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in Jakarta, Indonesia.....nm

Posted By: No on 2009-05-07
In Reply to: Obama attended only 4 years a school in Jakarata, Indonesia, - No


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The sister born 9 years later in Jakarta Indonesia?
the answer to that question? How many out there sit around discussing the hospital where there were born with their half-siblings? When did they ask her that question...before or after the legal challenges? Perhaps she made an educated guess based on Hawaiian geography and process of elimination. Would be interested in the context of that conversation. Got any links to that information?

He has provided his birth certificate. People can choose to either believe it or not, even though the courts, DNC, secy of the state of Illinois and the US secy of state seem to uphold its legitimacy). I think these other questions regarding 1996, 1998, 2002 and 2004 (the other years he was found to be eligible to run for office) when he was certified by the Illinois Secretary of State 3 times, the US Secretary of State in 2004 and the DNC and US Secretary of State in 2008 would be interesting to explore, in the interest of uncovering the ENTIRE story, especially since the constitution was not brought into the diaglog until Hillary lost the primaries, was not selected as VP and the reality of Obama's candidacy started to sink in with the republican base.
Furthermore, where the pubs think they are going to end up with this is almost too mind-boggling for even the most imaginative among us to conceive, so I really do wish they would enlighten us on that one.
He attended only 4 years in this Catholic School in Jakarta,
1st to 5th grade, age 7-11 years, from 1968 till 1972.

Can you beat my research?
Just who gave Indonesia the right
to denounce a U.S. citizen's AMERICAN citizenship.  Who cares what Indonesia did.  At the time Obama was a kid for crying out loud and the school or government could put whatever they wanted on whatever they wanted.  This citizenship non-issue gets more absurd with every post about it.
Wrong! Indonesia as a child not Pakistan. nm
Are your geographically challenged. Indonesia is in Asia and...sm
Kenya is in Africa. His father was Kenyan and his stepfather Indonesian, neither of which makes his US citizenship null and void. The ignorance of actual facts is amazing.
Did you forget about the years he spent in Indonesia?

Where he studied the Muslin faith and prayed every day? Or did you conveniently forget that?

Sorry, I'm just getting sick of all this one-sided stuff and it's not just aimed at you.

Obama attended only 4 years a school in Jakarata, Indonesia,
from the 1st to the 4th grade. And this was a Catholic school.
At age 11 his mother brought him back to Honolulu, Hawai, where he attended the most prestigious school.

His biological father and stepfather were Muslims, his mother was Catholic.
Obama was never a practicing Muslim. Among his friends were also Muslim friend.
When he marreid Michelle in 1992, he converted to Christianity.
I think our President is a Christian.