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They don't acknowledge that either

Posted By: chopped liver on 2006-05-15
In Reply to: I don't celebrate Hallmark holidays. If they forget...(nt) - ...your birthday then you should complain.

I know Mother's Day and Father's Day are "manufactured" holidays, but nonetheless they do hold a bit of importance.  What's wrong with having one day that you take the time to let your mom know she's important to you? I'm not the type that expects jewelry from my husband and breakfast in bed. You know they say it's the thought that counts, and my kids don't think about it at all. They are old enough now. They'll be turning 22 and 19 in a couple of months. I babysit my grandson full time so my daughter can work. My son lives at home and I think we have a good relationship.  But days like yesterday, I realize that neither one of them really gives me much thought. I know it's a fake holiday, but since they both work (my son just got paid on Friday), it wouldn't have taken much for them each to pitch in less than $10 and have gotten me a plant or something...anything. How about just a phone call to say Happy Mother's Day...and not followed by "I didn't get you anything, but I can get you a card"....and not pulling a carnation out of your girlfriend's mother's bouquet to bring home.  Do you see what I mean? It's like leaving a penny for a tip.  I'm really feeling today like I have left so little impression on them, that I really must have been a bad mom because neither one of them really feels much of anything for me.

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I think it is enough if you kids at least acknowledge the day - sm
In our family we really only do cards and when I was younger I did make things for my mom. I was teary all weekend too, but not because my family didn't honor me enough (both girls gave me cards they made, and a book mark the one made at school), my husband got me a very nice card and flowers my older daughter picked out. BUT I was PMSing myself, got it on Sunday, and normally I do not get all emotional, etc. but every now and then I do....I think my problem was it was my 2nd mother's day w/o my mom. Last year I did not have any trouble with it but I think that was because it was still new (only 8 months since her death) and with my younger daughter getting diagnosed with cancer and having surgery and chemo, Mother's day just did not register and I did not miss my mom that much since I had so much to deal with at that time. This year though things are better and I had time to dwell which was not good. You need to dwell less believe me, I made everyone miserable this weekend and am just starting to come out of it now. Be thankful your kids are healthy and can at least call you up and give you good wishes. As for the older kids birthdays, etc. just give them cards and nothing else, it might teach them something.
What to do when STM doesn't acknowledge you?

Any suggestions?  I have sent my STM multiple e-mails regarding various things (suggestions on how to improve things, questions regarding policies and procedures, etc.).  She never answers my e-mails.  How do you approach this?  I have been through this before and eventually ended up quitting my job because my STM treated me like crap after bringing up how I felt, so I am coming here in hopes that someone could give me an idea of how to approach this so I don't p*ss off my STM. 


What to do when STM doesn't acknowledge you?

Any suggestions?  I have sent my STM multiple e-mails regarding various things (suggestions on how to improve things, questions regarding policies and procedures, etc.).  She never answers my e-mails.  How do you approach this?  I have been through this before and eventually ended up quitting my job because my STM treated me like crap after bringing up how I felt, so I am coming here in hopes that someone could give me an idea of how to approach this so I don't p*ss off my STM. 


I'm agnostic but I acknowledge that this country was
founded by Christians and that is our culture. If you have a problem with that, there are plenty of other places for you to live.
Yes - I agree - my 2 employers didn't even acknowledge MT week - so this was very nice

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