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I'm fed up too, but it is our job to produce

Posted By: me on 2006-05-22
In Reply to: Need to vent. I'm fed up! - NM

a good product, despite a horrendous dictator, poor sound quality, etc.   It doesn't matter if their English were perfect, that isn't really the issue, it is the accent and unfortunately that isn't going to change. 

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Yes, I do. I produce so much more this way. sm
I can't keep my butt in the chair for 8 hours straight. Never could...I work better in short bursts at a time. It works great for me.

You need to try it...you won't go back to 8 hours every again.
inexpensive produce
Out here in CA, there is a Mexican supermarket, Vallarata (not sure if spelling is accurate but it is close)..Anyway, they are all over Southern CA.  The produce is so inexpensive, Im amazed.  Ten pounds of potatoes for $1.00, three pounds of tomatoes for $1.00, five pounds of onions for $1.00, on and on.  Also lots of other stuff in the store is inexpensive.  Their produce is so fresh.  If you live in the Southern CA area, check out this store.  I go in there and walk out with bags of produce and breads, etc., for about $10.00.  I even have seen two Indian doctors I used to work for at a nearby hospital, LOL, they were buying produce too. 
No, if you cannot produce enough to make the money you need,
It's not the industry's fault some do not have the aptitude to make what they want.

Wouldn't take such a job. You produce those lines. The
I just don't see how it is possible to produce 3800+ straight typing in a day
I'm not saying you didn't.  I just don't see HOW.  I'm a pretty high producer myself, but I worked with a national once that didn't pay spaces and my line count dropped from 1700 lpd to 1100.  How in the world do you manage 3800+ with no spaces?
FYI - I produce high quality reports because I
take the extra time to make sense of garbage that is dictated.  I'm saying that I will not do it from now on.  It averages about $10 to $11/hr to make "high quality."  It has gotten to this point because people like you let MTSOs walk all over them because you feel it's "your job." ---  Ya know what ---- Keep your job, I'm outta here ---
Why? M-TEC & Andrews produce the absolute best grads.
ask the mortgage company to produce the note
Just heard about this tactic this week. Most mortgages have been sold and resold and if you ask them to produce the original note you signed on the mortgage most of the time they can't and it will buy you some time. Do a search on it.
Either produce a signed, notarized promisory note or
Having trouble staying on task to produce lines?
I do.  I was beginning to think I'd developed adult ADD, but I think I found the cure.  It's a free download called Home Typist 4.01.  This program is a small utility application which makes each keystroke sound like the strike of a typewriter key.  I cannot believe how much this has helped my line count.  There was something about the typewriter sound that just drove all distractions from my mind.  My fingers were flying, and believe me, they haven't flown for years!  This was my first full day with the program.  I had my usual mix of good and bad with one really long, horrible resident who had no clue what he wanted to say (it took me an hour and a half to get through his dictation), and I still increased my count today by a little over 300 lines!  I kid you not.  Windows XP is not listed as a system it can be used on, but I assure you, it works quite well with XP. 

MS does not produce a new operating system every year, trust me on that.

Vista was 5 years in the making, which is pretty much the norm for most reliable Software.

5HTP is a natural product that helps the body to produce Seratonin sm
in a natural way. The chemical SSRIs do it differently. But 5HTP is the closest thing to a natural antidepressant agent you can find.
The work you produce is the same whether you work
if you're happier at home, your work is probably even better. Why should the product you produce (i.e., a transcribed medical document) be worth any less because it was produced at home, rather than in an office?

You see, this is just one more 'excuse' for paying workers less, or for accepting that low pay if you are a worker. Have MT wages been going up? NO. Best-case scenario, they're holding steady. (i.e, no raise for many years, right?) Worst case scenario, they're going lower and lower, especially if you end up editing.

So if you're getting paid less for working at home than you are for driving to an office, that pretty much cancels out any savings there might have been. And you have to think 2, 3, 5 years down the road. If you still get no raise, and the cost of living continues to rise, how are you going to offset that? The decreasing pay and increasing cost of living are eventually going to come to a breaking point. And judging by what I read on this board every day, I'd say we're just about there.

DON'T SELL YOURSELF SHORT just because you work from home. It cheapens the entire MT field.
The work you produce is the same whether you work
if you're happier at home, your work is probably even better. Why should the product you produce (i.e., a transcribed medical document) be worth any less because it was produced at home, rather than in an office?

You see, this is just one more 'excuse' for paying workers less, or for accepting that low pay if you are a worker. Have MT wages been going up? NO. Best-case scenario, they're holding steady. (i.e, no raise for many years, right?) Worst case scenario, they're going lower and lower, especially if you end up editing.

So if you're getting paid less for working at home than you are for driving to an office, that pretty much cancels out any savings there might have been. And you have to think 2, 3, 5 years down the road. If you still get no raise, and the cost of living continues to rise, how are you going to offset that? The decreasing pay and increasing cost of living are eventually going to come to a breaking point. And judging by what I read on this board every day, I'd say we're just about there.

DON'T SELL YOURSELF SHORT just because you work from home. It cheapens the entire MT field.