lau Ching Chin
  7. Donald R. Clark
  8. Loreta De-Ann Coffman
  9. Derrick Curry
  10. Velinda Desalus
  11. Jacob Elbaum
  12. Linda Sue Evans
  13. Loretta Sharon Fish
  14. Antoinette M. Frink
  15. David Goldstein
  16. Gerard A. Greenfield
  17. Bob F. Griffin, former Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives, who was serving two years on bribery charges[3]
  18. Jodie E. Israel
  19. Kimberly Johnson
  20. Billy Thornton Langston Jr.
  21. Belinda Lynn Lumpkin
  22. Peter MacDonald - Navajo Chairman (sentence for 14 years in 1993 for fraud and racketeering convictions.)
  23. Kellie Ann Mann
  24. Peter Ninemire
  25. Hugh Ricardo Padmore
  26. Arnold Paul Prosperi Florida attorney, tax fraud. managed Clinton's 1967 campaign for student-council president.[2]
  27. Melvin J. Reynolds - Democratic Congressman from Illinois - bank fraud and obstruction of justice
  28. Pedro Miguel Riveiro
  29. Dorothy Rivers - lead official in Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, plead guilty to theft of 1.2 million dollars in federal grant money
  30. Susan Rosenberg
  31. Kalmen Stern
  32. Cory Stringfellow
  33. Carlos Anibal Vignali - convicted of cocaine trafficking
  34. Thomas Wilson Waddell III
  35. Harvey Weinig
  36. Kim Allen Willis
  37. Kemba Smith
  38. Antonio Camacho Negron - FALN militant

only if we win LETS HOPE
lets describe you
You are the most intelligent man on the face of the earth. No one understands your amazing gifts. No one gets your subtle humor. And yet, here you sit, wasting your intellect on a bunch of young women. Maybe you need to grow up and seek out your own kind.
There is no need to ban them. If we do, lets add - see message
Lets add to the list Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, David Shuster, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Alan Colmes (you already said Hannity), Thom Hartmann, Joy Behr, and a whole slew of others who spew their hate.

I may think these above mentioned names are nothing but hate-spewing propaganda pushers, but others out their enjoy listening to them. There is no reason to ban any reporter/radio/talk show host. This is America and this is supposed to be land of the free, not "Land of lets only let liberals say what they want and shut down everyone else whom I don't agree with".

As for Michael Savage. He's great. He tells it like it is. He is neither a republican or democrat and has gone after both political parties. Also there is nothing wrong with O'Reilly. He has guests from both sides on, and actually lately I've been watching him and he is tending to lean more to the left, although he calls himself an independent. He is defending Obama on a lot of issues I don't agree with. But he's entitled to his opinion and I have mine.

I don't know what Savage did to have him banned from great brittain, but there is no reason to ban him or any other talk show/radio personality from the US. Especially when they are doing nothing to deserve being banned. They do that in socialist countries, and as fast as the current admin is trying to turn the US into a socialist country as far as I know we still have our freedoms of speech - as long as it isn't inciting hate and fear - in which I'm surprised Olberman, Cooper, Mathews, and Maddow have not been banned yet for.
Yes, but lets just keep the facts straight. NM
lets debate, not attack
Do I, really?  I only attack when I am attacked and anyone looking over the posts, archives and all, will see that..Post something to debate and I will debate, however, dont start throwing insults during the debate if it isnt going your way..which has happened..I can remember a debate on Global Warming..We debated, as soon as it was looking good towards my opinion, I was told I knew nothing, I was stupid, etc..You want a debate..lets do it..I belonged to the debate club of my college, I love debates..Come on..introduce something to debate on and I will debate you, as I bet so will other liberals..Lets debate and stop attacking..attacks gets us no where, debates just might open a few eyes..
Lets take care of those kids already here
Some have such loud voices when trying to stop a woman from chosing what decisions to make about HER body but, yet, you hear nothing from these same people when it is shown there is so much child abuse, children living with drug and alcohol addicted parents, children living in poverty, not getting a good education, not getting the immunizations they need, not getting health care, on and on.  Lets take care of those already on this earth..
Lets bash the pastor.

According to dictionary.com, the meanings of the N-word are “deeply disparaging and are used when the speaker deliberately wishes to cause great offense.”  They go on to say, conversely, “it is sometimes used among African-Americans in a neutral or familiar way.”  Since he whispered the statement behind what he thought was a cold microphone, it is highly unlikely that Rev. Jackson intended to cause great offense and his use of the word probably falls into the latter category of usage. 

For example, the N-word can become much less offensive and even assume neutrality within historical discourse, literature, poetry, cinema theater and the like.  One could further argue that within certain contexts (i.e. rap music, conversations within the black households, neighborhoods and businesses, to name a few) connotations of the word can be construed so as to convey a sense of community…even a brotherhood, of sorts.  Language is fluid, dynamic and vital in its nature, not static or one-dimensional.  Context, message, intent, environment, speaker and audience all impact the ultimate nuance of meaning in all forms of communication. 

I agree with you and take deep offense at the use of the N-word, regardless of who says it.  However, I would like to comment on some of the other points you raised in your post.  A careful read of the actual statement shows that Rev. Jackson did not use this epithet to personally attack Obama.  Rather, he was referring to the black population as a whole.  Granted, his choice of words was extremely poor (at least from a white perspective), but the statement was not meant for public scrutiny.  It was spoken from one black individual to another, much the same was that Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s statements were made from black preacher to black congregation. 

As a white person, I do not believe I can sit in judgment one way or another regarding his choice of words when taken completely out of context, in the same way I am not qualified to criticize the sermons of Rev. Wright.  I would like to think that I am intelligent enough to understand that, having lived in the US as a white person both before and after the civil right eras (1948 to present), I have not experienced life in America the same way black people have.  They are entitled to their own “take” on their own lives.  Who am I to tell them how to “tell it like it is?”

One last point.  I am sure that much flap and bruhah will ensue over this unfortunate news.  However, the very fact that Rev. Sharpton, you, I, the media and countless others will be having this debate over our outrage and dismay is a testament as to just how effective Rev Jackson and other early leaders in the civil rights movement were in defining the key issues, defying status quo of his times, enlisting support for the cause, effectively engaging his opposition in ongoing bipartisan initiatives over nearly 4 decades and producing fruitful, far-reaching and substantial bodies of legislation from which today’s black community continue to reap bountiful benefits and blessings.  They weathered storms of protests, incarceration, series after series of setbacks and reversals, and buckets of bloodshed in their efforts to secure the civil liberties and rights that reach far beyond the black community to encompass other forms of discrimination against women, gays, immigrants and the poor, to name a few…all so casually taken for granted and so easily dismissed in the blink of an eye with one ill-chosen, unfortunate slip of the tongue. 

For those of us whose memories reach further back than the latest round of CNN sound bytes and chat room chatter, we probably would forgive Obama should he decide not to denounce Rev Jackson’s support, nor would we feel driven to force him to abandon his own pastor of 20 years for the sake of our own righteous indignation.