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Tolerance is

Posted By: sbMT on 2009-05-06
In Reply to: And I hope God puts some love and - tolerance in your heart. I'll pray for you.

respectfully disagreeing with another person, not accepting everything a person believes.

I'm so tired of being told that I am intolerant. If you knew the truth about something and someone else was spreading lies, you would correct them. Christians know the Truth and when a false religion tries to spread lies that will ultimately condemn people to h.e.l.l. they do everything they can to combat that.

I've said this before: If you were about to walk out in front of a bus you would want me to stop you. I would be wrong for not at least trying to stop you. Well, you're about to get hit with the proverbial bus!

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There is no tolerance

I have my own set of beliefs. I have studied various religions. I am familiar with the Bible. I did not solict your advice on what I should or should not believe. I spoke about my hope for the future of our country with the strong candidates running for our next president.  Please step off. What you think you know about all liberals is neither here nor there to me. I am here to discuss politics with liberals. How many times do I need to explain this? Now take your tamborine and move on,



Zero tolerance for liars
Imagine how it would change the face of politics today if Republicans suddenly had TRUE "zero tolerance" for lying, cheating, stealing, vote fraud, false front groups, media shills, corporate malfeasance, crony capitalism, torture of innocents, war profiteering, oppressive foreign regimes and presidential dissembling.

But nah...instead they seem to have very high tolerance levels for all of the above - hence the claim to "zero tolerance", using their favorite trick of naming a thing the exact opposite of what it really is.

So much for the tolerance of the left. nm

Fundamentalists have no tolerance for anyone but themselves.
And for that reason, should not be running our country. They are simply self-serving right now saying they are doing it for the good of everyone else is a diseased excuse.

If their agenda was righteous they would not have to hide it and pretend it's something else in order to sneak their way into positions of authority. The truth is they know that their values and agendas would not be supported by the vast majority of Americans - so they cheat, scheme, and plot to put one over on us.

Is this the behavior of a moral group who sincerely believe in their gentle Jesus and his teachings? I don't think so.

I think you should take your exclusive agenda back where it belongs - into your churches and homes, and let everyone else keep their religions in their own way. THAT would be the tolerance you seem to value so much, but actually don't seem to understand in the least.
tolerance...........oh brother!!!
Listen, I don't give a rat's butt about all this political PC garbage. Muslim countries hate us..... plain and simple. They so-called "religion" teaches hatred, not love, not tolerance, but pure hatred!! What about that don't you get?

After 9/11 everyone got to PC about profiling. We're worried about profiling? H@ll with that.....I saw profile them to death. If I happen to be on a plane, you better believe I, just like everyone else, was watching them like a hawk. You can be PC about everything if you want, but this is my country, not the Muslims. They have a country. They do not teach tolerance of ANYONE but themselves.

This has nothing to do with intolerance of those different than me. What an idiotic statement. I live in a community with people different than me in so many ways, it would take a while but one thing they all agree on.....they love this country more than they care about being PC. I posted a few days ago about a Muslim couple in our neighborhood. And, they said they would go back to their country any day if they felt safe. They feel no allegiance to this country. They will tell you they do not agree with bin Laden's hatred, but they do admit their sons are taught the Q'ran, which does not teach love of anyone but other Muslims. They fear their daughters could be stoned or raped and they know no one there will protect them. They take comlpete advantage of our schools to educate their children, but there is no allegiance to this country. You need to get off your PC pot because as you can see, that'll get us nowhere real fast!!!

Tolerance, what a joke. Why don't we just tolerate them coming on over here and taking another 9/11 blow at us? Will that be enough tolerance for ya?
Actually, no I don't believe in one-sided tolerance...sm
This particular sign could have easily been displayed away from the creche, I feel, and it wouldn't have bothered me the least to see it.

You see, I also celebrate Winter Solstice, and the earth and the animals.

However, this particular sign seemed to be placed next to the creche to invoke upset from those who celebrate Christ's life and birth.

I like to imagine that perhaps baby Jesus kicked the sign to the ditch myself. He could have if he wanted to.
So, you only believe in one-sided tolerance? (sm)
As in the ditch was well deserved?
Thank you for your fairness and tolerance......nm
Far left tolerance....(sm)

Ummm, actually we have shown tolerance until we are blue in the face.  Let's see, we have tolerated an unjust war (oops, make that 2 wars) for how long?  We have tolerated having *in god we trust* on money, a church on every corner, a preacher on most channels, religious signs all over the place, a republican president who doesn't know his a$$ from a hole in the ground, ......  the list is actually quite extensive.  However, when it comes to something as simple as expecting equal rights that are supposed to be guaranteed by the constitution, we get slammed for just bringing it up.  If an athiest sign is put up, it's all over the news (makes for good ratings, as Bill-O will attest to).  What isn't all over the news is the daily discrimination dished out by the opposition.

Why don't I just answer my own question from below since noone else seems to be willing to give it a try.  People who are against gay marriage say they are sacrificing.  The only thing I see as them having to sacrifice is the joy they get from being able to hold a minority under thier collective thumbs.

Abortion - tolerance?

I ask this in the politest way possible and with all due respect.  I felt the need to say this after reading the posts below.

Is it possible to be a little more sensitive to those who have undergone an abortion for whatever reason and to be careful on the words being chosen, such as "murder." I'm sure there are some reading these posts who have had an abortion. It can be a very traumatizing thing to go through, which you cannot take back. There are some of us who have become pregnant with very deformed babies that would be extremely difficult to raise, including the possibility of not surviving after birth, where the choice to abort was difficult but a personal decision. I'm not saying it's the right choice.  I'm just saying sometimes a woman feels there is no other.

I say this from experience because I had to make that choice, and when I read that people think I'm a murderer and killed my baby, it makes it that much more hard to bear because I will always, always regret it.  I know I'm forgiven, but sometimes it's still hard to think---what if.

Just please be sensitive with the words you choose, and know there are those of us out here who have made this choice and regret it and have to live with it for the rest of our lives.

The key word is tolerance....(sm)

not acceptance.  I'm not advocating that everyone should accept homosexuality.  To accept it would be to agree with it, which would obviously conflict with the personal interests of some.  What I am advocating is tolerance.  That would include restraining one's self from attacking verbally or physically simply on the basis of sexual orientation. 

I think the point of the penguin story is to show that homosexuals are normal people who have feelings, goals, interests, families, etc. ---  the moral:  they may be homosexuals, but they are still people, no better and no worse than you or me.

Your tolerance is only for those in agreement.nm
Tolerance applies except to the Christian right
then the gloves are off. Christians are not to be tolerated unless they are willing to *embrace* not just *tolerate* other views and/or lifestyles.
So much for tolerance of an opposing viewpoint....
talk the talk, don't walk the walk. Don't understand it, never will. Not trying to educate anyone; however, I am learning a good deal about liberals...and the differences among them. Very interesting indeed.

Have a good day....ignore away. :)
Yeah, and you show SUCH Tolerance, don't you?
Look, the Constitution of these United States says that the government shall have no part in establishing a religion, but it also will not prohibit the free exercise thereof. It is a constitutional right. So far, gay marriage is NOT. YOu want tolerance for gay marriage, fine. Show a little tolerance and less bullsh*t yourself, and someone might actually care about your point of view. :-)
Tolerance is NOT what they're being taught......
What they are doing is pushing crap down the throats of little children, undermining what their parents are teaching them at home. My children were not taught homosexuality is "okay" but neither were they taught to hate others just because they live a lifestyle that is different. There is a huge difference. Public education is paid for by the "taxpayers", not the federal govt, who is allowing this garbage in the first place. Obviously the federal govt forgot where they get their money from as well!!

If tolerance is your ONLY argument, they why aren't they teaching tolerance of the Bible, prolife, etc. THe list could go on and on. We all know what is going on here..... PUSHING A GAY AGENDA in a public school.

Children are sent to school to learn knowledge skills, not how John and Matt like to live together, which in case you don't get it, is morality. The last place I want my children learning morality is at school. They should be taught that at home in the first place. They see enough garbage in school as it is.
Well, there's a healthy dose of liberal tolerance for ya
You know your example was stupid...quoting porn stars. I think you're scraping the bottom of the barrell, and I can tell I hit a nerve..
Just one more example of that TOLERANCE liberals claim to disply...
they are very very tolerant, as long as everyone agrees with them. At least I am openly judgemental.
Oh, I can beat that. A picture of liberal tolerance and love for the troops. SM