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Escription and dial up..Will it work?

Posted By: INMT on 2007-02-17
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How do you make Escription and dial up work together?  I have a slow connection and I can get short dictations but no long ones.  Does anyone have any advice for me? 


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How do you may Escription and dial up work?

Are there any MTs/VR MTs out there using Escription with dial up?  If so, please tell me how to get it to work becuase I have Escription on my computer, but I cannot get the first dictation downloaded.  If there is a setting somewhere that I need to change for my dial up connection please tell me.  I am begging.

Thanks so much

Escription and dial up..Will it work?
What type of system are you working with. Editscript and satellite or dialup are not always the best combination.
DQS does work with dial-up
I've used dial-up and high-speed, and trust me, you are MUCH better off with high-speed. Even though it is possible to use dial-up, if you have to do a lot of ADT searches, it can slow you down a lot. Also, splitting jobs is slower because you have to wait for the next job to download, the upload is longer, and it's just a waste of time IMO. Also, signing on and off takes twice as long.

Don't be mad. You are definitey better off in the long run and probably will make up that connection fee and modem cost soon.
Don't think dial-up would work...
even accelerated. It's just too slow and undependable. Have you thought of getting Internet using an air card from your cell phone provider? To be honest with you, I don't have much knowledge on them, but I do know that friends who have them say they rarely have trouble with their Internet service and they are as fast as DSL for them. It may be worth checking into. Here they run about $60 a month for service.
I work on Escription platform and the adapter didnt work for me. I tried it on my laptop though
and the foot pedal would just not play correctly with the adapter. I think others have tried it and done it but it just didnt work for me.
I work at home with Dial-Up
I work for MQ with the DQS platform. It works find, just takes a little longer than with the DSL.
Are you trying to say you work on DocQScribe on dial-up????

And I had to pay for connection fee and modem for the DSL????

I hope I am misunderstanding you!grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Use of WiFi versus dial-up for MT work

Hi all,

Posted this on the technical board as well and just wanting to get some imput -- I just moved to an area were the ONLY options for me are dial up or wireless internet.  One of the companies that I work for "gave me the go-ahead" to be able to use wireless, but with the advice to have dial-up available as a "back-up".  The other company said that it really wasn't that stable.  I am in clear view of the wireless tower and about 5 miles away.  I have had both cable and DSL in the past, and have had times when my cable would go out for hours, due to "various reasons".  What I am trying to find out is why wireless is considered "so unstable" when I feel that some of the other high-speed internet connections are just as unstable and if there ARE medical transcriptionists out there that do use wireless and what their experience has been with it.



WiFlyer - Wireless dial up - does it work?

I found something called WiFlyer for "wireless dialup".  I think you plug it into your phone jack and then a little antennae to your notebook and you can move around the house freelying without a phone cord.  I wonder if it makes dial up any faster?  Has anyone used this?  What did you think? 


my dial up works for the company I work for

I work for a company that uses MP Word.  They have an edition that is made to work with dail-up.  I just get the first dictations downloading, make coffee, clean the kitty litter, read e-mail or whatever.  Then once that initial  batch is downloaded, when I have about 10 minutes of dictation left, I just request more work and keep on typing.  I almost never have to wait for work after that, I just keep downloading as I type.

Will DQS work with dial-up (short-term). How long
I only have dial-up, I work for a small local MTSO -sm
that uses a FTP site to send us our work, so dial-up is just fine for that (work is about a 20 hour TAT, so it does not matter how long it takes for me to download my work, and uploads are quick. So obviously a job that has no set hours, etc. is ideal for someone with dial-up. Also get your own accounts, then it doesn't matter does it as you are the boss. I have 1 account of my own and we transfer the files via the internet through an intermediary website (in place of a FTP). Just keep hunting there are dial-up jobs out there.
C-phone help! Dial tone ok, but keys will not work.

There is a dial-tone when handset is lifted.  Keys do not work to program, dial, ect.  This is the same for 2 different units.  Any suggestions?

I was told I would dial directly into the system/Will I need to get dial up internet service?

No, don't work for Escription
no message.
You most definitely work for eScription . . .
Why not stop BSing us with that crap about doing 600 lines per hour? Everyone here knows that is not possible. You should be ashamed of yourself for luring us in, trying to convince us we will make more money with Edit Script. How can you sleep at night?
I work on Escription and will tell you what I know
You are told you will increase your line count x10 or so. That is not the case. My line count on straight wen from around 2000 or more a day to now approximately 3000 per day (some people do more) but that is all my audio on Escription allows me to do. I have worked for some time on this platform and if you had all the same people working, maybe it might learn but mine never improves too much. There is a lot of editing each and every day. Your pay goes down quite a bit. The pay is usually 4 cents and some places are going even lower than that at 3. something for VR. Some of the people who were on with me at first did not stay, did not like at all. I do not think it will ever replace transcriptionists because it can really mess up sentences, laughing, coughing, background noise will make it throw in words not there, plus it leaves out a lot of things. I would not think most are getting rich on VR now. If I could and younger, probably would accept a job like you mentioned, something involving nursing. I think that would be an excellent job choice because MTing is steadily going downhill. I hope this information is helpful.
I work for a comapny (not escription) who uses
I have done very poorly with line count. The VR is agonizing. I spend an inordinate amount of time making corrections to the reports done by VR at 3.5 cpl...so you are right...I'd have to do close to 5000 lines to make $150.00. Quite sad. Additionally, I at times have to insert normals, which with this system is time consuming.

Even when I type in this software, I'm having a good day if I can get 200 lines per hour at .07cpl. I am testing for other companies. I will starve on these wages.
I want to work on escription program
what companies use it? TIA
I also work on eScription and LOVE it.
Does Escription work with Vista?

Is there anyone out there doing VR on the Escription/EditScript software and using it with the new Vista operating system?  I am just curious if they work well together.


Escription- saving work


 I was wondering if anyone out there who uses Escription can tell me if there is a way to save a document that is not yet completed?  Last night we had a planned power down to test the generator (we have one every month) and another MT and I were still in the middle of documents.  We just closed down figuring that it would do the autosave but it didn't save anything. My supervisor tells me it only does the save when the computer crashes or the power goes out. When we had Chartscript we could put the document on hold, but with Escription is it either upload it unfinished or lose it?  Is there any way to save an unfinshed report?


Does Smartype work w/ Escription
Just wondering.  Thanks
I work on eScription and love it.
With the part-time position I have using eScription, straight transcription I average about $27-$28 an hour and with VR I can average up to about $34-$35 an hour. It did take me a little time and concerted effort to get there, though. I had to learn to keep up with the dictation and I have to really pay close attention but even with difficult dictators, I still do as well or better with VR than straight transcription.

I get 10 cpl for transcription and 5 cpl for VR.

So hooking the 9-pin to a USB adapter will still allow it to work with Escription?
That was my only concern.  I knew about adapters but didn't know if the pedal would still be compatible with Escription.  I know my USB pedal is not and my employer had to send me a 9-pin pedal. 
Also work on eScription. Make more. Easier on wrists. sm
It's editing work, and the reason I personally make more is that I'm a slow typist but a fast reader and "punctuator." The eScription software is very easy to learn.
I work on Escription VR and if you cannot make minimum wage, then
something is really wrong with either you or your system. I make a very good salary on VR. It can be done even at 4 cpl and that is what I am paid. I have occasional straight but 90%+ is all VR. I do not understand people saying minimum wage- that is only 6 or 7 dollars an hour, ridiculous to work for that in this kind of profession.
How do you dial in...lanier, Cphone???? I'm wondering will this work with a Lanier voicewrite EX
Dial Up
They do make surge protectors that will protect your phone line. You can find them at Best Buy or any other local computer store. Don't but the cheap version either, I made that mistake once. Look to spend about 20 dollars or so on a nicer unit. This will protect the phone line, but I still would not trust it in a thunderstorm.
Dial up
Looking for an at home position but have dial up internet. I just moved to an area where no high speed internet is available (which is killing me) and did not know before we signed our lease there was no high speed internet. Does anyone know of companies that employ MTs with dial up internet access. Any information is greatly appreciated.

You may want to look into satellite. Dial-up is a dinosaur. Most hospitals are VPNs and web sites. You would be lucky to get anything dial-up. It is not MQs fault that you cannot get anything but dial-up. Look into other avenues and get with the program of the future.
Dial up for DQS
How does DQS work with dial up?  The manual does not state you have to use DSL, just an internet connection.
DQS on dial up
I had dial up the first couple weeks on DQS.  The worst part was the first download of the day -- sometimes it took an hour or more!!  I just switched to high speed and love it.  However, if you can't have high speed, the dial up works okay, it is just the first time you download for you day/shift.  I wold recommend dialing into the system an hour before you want to start to actually transcribe.  Really, the first download is the worst; once you get going and start uploading it isn't too awlfu bad.  Good luck!!
DQS with dial up?
I don't believe you can use DQS with dial-up - you need a fast internet connection. I believe this is what I was told as I had to get a cable internet connection.
dial up-56 K
Not sure which board to post this on. I would like a list of MT companies that accept dial-up.  Anybody know of any.  Can email me or list on the board.

Are you using dial-up?  When I was using dial-up Bellsouth was going to put a whopper of a bill on my phone because of all the usage (unlimited long distance they say.... yeah, right!).  I went with AT&T and they never once said there was a limit on my long distance usage.  I was using MEGA time on my second line for my dial-up usage (working 7 days a week, 12-14 hours a day!).

Precyse solutions does - I have the same situation as do many others I work with. You would probably need to sign up for a high speed though, which is only a few more dollars per month. FYI - they are hiring!
I am an ME/MT for MQ and am still on dial up. sm
I have a feeling that if you are a new employee they will require high speed. I have looked into getting a part time job with another company so as not to put all my eggs in one basket so to speak, but most companies are now requiring high speed/cable. Dial-up has never been a problem for me, uploading, downloadint, whatever, no problem. An afterthought, how would they even know what kind of internet service you have as long as you can produce?
I don't know as I have dial-up BUT if it is 10 Gig - sm
then I highly doubt you will ever go over, if it is 10 meg then you will go over. I download about 200-300 megabytes of sound for a small local account, i.e. ~1000 lines a week, in 1 month. Is the $80 on top of your cable TV or is that all-inclusive? Personally I'd just tell them it was for personal use and leave off that you will be using it for work, none of their business.
I'm on dial up also.
Stuck in the past.
They are different, but you can use a DVI to dial into SM
a Dictaphone system.  The function keys will be a little different, if I remember right.
not dial-up
high-speed cable.
No, do not have dial-up, is that still around?
I had cut off my long distance some years back but as per my post, they said if did not carry, then they would deduct an extra $10.00 from the supposed credits I got for some other deals. I did have AT&T and this morning just got my fill and have switched over to Charter, everything except cell and they do not offer that or I would switch that also. Am tired of being nickle and dimed to death by AT&T, absolutely ridiculous.


 I go after the small offices, not companies and they usually want their stuff delivered and don't care what kind of internet you have.  I normally have my docs use a DVR but an office called me who still uses tapes.  So, there are those docs who still do it the old fashioned way.

Hope that helps.


You have to have somewhere for them to dial into.
They can't dial into the line that your C-phone is hooked into.  To access the dictation it has to be recorded somewhere for you to get it.  They can dictate to handheld recorders and transfer it to your computer or put it on their computer and you access it from theirs, but you can't use the C-phone for it, you would use a foot pedal. 
Okay, everyone, I do have dial-up and it is with Earthlink, because that is all i can get here in my
They changed my access number and I now cannot stay connected - this causes my MT program to hang up and then I have to restart and it is wasting more time than I have! - But my sister has no problem with the same computer, access number, and provider.
Are you using dial-up? The last 3 weeks
when I come to the main board I get a page loading message and it takes a minute to load.  I have high-speed cable, so if you have dial-up the connection may be timing out and you need to adjust settings.  l
Dial-up internet
Does anybody know of companies who will hire those of us who only have dial-up.  We live so far out and cannot get high-speed internet.  Every place I have applied says I cannot use satellite or wireless.  What's the deal?  I was able to get 1000 to 1400 lines without all that.  Now I'm aced out.  I could use some help.
companies who allow dial up
If anyone has any info on companies who hire us unfortunate dial-up interneters, I would appreciate it.  It seems that all the decent companies I look at hire only high-speed.  Thanks! 
Companies who allow dial up
A few that I know who allow dial up are Transolutions, SoftScript, and Precyse.  I can feel your pain...our options are really limited without having high-speed internet.
Companies who allow dial-up
Add to the list QT and FutureNet