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Those agreements are Constitutional law

Posted By: Kelly on 2006-06-12
In Reply to: So you think the genocidal Saddam changed - ???

Bush ignored Constitutional law to invade Iraq. (That's the very definition of corruption, by the way). You seem to think that's just hunky dory.

Why do you hate America?

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Let's face it, with the fighting going on on this board, if we cannot come to agreements here....
How are all those politicians with not only different ideologies, but so many constituents and special interests, going to play nice, put the people and America first, put their Harvard/Yale educations to work, and vote compassionately, intelligently, and with fore-thought??? If the fighting here is any barometer as far as partisan politics goes, boy are we ever in for it!
With the President meeting with the Republicans in closed door talks to come to agreements,.....sm
find middle ground, listen to their concerns, and try to modify where needed? Condemn and Condemn, has a Republican come forward with an alternative package? George was handing out money o the banking pirates before he left office, remember?

Built into this plan, which is very complex, are social programs for schools, which are going down fast, health aid, food stamps for those who have lost their jobs and need to eat while looking for new jobs that Obama is tring to create, funds to build companies to work with alternative energy and green solutions to get us less dependent on foreign oil and stop poisoning our earth.....

There is no quick fix!!! Just like the Great Depression, it is going to take time to reap all the benefits from this package, but they are meant to be real, lasting jobs and benefits to our society, not a quick boo-boo bandaide,which is all that Bush could provide with his quickie tax rebates!!!! Take off the jaundiced glasses and blinders, forget party lines and affiliations, and just go to MSN or CNN and read the copious outlines there.
Constitutional law I believe. nm
Is he a constitutional lawyer?
Just because he is a lawyer does not make him an expert.  Please cite statutes, case law, etc.
There IS no constitutional crisis.
Recession teetering on the brink of depression. WAKE UP, will ya?
He's a brilliant constitutional attorney....
No he's not, yes he is, no he's not, yes he is arguments will not win any elections.
Turley on Bush's Constitutional Skin

Well, first of all this President's theory of his power I think is now so extreme that it's unprecedented. He believes that he has the inherent authority to violate  federal law. He has said that. Not just the signing statements and the infamous torture memo-that Alberto Gonzales signed. It was stated that he could in some circumstances order federal officials to violate federal law and this is consistent across the board with this President. Frankly, I'm not too sure what he thought he was swearing to when he took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution and our laws. I've never seen a President who is so uncomfortable in his constitutional skin.


America is a Constitutional Republic, NOT democracy

This is a very good read.

I like the quote by Tom Tancredo "When I took the oath of the office, it wasn't to my party or President, it was to the Constitution".




Reasons there would be a constitutional crisis according to one expert...
The Consequences of “Forgetting”

There are factual economic, social, Constitutional, military and financial consequences of forgetting what damage an ineligible POTUS will do to our Country and the Constitution. These consequences are so serious that our government will not exist if we forget the rule of law, and what our Constitution demands. These are succinctly addressed in an article by Edwin J. Viera, Jr. entitled “Obama must step up or stand down now”.

Of the nine (9) reasons why Obama should step down if he has not proven his eligibility, the two that most notably concern me are:

No laws of Congress are valid

“Congress can pass no law while a usurper pretends to occupy “the Office of President.” The Constitution provides that “[e]very Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States” (Article I, Section 7, Clause 2). Not to a usurper posturing as “the President of the United States,” but to the true and rightful President. If no such true and rightful President occupies the White House, no “Bill” will or can, “before it become a Law, be presented to [him].” If no “Bill” is so presented, no “Bill” will or can become a “Law.” And any purported “Law” that the usurper “approve[s]” and “sign[s],” or that Congress passes over the usurper’s “Objections,” will be a nullity. Thus, if Obama deceitfully “enters office” as an usurper, Congress will be rendered effectively impotent for as long as it acquiesces in his pretenses as “President.”


He Could not be Removed Except by Force

If Obama does become an usurper posturing as “the President,” Congress cannot even impeach him because, not being the actual President, he cannot be “removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” (see Article II, Section 4). In that case, some other public officials would have to arrest him—with physical force, if he would not go along quietly—in order to prevent him from continuing his imposture. Obviously, this could possibly lead to armed conflicts within the General Government itself, or among the States and the people.

Bear in mind that as an imposter Commander–in-Chief of the Armed Forces, “he will be entitled to no obedience whatsoever from anyone in those forces. Indeed, for officers or men to follow any of his purported “orders” will constitute a serious breach of military discipline—and in extreme circumstances perhaps even “war crimes.” In addition, no one in any civilian agency in the Executive Branch of the General Government will be required to put into effect any of Obama’s purported “proclamations,” “executive orders,” or “directives” (Viera, J.).

We also have the constitutional right to the free expression thereof....
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Center on the words or prohibit the free exercise thereof. It is our constitutional right to freely express our religious views. You want to deny us that constitutional right do you?
Talk about a heap of constitutional amendments!
Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis...
The show is known for its liberty/constitutional story lines. sm
I thought it was funny, but I also understood the message.